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Old Fri, Jun-12-15, 22:00
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Threads from 2015 to 2018

Ravnskov's The Cholesterol Myths available online

Cardiovascular Health/Disease
Effects of intensive lipid-lowering therapy on coronary plaques composition in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Assessment with serial coronary CT angiography
Can a Low-Carb Diet Help Prevent a Heart Attack?
New Study: High Fat = Lower CVD
President of World Heart Organization speech on CVD
MI & Stroke Before and After the Trans-Fat Restrictions in New York

Association of Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion with Blood Pressure
Potato consumption associated with increased risk of high blood pressure

Anti-inflammatory mechanism of dieting and fasting revealed
Quelling Inflammation with Ketosis
MI & Stroke Before and After the Trans-Fat Restrictions in New York
Protein regulates vitamin A metabolic pathways, prevents inflammation

Hats off to the Japanese (Raised cholesterol is good for you)
Malcolm Kendrick on cholesterol
David Diamond- Demonization and Deception in Cholesterol Research
LDL-C Does Not Cause Cardiovascular Disease: a comprehensive review

Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms
Statins may boost diabetes risk
Statins: Heart disease drug speeds up ageing process, warns new research
Could our overuse of statins be the biggest health catastrophe of a generation?

Saturated Fats
Saturated fat diet advice not backed by evidence
Decades-Old Study, Rediscovered, Challenges Advice on Saturated Fat
Saturated fat could be good for you, study suggests
Dr. Salim Yusuf and the PURE study: Saturated fat isn't bad for you
Saturated Fat Does Not Clog your Arteries

Canola Oil
Effect of canola oil consumption on memory, synapse and neuropathology in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Soybean oil
Study: Soy Oil Promotes Obesity and Liver Damage

Omega 6
Openheart/BMJ: Omega-6 vegetable oils as a driver of coronary heart disease

Trans fats
Fred A. Kummerow, an Early Opponent of Trans Fats, Dies at 102

Fighting Cancer By Putting Tumor Cells On A Diet
Cancer link offers another reason to avoid highly processed carbs
Keto for Cancer - Miriam Kalamian, EdM, MS, CNS
Comment on Review of Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

- Lung Cancer
New Study links white carbs with lung cancer
Lung Cancer Has A Sweet Tooth

- Bowel Cancer
Clinical effects of one year of chemo and keto w/MCT on stage 4 colon cancer

- Brain Tumours
Healing Brain Cancer with a Zero Carb Ketogenic Diet by Andrew Scarborough
Scientists studying effect of ketogenic diet on brain cancer

- Skin Cancer
Melanoma mutation likes fat for fuel

A New Biology for Diabetes
kraft-father of the insulin assay
prediabetes phenotypes
Sickly sweet: How diabetes conquered the world
The dietary advice that caused a diabetes catastrophe

- Type 2
Yale team discovers how insulin inhibits liver glucose production
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts with Ignoring the Guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDx
Retrospective Analysis of Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes with American Diabetes
There's New Evidence That Sugar Calories Are Much Worse Than Other Calories
Low carb diet ‘should be first line of approach to tackle type 2 diabetes’

Mental Health
High-fat low-carb diet may help to treat schizophrenia

- Depression
Poor mitochondrial function and depression?

(Exogenous) Ketone Bodies Mediate Antiseizure Effects

Coeliac Disease/Gluten Sensitivity
Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity Proven True
Study finds non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not imagined

Sleep Deprivation and Obesity

Liver Function/Disease
Liver may sway sweet tooth, alcohol consumption

Multiple Sclerosis
keto vs. inflammatory enzymes in MS

Ocular Health
Age-Releated Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Dietary Fat
Dietary fat and blood lipids on a ketogenic diet
How Much Fat Should You Eat on a Ketogenic Diet?

Dairy Food

- Cheese
Say cheese: 6 reasons why brie and cheddar are good for you
Full-fat cheese can CUT your cholesterol

Water myths that refuse to die...

Wheat: New Post at IDM
New study links protein in wheat to the inflammation of chronic health conditions

Feeding Into Our Sugar Addiction
Sugar now an investment risk: AMP

New Discovery About Fructose Could Lead To Treatments
Diets Heavy In Fructose Damage Genes Related To Memory And Metabolism

More suspicion about the anti-salt messages
High salt in high-fat diet found to prevent weight gain in mice
Tuit Nutrition: The Salt Fix
The science of salt and electrolytes (are we consuming enough?)
Salt not as damaging to health as previously thought, says study

Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease
Dark Truths Behind Veganism & Vegetarianism
Being vegan isn’t as good for humanity as you think

Vitamin D
Vitamin D Deficiency May Raise Your Diabetes Risk More Than Obesity

Glycaemic Index
High variability suggests glycemic index is unreliable indicator of blood sugar response

Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity improves rapidly with sugar reduction, study finds

More Genetic links to obesity

Hormones & Enzymes
Newly discovered hormone, stress hormones and obesity

- Leptin
Digested wheat gluten inhibits binding between leptin and its receptor
Obesity research finds leptin hormone isn't the overeating culprit
Leptin gene therapy

The Brain
How brain-healthy is YOUR diet?
How Ketogenic Diets Curb Inflammation in the Brain

Live younger longer: why everything you know about ageing could be wrong

Memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s reversed for first time
Could high blood sugar be a cause of Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer’s thought to be accelerated by an abnormal build-up of fat in brain
Midlife Obesity and Alzheimer's Disease
Ultrasound as Alzheimer’s Treatment
Dr Perlmutter Interview about Alzheimers and Hyperinsulinemia
Alzheimer's could be caused by excess sugar: new study finds 'molecular link'
Dr. Dale Bredesen on Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer's Disease

Ketosis & Fat Adapted Blog
Ketone bodies mimic the life span extending properties of caloric restriction
What is Ketosis?

Amy Berger
Amy Berger finally takes on Protein

Dr Richard Bernstein
Dr. Bernstein series on YouTube

Drs Eades
Dr Eades critiques Dr Ornish's anti-'high-protein' editorial
Will the new Dietary Guidelines make us even fatter?
Dr. Michael Eades - 'A New Hypothesis of Obesity'
The Importance of Protein-- Dr Michael Eades

Dr Georgia Ede
Dr. Ede: Has Fructose Been Framed?
Georgia Ede - Changes to Dietary Guidelines Needed to Preserve Our Sanity
Latest Low-Carb Study: All Politics, No Science - Georgia Ede MD

Dr Sarah Hallberg
Doctor says low carb diets could help diabetes, plans clinical trial

Zoë Harcombe
analysis of the Seven Country Study by Dr Zoe Harcombe

Marty Kendall
Great new Marty Kendall article

Dr Lustig
The sugar conspiracy

Dr Aseem Malhotra
Dr Aseem Malhotra's Talk to European Parliament

Denise Minger
Denise Minger's Review and Critique of Proteinaholic

Professor Timothy Noakes
Tim Noakes: ‘Why I won’t practise medicine of failure’

Dr Steve Phinney
Steve Phinney Q&A - Interesting Read!

Dr Cate Shanahan
What Every Doctor Should Know About Ancel Key’s Experiments
How statistic lie: drug edition

Gary Taubes
"Newer" Taubes video
Diet Advice That Ignores Hunger, By Gary Taubes
Taubes: Big Sugar’s Secret Ally? Nutritionists
FAT: new article by Taubes in Globe & Mail
New Gary Taubes article

Nina Teicholz
Nina Teicholz BMJ Article on the Dietary Guidlines
Carbs, Good for You? Fat Chance!

Low Carb conference in Capetown
Public Health Collaboration UK

Studies Proving Efficacy of Low Carb Diets
Comparison of Low- Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets
New study proves that low carb is better for weight loss and health than low fat diet
Low-fat lie one big diet cover-up: Dr Joe Kosterich

Junk "Studies" (IMO)
News article on media reports on nutrition research [/url

- Junk Studies re Cardio/cerebrovascular Disease
[url=] red meat now causes heart disease too

- Junk Studies re Cancer
Bacon, ham and sausages 'as big a cancer threat as smoking', WHO to warn

- Junk Studies re Exercise
Carbs for endurance?

Shonky Research/Poor Research Reporting
Reporting Bias: No Love for Real Low-Carb Research
Salt Intake Directly Linked to Obesity - CASH Study
Paleo diet touted as better for diabetics can cause rapid weight gain, research finds

Too Ridiculous for Words
Why Almost Everything Dean Ornish Says about Nutrition Is Wrong
High-protein diets may backfire in the long run
High fat diets change taste buds, leading to overeating: research

Conflict of Interest
Behind the Veil: Conflicts of Interest and Fraud in Medical Research

GIT Bacteria and Viruses
How Our Gut Bacteria Control Weight (video)
How depleting the gut microbiota protects from obesity
The Gut Microbiota
Which foods can improve your gut bacteria?

Volek-Phinney endurance study
Running a marathon is as traumatic for your body as having heart surgery

Intermittent Fasting/Timing of Meals
Why you should stop eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
Mark Mattson: IF, Health & Brain Power
Fasting Diets are Gaining Acceptance
Give breakfast a miss if you want to lose weight
"What if you stopped eating?" video
Resetting the Circadian Clock Might Boost Metabolic Health
Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEG
Late breakfast and early dinner helps to fight flab
Daily Fasting Improves Health and Survival in Male Mice Independent of Diet Composition and Calories

Other Diets
The Pioppi Diet: a 21 day lifestyle plan

General Obesity/Weight Loss
"You can't outrun a bad diet"
Obesity Research

Global Warming
The great nutrient collapse

Sure, sure: Study called ‘nail in the coffin for BMI’

Probiotics actually harmful?
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