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Old Fri, Sep-07-12, 21:31
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Location: Brisbane, Australia

Threads from 2011 to 2012

Carbs Are Killing You: an infograph (Why Eating Fat Doesn't Make You Fat)

Cardiovascular Health/Disease
Alarmingly High Cardiovascular Risk Factors Found in Mediterranean People
Damaged Hearts Pump Better When Fueled With Fats, Study Suggests
Ancient Egyptian Princess Now Known to Be First Person in Human History With Diagnosed Coronary Artery Disease
Review shows advice to reduce/change fat intake does not prevent disease/save lives [Dr Briffa]
"Heart Disease and Molecular Degeneration" by Chris Masterjohn
Low Carb Is Heart Healthy, by Dr William Davis
Diet, not diet drinks, causes heart disease
UC Berkeley research shows stem cells cause hardened arteries

Cerebrovascular Disease
Dr Briffa on Strokes

Blood Pressure Control in Middle Age Can Lower Lifetime Heart Risk

World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out
Trying a New Line of Attack in Heart Disease
Losing Weight On Either LC or LF Diet Lowers Inflammation

‘Bad’ Cholesterol Not As Bad As People Think, Shows Texas A&M Study
Fascinating podcast on cholesterol by Chris Masterjohn
Dr Briffa: We need more actuaries in medicine
Dr Briffa: Huge study finds gaping holes in the cholesterol hypothesis
What is this wacky thing called “weight loss”? [Dr Davis]
Why a ‘raised’ cholesterol level may be a cause for celebration [Dr Briffa]
Questions raised over the role of HDL-cholesterol in cardiovascular disease [Dr Briffa]
Low LDL Cholesterol Is Related to Cancer Risk
Prominent cardiologist reveals some flaws in conventional cholesterol wisdom
Japanese experts question the evidence for the cholesterol hypothesis [Dr Briffa]
Low-carbohydrate diet better than low-fat for cholesterol and triglycerides

Statins WEAKEN heart muscle
Unexpected Benefits of Statin Drugs Found
Medical journal editors brand statins as without known benefit but with definite risk [Dr Briffa]
Statin use linked to more diabetes in women: study
Statins and diabetes [Dr Eades]
Diabetes and Memory Loss warning on Statins
Taking statins cause fatigue
Another industry funded statin study that smacks of bad science and bias [Dr Briffa]
Researcher claims more potent statins should be prescribed with greater caution [Dr Briffa]
Unbiased review concludes that statins do not have overall benefits for healthy people [Dr Briffa]

- Plant Sterols
Dr Briffa questions validity of article on so-called cholesterol-lowering products

Saturated Fats
USDA advice incorrect: Saturated fat not linked to cardiovascular disease
Enjoy Saturated Fats, They’re Good for You!
Saturated fat, carbohydrates and cardiovascular disease
Richard David Feinman on Saturated Fat
Heart disease and stroke are highest in countries with low saturated fat consumption
The Case Against Saturated Fat
Wow...a mind blowing video on saturated fat

Fish/Fish Oil/Omega-3s
A Diet Rich in Fish May Help the Aging Brain
Anthropologists Finds High Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Breast Milk of Amerindian Women
Omega-3s May Not Lower Cardiac Risk
Omega-3 supplements can lengthen telomeres

Omega 6
Too much omega-6 can lead to obesity

Trans fats
Trans Fat Leads To Weight Gain Even On Same Total Calories, Animal Study Shows

Brown/Beige Fat
Scientists turn 'bad fat' into 'good fat'
Brown Fat Found in Thin Children Could be the New Antidote to Obesity: Study
In More Socially Engaging Environment, White Fat Turns to Brown, Mouse Study Suggests
Brown Fat Burns Calories in Adult Humans
Thermostat protein could help burn off the flab
Calorie-burning “Beige Fat” Identified
Why brown fat is 'good' in the fight against obesity

Positron Emission Tomography and the Warburg Effect
Low-Carbohydrate, High-Protein Diets May Reduce Both Tumor Growth Rates and Cancer Risk
Low-carbohydrate diets look good for the prevention and treatment of cancer
Cancer cells poisoned with sugar
Cancer-Fighting Goodness Found in Cholesterol, Study Suggests
Cancer cells and sugar -- or not?
Glucose Deprivation Activates Feedback Loop That Kills Cancer Cells, Study Shows
Obesity Promotes Tumor Growth Regardless of Diet
Targeting insulin inhibition as a metabolic therapy in advanced cancer
Dietary glucose affects the levels of a powerful oncogene in mice

- Breast Cancer
Obesity 'leading driver' of breast cancer
High-carb diet tied to breast cancer risk for some
More dietary evidence for breast cancer
Weight Gain, Metabolic Syndrome, and Breast Cancer Recurrence

- Bowel Cancer
Curry spice used to fight bowel cancer
Starchy, high carbohydrate diet associated with recurrence of colon cancer

- Pancreatic Cancer
Diet high in fish and nuts could cut pancreatic cancer risk
Low Adiponectin Associated With Increased Pancreatic Cancer Risk

- Renal Cancer
UK: Kidney cancers: Major rise 'linked to obesity'

- Brain Tumours
Leptin and its receptor are overexpressed in brain tumors
Combination of ketogenic diet and radiation therapy treats malignant gliomas

Higher overall levels of sugar in bloodstream appears to be good predictor of death
A Protein May Help Treat Obesity, Diabetes
New Hormone for Lowering Blood Sugar
Ketogenic Diet proves Great for Diabetes and complications
Dire diabetes outlook among US kids and adolescents: Type 1 and type 2 on the rise
High blood sugar 'speeds up ageing'
Diabetes and stress: A central molecule is uncovered

- Type 1
Low carbohydrate diet in type 1 diabetes, long-term improvement and adherence: A clinical audit

- Type 2
Amyloid could "directly poison" pancreas cells
Obesity-Linked Diabetes in Children Resists Treatment
High Fat and Low Carb Diet Better for Diabetes Type-2
Normal-weight Type 2 diabetes patients more likely to die than the obese
The Bypass Cure

Mental Health
Primal mind: Diet and mental health, by Nora Gedgaudas
New case study of ketogenic diet for bipolar II

- Depression
Could Soda and Sugar Be Causing Your Depression?

Can A Multivitamin Help Treat ADHD?

Reverse Engineering Epilepsy's 'Miracle' Diet

Coeliac Disease/Gluten Sensitivity
Neurologic and Psychiatric Manifestations of Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity
The skin and gluten
Coffee and Gluten Sensitivity - Surprising News
Overactive Bladder? Maybe blame gluten
How Common is Gluten Sensitivity?
The Celiac Iceberg
Wheat for people allergic to gluten: Possible?

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Obesity Epidemic Fueling Rise in Rheumatoid Arthritis Among Women

Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Terry Wahls gives a talk on how a Paleo diet cured her MS

Liver Function/Disease
Dr Briffa on LC and Fatty Liver
Molecules Work the Day Shift to Protect the Liver from Accumulating Fat
Limiting Carbs, Not Calories, Reduces Liver Fat Faster, Researchers Find
The growing culprit behind liver disease
Breakthrough in Regulating Fat Metabolism

Gallbladder Disease
Gallstones and Low Carb

Kidney Function/Disease
Wait... I thought it would make my kidneez asplode!
High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet Safe for Kidneys

Gastric Bacterium Helicobacter Pylori Protects Against Asthma
“Soft drinks could cause asthma”, South Australian research team

Thyroid Function/Disease
Chris Masterjohn on thyroid and heart disease
Low-Carb Diets and Hypothyroidism

GIT Function/Disease
Low-Calorie Diet May Be Harmful for Bowel Disease Patients
When Everyday Foods Are Hard to Digest
A Gut Check for Many Ailments
The second brain in our stomachs
Dr Briffa: Dietary ‘excitotoxins’ linked with fibromyalgia and IBS

Dental Health
How to eliminate tooth decay
Coconut oil could combat tooth decay

Dr Briffa: Got acne? Go primal

Eating Disorders
Anorexia may be more metabolic than mental, scientist argues

Working 11-hour days increases your risk of heart disease by over 50%
Scientists Highlight Link Between Stress and Appetite

Less or more sleep can age your brain
'Sleep diet' may be the best way to slim says research
Sleepy brains drawn to junk food
Good night's sleep can help you diet
Even Your Fat Cells Need Sleep

Ocular Health
Aspirin increases risk of macular degeneration

Lower carb diet trumps higher carb one in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome [Dr Briffa]

Dr Briffa: Magnesium for migraine?
Migraines More Likely for People With Gluten Problems

Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet May Help Some Children With Autism, Research Suggests
Obesity and diabetes link to child disorders

Dietary Protein
Grass fed vs Grain Fed
Eating Protein Preserves Muscle, Physical Function in Dieting Postmenopausal Women
An interview with Joel Salatin
Tip your protein balance to curb hunger pangs
How Much Protein Helps With Weight Loss?
70 Percent of Ground Beef at Supermarkets Contains ‘Pink Slime’
Low-carb protein diet causes muscles to grow without training

- Eggs
Eggs Have Lower Cholesterol and More Vitamin D Than Previously Thought
Egg producers fund study confirming the health benefits of eggs
Eating Whole Eggs Can Improve Blood Lipids

- Lab/Kitchen Grown Meat
Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces
Would you eat a burger grown in a laboratory?

- Gluten
Clues to Gluten Sensitivity

Dietary Fat
Receptor for Tasting Fat Identified in Humans
Study: No-Fat, Low-Fat Dressings Don't Get Most Nutrients out of Salads

- Margarine
Margarine additive linked with Alzheimer’s disease

- Fake Fats
Fat substitutes linked to weight gain

Nuts Make A Healthy Snack For Diabetics Concerned With Weight Gain
Eating almonds could aid dieting

Dairy Food
Dairy's influence on insulin [Dr Davis]
Dairy attentuates oxidative and inflammatory stress in metabolic syndrome
Foods Rich in Protein, Dairy Products Help Dieters Preserve Muscle and Lose Belly Fat

- Yoghurt
Yogurt that might stop a heart attack
Yogurt Makes Mice Slimmer, Sexier

- Cheese
Cheese 'could reduce diabetes risk'
The secret to why the French live longer - Roquefort cheese

Fruit & Veg
Tomatoes good for the heart
Study examines health benefits of older varieties of fruit
Genetic Discovery Could Make More Tomatoes Taste Like Heirlooms

Diet Food: Red Hot Chili Peppers May Help You Eat Less
Spicy Food May Boost Metabolism
Black Pepper May Help Fight Fat

Green Tea
Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green coffee beans show potential for losing weight

Are Traditionally Prepared Grains Healthy? Mark Sisson
The Grain Foods Foundation fights back! [Dr Davis]
Modern Bread, The Broken Staff Of Life

- Wheat
Dreamfields pasta
Should anyone eat wheat?
A wheat farmer weighs in on Wheat Belly [Dr Davis]
Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat
Wheat: Opiate of the masses [Dr Davis]
Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says [Dr Davis]
Bread – the staff of life or the stuff of nightmares? [Dr Briffa]
What Wheat Does to Everyone [Dr Davis]
Bariatric surgeon: "Half my patients just need to cut out wheat"

Organic Farming
Study debunks myths on organic farms

Advice to drink more water dismissed as harmful nonsense

Nightly Glass of Wine May Protect Boomer Women's Bones

Most Cow Cheeses in USA/Britain contain GMO Soy
Is the soya bean really a wonder-food?

Coping with MSG

More From Taubes: Is Sugar Toxic?
Eating too much sugar can increase heart disease risk factors, study finds
How to Dump Sugar for Good
Dr Briffa: Is now the time to target sweet foodstuffs in your diet?
Studies more firmly tie sugary drinks to obesity
Taubes - Big Sugar's Sweet Little Lies

Dietary fructose and risk of metabolic syndrome in adults
Fructose, high fructose corn syrup increased risk factors for CVD
Research Offers Insight to How Fructose Causes Obesity and Other Illness
This Is Your Brain On Sugar: Study Shows High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory
Diabetes and Sweetener Link Scrutinized

Sugar Substitutes
Can we stop calling them artificial sweeteners?
Choosing a Sugar Substitute
Should I Be Afraid Of Low-Calorie Sugar Substitutes? [Gary Taubes]
The sweet solution?

Salt is good for you, so be sure you don't eat it!
To Salt or Not To Salt?

Vegetarians and Heart Disease (new Denise Minger post)
Dr Briffa: Question marks raised over the vegetarian diet
Increased Heart Risk In Vegans' Requires Omega-3s And B12
review by Zoe Harcombe of 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith
A fascinating interview with Lierre Keith!!
Side effects of becoming vegetarian. Thinking of going Vegetarian? check this out

New Evidence of Synergy Between Vitamins A and D: Protection Against Autoimmune Diseases
Book Review – Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox
5 supplements we all must take
Calcium Supplements Linked to Significantly Increased Heart Attack Risk, Study Suggests
Dr Briffa: Selenium may be vital to your diet

- Vitamin D
Pre-diabetes and vitamin D
Got insulin resistance? Vitamin d supplements can help
Taking vitamin D may assist fat loss and reduce risk of chronic disease [Dr Briffa]
UK: Sunshine and vitamin D: why cloudy skies are bad for our health
Vitamin D could matter in older women's weight gain

- Magnesium
Oral magnesium supplementation reduces insulin resistance in non-diabetic subjects
Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill

Nitrate Improves Mitochondrial Function
The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

Anti-obesity Drugs
First diet pill that doesn’t make you ill
Would you have the obesity jab?
Fat busters: Are diet pills an impossible dream?
'Flab jab' could provide obesity breakthrough
FDA-approved diet drug Qsymia now available with prescription
'Curing' super-sized mice

Thrifty Genes: The life and death of a seductive theory
"Lean gene" ups risk of heart disease and diabetes
Underweight? You may have skinny genes
Eating your greens alters your genes
Thin parents pass on 'skinny genes' to children
Scientists Uncover New Role for Gene in Maintaining Steady Weight
Study reveals how Bdnf gene mutation contributes to severe obesity
Genetic Adaptation of Fat Metabolism Key to Development of Human Brain
Scientists Study Gene That Converts Carbs Into Fat

Pregnancy & Infancy
Why a steak for pregnant mothers could stop babies crying
High Carb Intake Raises Gallbladder Disease Risk for Pregnant Women
Ketones fuel fetal development
Study links womb environment to childhood obesity
Obese women more likely to become pregnant if they lose weight: research
Weight management 'benefits' for mother and baby
Hey baby, will that be medium or well-done? Iron-rich meat recommended after 6 months

Childhood Obesity
Genes Identified in Common Childhood Obesity

Molecular Mechanisms
Molecular Pair Controls Time-Keeping and Fat Metabolism
Sugar Production Switch in Liver May Offer Target for New Diabetes Therapies
Genetic Regulator of Fat Metabolism and Muscle Fitness Discovered
How Cellular Pathways Converge to Regulate Food Intake and Body Weight
Groundbreaking Discovery of Mechanism That Controls Obesity, Atherosclerosis
Key to Burning Fat Faster Discovered
Pint-Size Molecules Show Promise Against Obesity
Study reveals body's food clock on a molecular level

Hormones & Enzymes
Switching To Fresh Foods Cuts Hormone Disruptors BPA And DEHP
Exercise Hormone May Fight Obesity and Diabetes
Testosterone supplements may help male weight loss
Hormone 'Ratio' May Show Which Dieters Will Keep Weight Off
Manipulating Hormone Receptors May Help in the Fight Against Obesity
Brain-Gut Hormone - New Clue to Predict Diseases in Women?
Hormone Mixture Successful In Treating Obesity In Mice
Obesity Reversed in Mice by Manipulating Production of an Enzyme

- Leptin
Prevention and reversal of diet-induced leptin resistance with a sugar-free diet despite high fat content
Modulation of Inhibitory Output Is Key Function of Antiobesity Hormone
Dr Briffa: If you lose weight, better make sure your leptin is functioning properly
How men can lose the paunch forever [Dr Briffa]
Dr Rosedale on leptin
New Drug to Tackle Body Fat Problems

- Ghrelin
A bitter pill to combat obesity?
Low Ghrelin: Reducing Appetite at the Cost of Increased Stress?

The Brain
Treating Obesity Via Brain Glucose Sensing
It’s All In The Brain: Unlocking The Secrets Of Overeating With Neuroscience
Loss of Appetite Deciphered in Brain Cell Circuit
Brains of people with anorexia and obesity are wired differently
Heightened Sensitivity to Cheap, High-Calorie Food Is Linked With Obesity
New Brain Target for Appetite Control Identified

Contrary to Earlier Findings, Excess Body Fat in Elderly Decreases Life Expectancy
Healthy obese people may live as long as their slimmer counterparts
Obesity harms 'later brain skill'
Obesity in the Elderly - Function Trumps Form?
Fit Versus Fat: Which Matters More for Longevity?
Olive Oil Extends Rat Lifespan
How 'ketogenic diet' increases longevity

Nutrition and Alzheimer's disease: The detrimental role of a high carbohydrate diet
Alzheimer's: Diet 'can stop brain shrinking'
Brain Insulin Resistance Contributes to Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease
Eating Lots of Carbs, Sugar May Raise Risk of Cognitive Impairment

Calorie Restriction/Resveratrol
Mouse Study Turns Fat-Loss/longevity Link on Its Head
Resveratrol shows results similar to calorie restriction
Strict diet could save brain from aging: study
Severe Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys

Chips, crisps and biscuits... why every mother-to-be should steer clear

Fat Tax
Diet Dictocrat Alert: Hungary Adopt a Saturated Fat, Salt & Sugar TAX
Bad news for LCHF Danes!
What the world can learn from Denmark’s failed fat tax

Insulin Resistance/Sensitivity
Insulin Action on Brain's Reward Circuitry Linked to Obesity
Sitting Causes Insulin Resistance
Increased Muscle Mass May Lower Risk of Pre-Diabetes: Study Shows Building Muscle Can Lower Person's Risk of Insulin Resistance
WHS: Does high circulating insulin drive bodyfat accumulation?
Protein May Play Role in Obesity, Diabetes, Aging
Insulin and Obesity: Another Nail in the Coffin
Obesity and metabolic syndrome associated with impaired brain function in adolescents
Metabolic Syndrome and Health – Does Healthy Obesity Exist?
It's the Insulin, Stupid

The Calorie Question
A Calorie Just a Calorie? No Way
The very squishy science of counting calories

Abdominal Fat
Good on the hips, bad on the waist - the truth about fat
Trans Fatty Acids induce abdominal obesity (monkeys)
Belly fat not so bad after all

Your Brain On Ketones
I'll have a bottle of ketones please - Could this elixir hold the key to weight loss?

Polyphenols, Hormesis, and Disease

Info from/about Dr Atkins/Atkins Nutritionals
The Atkins diet, updated
Atkins Nutritionals & Celebrity Chef Launch "The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook"

Professor Richard Feinman
Metabolic advantage, “a calorie is a calorie,” and why the First Law of Thermodynamics does not apply
Latest in Paleo - Interview with Dr. Feinman
A Mediterranean Interlude
Crimson Slime – Making Americans Afraid of Meat
Suddenly last summer. The triumph of carbohydrate restriction.
Richard David Feinman - Hunger. What it is and what you can do about it

Dr Mary Vernon
Low carb explained..another great video

Drs Eades
Dr Eades: How to start (or restart) an LC diet
Dr. Eades:Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part III
Dr Eades reviews Volek and Phinney's book
New Eades post - AMPK
Dr Eades: Are Carbs Really Fattening?

Dr Briffa
New Dr Briffa book: Escape the Diet Trap
Briffa -Artificial sweeteners boost weight gain in animals

Dr Davis
Low Carb Cruise (Dr. Davis)
Wheat = human bait
Anybody know a Neolithic dentist?

Dr Westman
'Irresponsible' doctor declares: 'Fat is your friend'

Weston A Price Information
Understanding Weston Price on Primitive Wisdom — Ancient Doesn’t Cut It
New FREE video of Sally Fallon Morell

Science Journalist Gary Taubes
Why We Get Fat: A Book Review
Interview with Gary Taubes
It's Not About the Calories
Eades on Taubes' "Why we get fat"
Mercola interviews Taubes
New Taubes blog post
Gary Taubes: Catching Up On Lost Time, Part 2
New Gary Taubes Interview
The Only Logical Way to End the Obesity Epidemic (new Taubes article in Daily Beast))
Why the Campaign to Stop America's Obesity Crisis Keeps Failing (Taubes)
Interview with Gary Taubes "Why We Get Fat"
The Taubes Archives
NuSI: Nutrition Science Initiative
Taubes "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit
The fat and the fiction
Why We Get Fat: Diet Trends and Food Policy

Tom Naughton
Science for smart people

Denise Minger
Denise Minger: The Truth About Ancel Keys

Dr Lustig
Beyond gluttony and sloth
The Skinny on Obesity
Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin and Robert Lustig
Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease

Dr Bill Lands
Bill Lands, on excess Polyunsaturates and health

Conferences/2012 Low carb cruise
Low Carb Experts on YouTube
Metabolism, Diet & Disease Conference
Tom Naughton at Research Integrity Conference

How to Read Studies
How to read a news article on health/medicine

Studies Proving Safety of Low Carb Diets
Eating Fat, Staying Lean
The Claim: A Diet High in Protein Is Bad for Your Kidneys
Low-carb, high-fat diets add no arterial health risks to obese
Dr Briffa: Higher protein diets proven better for a range of health measures
Low-carb diet gets more support from new analysis

Studies Proving Efficacy of Low Carb Diets
Spanish Ketogenic Diet Reverses Metabolic Syndrome
Yet another study shows the superiority of lower-carb eating over low-fat
Low-carb diet burns the most calories in small study
More Evidence for Low Carb Diets

Junk "Studies" (IMO)
Dangers of Plaque & Gingivitis to Your Health
Make-up/shampoo makes us fat
Study: Hormones May Make It Hard for Dieters to Keep the Weight Off
Low intelligence causes obesity? ( )
Death By Bacon [and red meat]?
Fatty Diets May Be Associated With Reduced Semen Quality
Harvard Researchers Unveil New Healthy Eating Plate
Healthy Women Advised Not to Take Calcium and Vitamin D to Prevent Fractures
Don't count calories, it'll just make you FATTER! Which foods really make us fat?
Giving up fatty foods could send dieters on a downward spiral

- Junk Studies re Diabetes
Obesity and Diabetes Are a Downside of Human Evolution, Research Suggests
saturated fat => diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes in newly diagnosed 'can be reversed'
Red Meat, Bacon, Hot Dogs May Increase Risk for Type 2 Diabetes
Scientists reveal mechanism behind high-fat, diabetes link
Poor Diet During Pregnancy Predisposes Baby To Diabetes

- Junk Studies re Cardio/cerebrovascular Disease
Death Rate Drops With Each Added Fruit and Veggie Serving
High-fat, low carb diet is detrimental to heart and brain in healthy subjects?
New Evidence for an Apple a Day
A Recipe for Brain Injury
High-Fat, Low-Carb Diets Not for Obese People at Risk of Heart Attack
Atkins diet may be bad for the heart, say Swedish doctors
Low-carb diets raising cholesterol in Finland
Fear of heart attacks in women on Atkins
Heart campaigns a 'waste of money'
No yolk: eating the whole egg as dangerous as smoking?
9 meals a day lower cholesterol and help lose weight
UK report claims heart disease lowest since 1952 - thanks to statins

- Junk Studies re Cancer
New studies explain how cancer cells 'eat us alive'
High Protein Diet & Colon Cancer
High intake of Omega-3s --> increased risk of prostate cancer
Cut red meat intake and don't eat ham, say cancer researchers
High-fiber diet may help thwart colon cancer
Pancreatic cancer risk increases with every 2 strips of bacon you eat

- Junk Studies re Aging and Alzheimer's/Dementia
Diet Affects Markers of Alzheimer's Disease
Older Adults With Too Much Salt in Diet at Greater Risk of Cognitive Decline
Some Fats May Harm the Brain More
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Longevity, Surprising Study Shows

- Junk Studies re Exercise
The Fountain of Youth is really a treadmill
Top 10 Reasons Exercise Is Bad For You

- PCRM/PETA Propoganda
Good job building that credibility PETA
Milton Mills: Whats Wrong with the Paleo Diet?
PETA makes the news again

Shonky Research/Poor Research Reporting
Diet soda study goes flat
Example of a terrible diet study
Countdown to a Food Coma
One reason why mice studies don't work...
Dr Briffa: Note to medical journalists: correlation does not prove causation
Obese Brain May Thwart Weight Loss
It's news, but is it true? How scientific research makes the news .. or not.
Skip your breakfast today? Here are the consequences ...
Diabetes Study Ends Early With a Surprising Result
Can One Drive-Through Breakfast Be That Bad?

Just Plain Scary
Pesticides Are Good for You
Kellogg’s found guilty of misleading us about sugar, but this is just the tip of the iceberg
Skinny genes – how GM food may help you stave off obesity
TIME: FDA Panel Backs Approval of Weight-Loss Drug Lorcaserin
UK: All over 50s should be taking statins

Too Ridiculous for Words
Risk of SHC with Ketosis ?
How Carbs Make You Thin...For Life
Using Feeding Tubes to Rapidly Shed Pounds?
Ursolic Acid Increases Skeletal Muscle, Brown Fat & Decreases Diet-Induced Obesity
First weight loss fragrance hits UK
Is sugar really that bad for you?
Scare yourself thin: horror movies help burn calories, study finds
Genetically Engineered Tomatoes Decrease Plaque Build-Up in Mice

Conflict of Interest
Dr Briffa: Conflicts of interest rife in diabetes and cholesterol guidelines

GIT Bacteria and Viruses
Microbes in Our Gut Regulate Genes That Control Obesity and Inflammation
What's Your Gut Type?
Antibiotics that reduce gut bacteria linked to obesity
The rainforest in your gut: A brief tour through your intestinal biome
'Cure for obesity' may not be for the squeamish
Antibiotics may make you fat
Babies are born dirty, with a gutful of bacteria
Gut Bacteria Linked to Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Identified
Low carbohydrate diet can reduce the calories you absorb from food, says study
Gut Bacteria Could Play Key Role in Development of Type 2 Diabetes

Mark Sisson on Exercise and Inflammation
Exercise instantly boosts fat-busting genes
Does Exercise Make You Overeat?
How Exercise Could Lead to a Better Brain
Exercise can suppress metabolism
Ketogenic Diet Does Not Affect Strength Performance in Elite Artistic Gymnasts
For Weight Loss, Less Exercise May Be More
Dr Briffa: for optimal fat loss, the best thing to eat before exercise is nothing

Weight Loss Surgery/Procedures
Fat removed by liposuction returns after a year, study finds
Study: Weight-Loss Surgery Doesn't Help Older, Sicker Patients Live Longer
Bariatric Surgery May Help Patients’ Families, Too
Bariatric Surgery Risks Rise as Renal Function Declines
Gastric bypass death brings focus on risks
Addiction a Risk After Weight Loss Surgery

Eating/Dieting Throughout History
Prehistoric BBQ
Dr Briffa: It looks like our ancient ancestors ate a low-carb diet
Fish and birds gave Neanderthals fine dining
A history of diet obsession: Why fixating on fatness is a recipe for misery
Anemic neolithic farmers in Greece
Ash traces hint at cave cuisine 1 million years ago
Dieting: a pot-bellied history
Early Meat Eating Human Ancestors Thrived While Vegetarian Homonims Died Out
How long have humans been eating meat?
Prehistoric 'Kennewick Man' Was All Beefcake
Invention of cooking made having a bigger brain an asset for humans
Square Meal Myth: Have people always eaten three times a day?

Paleo Info
Back to the Stone Age!
From the Caveman Diet to the caveman workout
Debunking the Hunter-Gatherer Workout

Intermittent Fasting
Study Confirms Heart Benefits of Routine Periodic Fasting
Why fasting is the new way to lose weight (and live longer)
When You Eat Matters, Not Just What You Eat

Other Diets
The revised Archevore diet
The Karatay Diet, Turkey's Answer to Low Carb
Limiting Carbs to Dinner-Time Increases Satiety, Reduces Risk for Diabetes

Increased Bodyweight After Stopping Smoking May Be Due to Changes in Insulin Secretion

Yo-yo Dieting
'Yo-Yo' Effect of Slimming Diets Explained
Yo-Yo Dieting Vs. Obesity? Dieters May Be Healthier, Live Longer, Mouse Study Suggests
Regained weight found to be ‘fatter’ than weight originally lost [Dr Briffa]
Yo-Yo Dieting Does Not Thwart Weight Loss Efforts or Alter Metabolism Long Term

General Obesity/Weight Loss
How the war on obesity went pear-shaped
Goodbye Food Pyramid, Hello Dinner Plate
Still Counting Calories? Your Weight-Loss Plan May Be Outdated
Could a Tumor Suppressor Also Fight Obesity?
Nervous System May Hold Key to Weight Loss
Potential Method to Control Obesity: by blocking fat cell formation
Obesity a sentence to early death? Not so fast, says new study
Online Obesity Treatment Programmes Show Promise
In ‘Obesity Paradox,’ Thinner May Mean Sicker
Immune Cells Could Protect Against Obesity
Can Obesity Hit A Point Of No Return? Researchers Say Yes
Obesity kills more than hunger in march of ‘progress’

Muscle-based Thermogenesis
Muscles that do nothing can keep you warm and thin

Food Reward
Whole Health Source: Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity
Dr Briffa: Enjoy your food (but not too much)
Pleasure Eating Triggers Body's Reward System and May Stimulate Overeating

Study Identifies Neural Activity Linked to Food Addiction

Obesity expert: A better fat measure than BMI
'Forget BMI, just measure your waist and height' say scientists

Evidence for Gluconeogenesis from Fatty Acids in Humans
How to Experiment on Yourself
Commoditization Eliminates Nutrition, Impoverishes Farmers, and Destroys The Earth
"Certified Organic" becoming a meaningless term
You Are What You Eat? Not Really!
Gut instincts: The secrets of your second brain
Atherosclerosis Drops from 77% to 8.5% Among Soldiers
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