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Old Wed, Jul-25-12, 21:23
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Rosebud Rosebud is offline
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Plan: Atkins
Stats: 235/135/135 Female 5'4
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Threads from 2009 to 2010

Cardiovascular Disease
Studies Challenge Framingham Risk Score
Latest Study on Vitamin K and Coronary Heart Disease
'Healthy' diet increases heart attack risk
The Coronary Heart Disease Epidemic: Possible Culprits
Large thighs 'may protect heart'
The Lyon Diet-Heart Study: Background
Cornflakes, White Bread Could Boost Heart Risk
High carb diets are bad news for the blood vessels [Dr Briffa]
Does running cause heart disease?
Research; mummies had heart disease
Stroke and Heart Disease Trigger Revealed
Hyperglycemia and heart disease
Low-fat, Mediterranean and low-carb diets 'help heart'
A paleolithic diet is more satiating per calorie than a mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease

For Lower Blood Pressure, Low-Carb Diet May Be Best

Fat-Derived Inflammatory Factor May Explain Diseases That Come With Obesity
Forget cholesterol and statins - it's inflammation (Press)

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics...
Cholesterol and heart attack survival
ASTEROID destroys lipid hypothesis!
Most heart attack patients' cholesterol levels did not indicate cardiac risk
Butter Leads to Lower Blood Fats Than Olive Oil, Study Finds
Bad Cholesterol: Its not what you think
NYTimes: Added Sugars Appear to Affect Cholesterol
High levels of cholesterol better for longevity

Causes of Statin Side Effects
Dr Eades: statinators spill the beans
Statins, Pregnancy, Sepsis, Cancer, Heart Failure: a Critical Analysis
‘Twas The Night Before Statins …
Should Healthy People Take Statins? New Studies Say No
Statins May Only Benefit Patients With Arterial Calcification

- Plant Sterols
Margarine and Phytosterolemia
Ditch the margarine

- Other Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
Popular cholesterol drug may hurt, not help

Saturated Fats
No evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease (it’s official) [Dr Briffa]
Loren Cordain on saturated fat
Benefits of a High Saturated Fat Diet
7 reasons to eat saturated fat
No relationship between saturated fat and heart disease [meta analysis of 21 studies]
Saturated fat and insulin resistance
Dr Briffa: Is eating less saturated fat and more carb good for the heart?
Health Benefits of a Low-Carbohydrate, High-Saturated-Fat Diet
Higher saturated fat intakes found to be associated with a reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease [Dr Briffa]
Think saturated fat contributes to heart disease? Think again
For those worried about Saturated Fat. a 2004 Study
More butter equals less heart disease
Replacing Saturated Fat with Seed Oils (New, better Meta-study)

Corn Oil
The horrors of corn oil (Omega-6)

Fish/Fish Oil/Omega-3s
Fish oil makes you happy: Psychological distress and omega-3 index [Dr Davis]

Omega 6
Bill Lands complete lecture now on YouTube [Balance Omega 3/Omega 6]
Omega 6 Content of Common Foods

Fat Cells
Having a Big Derriere May Be Good for Your Health
Having a big bum, hips and thighs 'is healthy'

- Brown Fat
Energy-burning brown fat created in mice
How sticking your feet in cold water could help you lose weight
Daylight, Brown Fat and Weight Loss
Brown fat cells make 'spare tires' shrink

Don’t be fooled by the study which found lower cancer rates in vegetarians [Dr Briffa]
Antioxidants could give cancer a hand
Scientists Spot How Sugar 'Feeds' Tumors
Cancer risk increases with blood sugar
Blood Sugar and Cancer Risk Link
Cancer as a metabolic disease
NYT: In Cancer Research, a New Target--Tumors' Fuel Line

- Breast Cancer
High insulin levels linked with enhanced breast cancer risk
Eating Meat Does Not Raise Breast Cancer Risk In Older Women
Metabolic Factors May Play A Role In Risk For Breast Cancer
"Glycemic load" of diet tied to breast cancer risk
Meat and dairy are not connected to breast cancer

- Lung Cancer
restrict glucose and live longer?

- Bowel Cancer
Being vegetarian increases risk of colon cancer [Dr Briffa]
Does red meat give you bowel cancer? No, would be the answer!

- Pancreatic Cancer
Sugar and Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer cells slurp up fructose, U.S. study finds

- Stomach Cancer
High blood glucose increases stomach cancer risk

- Brain Tumours
Does the Existing Standard of Care Supply Energy Sources to Brain Tumor Cells?

Low Glycemic Diets Help Diabetics Control Blood Sugar, Review Suggests
Child diabetes blamed on food sweetener [fructose]
Joslin Identifies Source of Beta Cell Damage
Glucose toxicity [Dr Davis]
Why your “normal” blood sugar isn’t normal
Glucose Tolerance in Non-industrial Cultures
To control the risk of infection after surgery, control your blood sugar

- Type 1
Lower Carb vs Higher Carb Diets Type I Diabetics
Can wheat cause diabetes? [Dr Briffa]

- Type 2
Diabetes drugs given 'too soon'
Yet another trial that shows low-carb is better for diabetics
New Alterations Found in Young Adults With Type 2 Diabetes
High starch diets associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes [Dr Briffa]

Pinpointing Role Of Insulin On Glucagon Levels

Mental Health
Schizophrenia, gluten, and low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets: a case report and review of the literature.
What makes you diabetic can also make you schizophrenic
Scientist Shows Link Between Diet and Onset of Mental Illness

- Depression
Depression Linked With Accumulation Of Visceral Fat
High glycaemic load diet associated with increased risk of depressive symptoms [Dr Briffa]
Depression link to processed food

Coeliac Disease
Coeliac bone loss link uncovered- BBC

Liver Function/Disease
Regular Aerobic Exercise Improves Fatty Liver
Fatty liver disease and fats [Dr Eades]
Low-carbohydrate diet burns more excess liver fat than low-calorie diet, UT Southwestern study finds
fatty liver disease

Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder and high/low carb/fat [Dr Eades]

Kidney Function/Disease
Dr Eades on thiamin and kidney function

Thyroid Function/Disease
T3 and rT3 greatly affected by diet...

Dental Health
Reversing Tooth Decay
If A Diet Is Bad For The Teeth It Is Also Bad For The Body
Implications for your teeth

Gout: The Missing Chapter from Good Calories, Bad Calories

Study Says Atkins-Type Diets May Reduce Stress
Study finds low-carb diet leads to improved mental wellbeing compared to low-fat one [Dr Briffa]

Insomnia may alter "hunger hormone"
Insufficient Sleep May Be Linked To Increased Diabetes Risk
Sleep might help dieters shed more fat

Are Your Eyes What You Eat?

Fat may reduce allergic reactions

What if Vitamin D Deficiency is a Cause of Autism?

Dietary Protein
Study finds lower-carb diet better for sating the appetite [Dr Briffa]
Hungry? How About Some Protein-Rich Cotton...
Can higher-protein diets help weight loss maintenance? [Dr Briffa]
Sources of protein even vegans can't quibble over?
Eat protein to heal a damaged brain
Save the planet -- Eat more Beef

- Eggs
Regular eggs 'no harm to health'
Eggs 'should be considered a superfood' say scientists
Eating eggs for breakfast helps reduce calorie consumption throughout the day

- Lab/Kitchen Grown Meat
In vitro meat - Would you eat hamburger from the lab?
Device that grows meat in kitchen wins grand prize
Will In Vitro Meat really replace the real thing?
Burgers From A Lab: The World Of In Vitro Meat

Dietary Fat
New fat is needed to clear old fat from body
Ode magazine: "Fat is where it's at"
More evidence comes to light that fat is not fattening [Dr Briffa]
Fat in diet won't affect weight gain over time
Butter is a wonderful thing
Tropical Plant Fats: Coconut Oil, Part II

- Margarine
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature! (Really!)
Scientist claims margarine manufacturers are misleading us on omega-3 claims [Dr Briffa]

More evidence comes in that demonstrates a calorie is not a calorie [Dr Briffa]

Dairy Food
Children who often drink full-fat milk weigh less

Fruit & Veg
Fruit allergies on the rise in kids
Eating our way to nirvana
Alpha-carotene from veggies linked to longer life

New evidence that dark chocolate helps ease emotional stress
No more feeling tired thanks to chocolate

Wheat Belly Revisited [Dr Davis]
Name that food [Dr Davis]
This is your brain on wheat [Dr Davis]
New “China Study” Links Wheat with Weight Gain

Oats cause iron deficiency?

Not all alcoholic drinks are the same
Archeologists Link Rise of Civilization and Beer's Invention

Consuming Too Much Sugar Shortens Lifespan
Sugar: The bitter truth
U.S. heart group draws hard line on sugar intake

Clues seen to how fructose may promote diabetes
Fructose Metabolism By The Brain Increases Food Intake And Obesity
Glucose Trumps Fructose
Hypothesis: Could Excessive Fructose Intake and Uric Acid Cause Type 2 Diabetes?
Fresh Take on Fructose vs. Glucose
Toxic substance forms in heated High Fructose Corn Syrup
Sugary High Hurts Your Heart
Fructose Causes High Blood Pressure?
Soft drink consumption and obesity: it is all about fructose
High-Fructose Corn Syrup Prompts Considerably More Weight Gain, Researchers Find
Fructose Sugar Makes Maturing Human Fat Cells Fatter, Less Insulin-Sensitive, Study Finds
Excess Fructose May Play Role in Diabetes, Obesity and Other Health Conditions

Sugar Substitutes
New sweetener not so sweet for your diet (Stevia)
Bad news. Sugar subs cause weight gain too

Salt Might Be 'Nature's Antidepressant'
High salt intake linked to strokes and cardiovascular disease

What Can Evolution Teach us About the Human Diet?
Soil Isn’t Just Dirt: A Review of The Vegetarian Myth
Vegetarian Diet Weakens Bones
China Study: Problems of Interpretation
Interview With an Ex-Vegan: Denise Minger

Study: Multivitamins don't lower older women's cancer risk
Low levels of vitamin B12 may increase risk for neural tube defects
Vitamin supplements may block benefits of exercise
"Calcium pills 'increase' risk of heart attack" BBC
Calcium & Body Composition in Older Women

- Vitamin C
vitamin c and the masai
Low Carb and Scurvy

- Vitamin D
Low vitamin D levels linked to metabolic syndrome
Vit D deficiency and obesity
OAPs advised to take vitamin D for better balance
Vitamin D associated with significantly reduced risk of death from stroke [Dr Briffa]
Researchers recommend pregnant women take 4,000 IU vitamin D a day
Sunshine Superstar [Dr Eades]

Fibre may help asthma, diabetes

Glycaemic Index
Is the glycemic index irrelevant? [Dr Davis]
'High GI' carbohydrates increase women's heart risk
Low-GI/GL diets may help reduce risk of disease and death by quelling inflammation
[Dr Briffa]

Anti-obesity Drugs
Patients on anti-obesity drug liraglutide lose a stone in 20 weeks

Why some become fat and others don't
Genes remember sugar hit: Australian research
Fat gene mystery unravelled by scientists
Researchers find gene that turns carbs into fat
Genetic variant near IRS1 is associated with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia
Morbidly obese 'may have missing genes'
How genes influence obesity, senility – and the effects of olive oil
Why genes, not diet, may increase your chances of getting heart disease

Carbohydrates linked with infertility in women [Dr Briffa]
Low-carb Fertility [Dr Davis]
Insulin and fertility

Pregnancy & Infancy
Study links baby insulin resistance to the weight of the mother
Higher fat, rather than high-carb, diet appears to benefit nursing mother and baby [Dr Briffa]
Lower-carb diet found to be better than a lower-fat one in pregnancy [Dr Briffa]

Childhood Obesity
Link between inactivity and obesity queried

Hormones & Enzymes
Disabling enzyme allows mice to gorge without becoming obese, new study finds
Fat enzyme explains why some people don't get flabby
Oestrogen boosts fat stores in woman
Eicosanoids and you!
Insulin Linked to Core Body Temperature

- Leptin
The waning promise of leptin in the obesity fight
Do dietary lectins cause leptin resistance?

The Brain
Researchers Shed Light On Fat Burning

Aging and Dementia/Alzheimer's
Blood Sugar Control Linked to Memory Decline, Study Says
Hypometabolism as a therapeutic target in Alzheimer's disease
High blood sugar, Alzheimer's risk linked
Insulin May Protect Against Alzheimer's
Novel Mechanisms Might Causally Link Type-2 Diabetes To Alzheimer's Disease
Hypoglycemia linked to dementia, says study
Big Waistline - Littler Brain - as you age
Hormone that curbs hunger may guard against Alzheimer's
Coconut oil: Doctor says an oil lessened Alzheimer's effects on her husband
Excess Weight in Older Women Linked to Diminished Memory
Insulin resistance may cause Alzheimer plaques
Vitamin B slows down Alzheimer's Disease
Very low carb diets found to be good for the brain [Dr Briffa]

Overweight septuagenarians live longer: study
Clinical Experience of a Diet Designed to Reduce Aging
Can cutting carbohydrates from your diet make you live longer?
Aging causes decrease in ketogenesis

Insulin Resistance/Sensitivity
Diet & insulin resistance: a review & Asian Indian perspective
Carbohydrate Restriction Reduces Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome
Obesity as Protection Against Metabolic Syndrome, Not Its Cause
High fat bacon and eggs breakfast 'could be healthiest start to the day'

The Calorie Question
If you eat the right foods, you can forget all about counting calories... [Dr Groves]
May the Best Calorie Lose

Abdominal Fat
Four inches of fat on waistline increases risk of heart problems
Even Modest Exercise Can Reduce Negative Effects Of Belly Fat
Why Fat Thighs Are Not as Bad as a Fat Abdomen

Ketones to the Rescue - Fashioning therapies from an adaptation to starvation

Calorie Restriction/Resveratrol/Longevity
Being overweight or obese 'costs you 10 years'
Eat up! Calorie restriction may weaken the immune system

Timing of Eating
The no-food diet
It's not just what you eat, it's when you eat it
Feast or famine

Info from/about Dr Atkins/Atkins Nutritionals
New Atkins book out in March...

Drs Eades
Meat is Cruelty?
Eades: Nutritional Dark Ages
Low-carb gaining a foothold…with the mainstream
Dr Eades: Four patients that changed my life

Dr Briffa
Paleolithic diet again found to bring rapid health-related benefits
Are whole grains good for the heart?

Dr Davis
De Novo Lipo-what?

Dr Barry Groves
Should all animals eat a high fat, low carb diet? Barry Groves article

Weston A Price Articles
Coconut oil: A brief history and the benefits of coconut oil
Guts and Grease: The Diet of Native Americans

Science Journalist Gary Taubes
Beef is "Good Calories"
An interview with Gary Taubes and Ronald Krauss, M.D.
Why We Get Fat: Adiposity 101 and the Alternative Hypothesis of Obesity
Gary Taubes: Calories, fat or carbohydrates? (new blog entry)

How to Read Studies
How to read articles about health and healthcare
Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up

Studies Proving Safety of Low Carb Diets
High-protein low-carb diet an option in obese teens

Studies Proving Efficacy of Low Carb Diets
Low-carb Diet Burns More Excess Liver Fat Than Low-cal Diet, Study Finds
Latest Paleo study
AJCN Study: LC diet beats LF diet - again (mostly)
LC bests LF diet in heart risk study
Long Term Effects of Ketogenic Diet in Obese Subjects with High Cholesterol Level
After-eating effects: Carbs versus fats
relevant studies from Nutrition and Metabolism -- nothing older than 2004

Junk "Studies" (IMO)
Counting calories, not carbs or fat, matters most, study says
Study Finds Eating Red Meat Contributes to Risk of Early Death
Kids who love sugar grow faster
Dieters' dream: Scientists create food that will make you feel full for twice as long
Fatty foods -- not empty stomach -- fire up hunger hormone
'Eco-Atkins' Diet Sheds More Than Pounds
Mutant mice living the dieter's dream
Why Fat Angers the Immune System (New Scientist)
Long-term Effects of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet and a Low-Fat Diet on Mood and Cognitive Function
Coconut Oil May Promote Inflammation
Plant-based or animal-based? [Dr Davis]
More gems from the gym...Walking & Metabolic Syndrome
No significant effect on bone mineral density by high doses of vitamin D3 given to overweight subjects for one year
Animal-based protein diets increase mortality rate

- Junk Studies re Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Eating fat and protein "causes" diabetes ..... (in rats)
Brown Rice Linked to Lower Diabetes Risk

- Junk Studies re Cardiovascular Disease
High-fat Diets Contribute To Heart Disease
Low-Carb Killing Spree Continues
Eat More Fat, Just Make Sure It's The Right Kind
Adding omega-3 fats to margarine didn't make a difference in CHD

- Junk Studies re Cancer
Excessive Dietary Fat Caused 300 Percent Increase in Metastasizing Tumor Cells
Another "study" linking sat. fat to cancer *sigh*
High-Fat Diet During Puberty Linked to Breast Cancer Risk Later in Life

- Junk Studies re Alzheimer's
Saturated fats linked to Alzheimer's
High Protein Diets May Shrink Brain, Boost Risk of Alzheimer's
Diets may determine dementia risk
Fish oil doesn't benefit the brain, study shows

- PCRM/PETA Propoganda
Peta attempts to make fish more adorable
PETA does it again...this will make your day! ()
'Lose the breasts. Go vegetarian'
PETA mouths off again

Shonky Research/Poor Research Reporting
Observational Studies
Do We Really Know What Makes Us Healthy?
Senator Asks Pfizer About Harvard Payments
Modern Diet-Health Epidemiology: a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Part I
Modern Diet-Health Epidemiology: a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? Part II
Mathematically modeling why quackery persists...
Good Math Slices Bad Bologna
Science and Pseudoscience in Adult Nutrition Research and Practice
Medical Editors Push for Crackdown on Ghostwriting
Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies
Medical ghostwriters who build a brand

Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest
Nice warning about 'consensus science'

GIT Bacteria and Viruses
How Intestinal Bacteria May Cause Weight Gain
Modified probiotics may help to fight fat: Study

Physical Activity May Not Be Key To Obesity Epidemic
Exercise not likely to rev up your metabolism
Trying to lose weight? Skip the gym
Cardio/Weight Training Study by Cosgrove and Berardi
Muscle: ‘hard to build, easy to lose’ as you age
Stalled on VLC? Try exercise
Phys Ed: Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead to Weight Loss?
Does Exercise Really Keep Us Healthy?
Phys Ed: How Exercising Keeps Your Cells Young
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin
Exercise Affects Insulin Sensitivity
Long distance runners plagued with heart plaque

Weight Loss Surgery/Procedures
Gastric 'condoms' could help obese avoid surgery
Electrodes in the brain could curb appetite
Bariatric Surgery: Bad To The Bone
Gastric by-pass surgery can cause major health problems
Heightened suicide risk after weight-loss surgery

Eating Throughout History
Human Stone Age diet included processed grains
The Raw Milk Cure
Lucy's kin carved up a meaty meal, scientists say
How Neolithic Milk Drinkers Took Over
Drs. T. L. Cleave and John Yudkin: making sense since 1936

Paleo Info
Paleo Diet Research

Other Diets
What is food combining good for? [Dr Briffa]
The Dukan Diet: French women do get fat . . .

Yo-yo Dieting
Yo-yo dieting increases risk of comfort eating

General Obesity/Weight Loss
Feast or famine: dieters can't win
Findings Show Insulin - Not Genes - Linked to Obesity
Obesity may well include a microbial component...
USDA: No evidence that access to fruit, veg, whole grains, & lowfat milk reduces BMI
Can You Be Overweight and Still Be Healthy?
Estrogen, Soy, The Obesogen Effect and Obesity
Internal Starvation
Study - Eating Fast Associated with Overeating
Stomach Shrinkage

Global Warming
NY Times: The Carnivore’s Dilemma

Are you a carb addict?
Sweet tooth, depression, alcoholism: Linked?

Beyond BMI: Why doctors won't stop using an outdated measure for obesity
Obesity: what a waist

Cooking and human evolution
How to understand risk in 13 clicks
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