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SunnyDinCA Sat, Apr-26-14 12:29

How do you figure out your Deficit?
First post ( YAY )

Im curious to others thoughts on excersize and the "calorie" deficit. Im getting frustrated as I have been trying for the past 2 weeks to do at least 3 hours of various activities throughout my day and that ball and chain (scale) will not budge out of the 220's. I have purchased great tools to help me along on my journey. This isn't my first time around the block and am fully aware of being over 40 blows, being "hypo" stinks, water retention, muscle weighs more than fat...etc...but how can you figure out your daily deficit. I want the scale to MOVE!!!!! When I get to "Onderland" it wont be as important I promise (ya right)..... so this is what I do:

Yoga for beginners and beyond IM IN LOVE - Begginers AM 45 min

Jillian 30 day shred - still at beginners level 30 minutes

The step body infusion which came with a stepper 3# hand weights a resistance band a 65 inch bouncie ball ^_^ and a DVD. The stepping part of the DVD is is for no beginner and is totally laughable ( gatta make sure the blinds are closed for that one ) but I do upper or lower 20 min's and core 10 minutes

and of course Old Faithful (treadmill) got cleared and dusted off 1 hr 3mph 3incline

....more yoga before bed I so love yoga!!! 30 minutes

So ya....why isnt the scale moving? Its been 2 weeks ... I'm not painfully sore anymore. I can "get out" of bed in the morning and not "roll out" I can actually sit on the toilet comfortably now ( LMAO ) and my knees and ankles are no longer swollen. My eating is totally at induction level, Im pretty confident that my protien/fat/carb ratio is in check as well ( again not my first time around the block ) Any suggestions? Too much too quick? Do more? do less? Keep doing what Im doing and throw the scale out the window? I guess I need to start taking pictures ( I am so NOT a fan of selfies ). It's so hard NOT to WANT INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!!! UUUUUgggg.

Thank you for any suggestions or just listening to my rant.

ojoj Sat, Apr-26-14 12:43

Dont count calories, count carbs. I doubt I use anywhere near the amount of calories I ingest. My daily exercise routine is walking to my car, office and back again, but I do it on under 30g carbs

Jo xxx

Mama Sebo Sat, Apr-26-14 12:51

Ditto what Jo said, carbs are the thing, not calories. You've written that your plan is Atkins -- do you have the book? Next step is to become an expert! And Gary Taubs books and videos can provide some info about exercise as do many others...check out the exercise forum here too, many people discuss how exercise can make your body hold on to pounds ii, you can look Taubs up on You Tube....

SunnyDinCA Sat, Apr-26-14 13:33

Not really counting calories but mentioned it as the term "caloric deficit" is used....ALOT when excersize and weight lose is involved. My carbs are induction level 20 per day pretty much. I do have the book and did a "refresher course". About 10 years ago I successfully lost about 40 pounds following Atkins but unfortunately I was even more successful on gaining the 40 plus 20 more. Going to look and see what Gary Taubs has to say on you-tube. Thank you ladies.

Seejay Sun, Apr-27-14 10:59

Atkins did not consider 3 hours of daily sugar-burning activities in his books! You are doing so much exercise that requires glucose, and you're only taking in 20 g of carb, and you probably are not fat-adapted yet, so your body might think it's doing hard labor on not enough available energy, and dialing down the metabolism to compensate. Hence no movement on the scale.

If you really want to do that much exercise, and count calorie deficit, I would recommend you get a little more educated on high volume exercise and fuel.

Mark Sisson has some on "chronic cardio" that you might like, he explains why an hour daily of high intensity cardio can be counter productive. google "sisson case against cardio"

Or for mainstream calorie deficit thinking with high volume exercise, I would recommend Tom Venuto. He suggests a 25% calorie deficit as a beginning sweet spot. You don't say what your deficit is but if it's more than 50% it's been proven to lower metabolism. google "Tom Venuto metabolic damage"

SunnyDinCA Sun, Apr-27-14 12:54

too much too little ... frustration
I did look up Taubs on you tube.... now I will see what Venuto has to say. It seems like there is perhaps TOO much information out there and so many conflicts! I did try to calculate the "calorie" burn on my many carbs burned to one calorie? hadta kinda laughing at myself right now...

beginners yoga 45 minutes says 200 calories but I think its less, but honestly I dont do it to lose I am doing it now because it feels wonderful.

Jillian 30 minutes = 400

Upper OR lower = 200 20 min

Core = 100 10 min

Treadmill 3 mph 3 incline = 400 3 - 3.2 mph is getting pretty "easy" for me my stride is long ( Im 5-8 ) so I consider this just a basic need to move ... after 2 years of being completely sedontary (SP) miserable depressed the list goes on....Im thinking again that this is just basic needed daily movement. I dont have a real active life right now...but wont go into that much detail...yet.

Yoga again = 200 the pm yoga on my dvd is sooooo relaxing it has helped immensly on my yoga

so it seems on a normal day 1500 "calories" is what I burn including the 400 am/pm yoga which I really think is too high..... I keep saying calories simply because that is how excersize is geared....I know calories "dont count" and carbs is what my focus is....maybe I should stop watching Biggest Loser ROFLMAO....interesting fact about me.... I spent 6 weeks at their Malibu facility and lost 36 lbs a few years back. Wish I had the money to do it again...I would in a heartbeat....anyways back to youtube I go. Thank you Seejay

SunnyDinCA Sun, Apr-27-14 15:01

ok Im back from yoga and researching "chronic cardio". I honestly dont think I am doing anything wrong....the only really "hard" thing I do is Jillians 1/2 hour workout....I brain is on overload...just going to be extremely conscience on how my body is reacting and reduce maybe the treadmill to every other day. thank you again for the homework :)

Seejay Mon, Apr-28-14 19:08

Oh all the learning is good. I firmly believe it'll gradually make sense to you and your body the more you try things and pay attention to how your body responds.

It sounds conflicting right now because it's new to go to that level of detail. Mark Sisson says there's no need to do that volume of daily intense exercise simply because it requires so much glucose replenished daily. Tom Venuto would say that much is fine, but he would recommend eating the carbs to support it. Either way, high volume exercise and moderate or higher intensity, will just plain burn both glucose and fat.

A little on exercise intensity and fat burning. Say of the 1500 calories you estimate for an average day, even at lower average intensity, say that's 60% fat burned and 40% glucose. That would be 600 calories of glucose burned, or 150 grams of carb. If you're not eating 150 g of carbs per day, then glucose has to come from somewhere, either from your storage glycogen, or from extra protein or fat that you eat, or from your muscles, OR your body just doesn't have it and dials down your burning equation. When you're doing glucose-requiring exercise it doesn't pull ALL the calories from your stored fat... the calories have to be available as glucose (carb).

SunnyDinCA Sat, May-03-14 07:29

So its been nearly a week...I went from 222 to 220, and cut my excersize ALOT. Was that a factor? I dont know... this week I am going to yoga mill and do 1/2 hour of "something else" every day and see what happens next Saturday. One thing that I am extremely worried about this time around is major saggage which I can already see around my middle :/ In reading around here (which I have done ALOT of) some start with excersize from the get go....some start towards the end...some dont do any at all....but most have "hinted" that they should or should have incorporated excersize sooner......just my observation of course.....will see how this week goes. And thank you again for all of your comments :)

Liz53 Sat, May-03-14 07:59

Re: the sagging, cardio never was good for that. Continue with your yoga, try pilates or weights (resistance exercise) - all will go further towards firming and toning than cardio. The advantage of waiting to add exercise is you can isolate and understand the changes from fat loss and the changes from exercise. I doubt in the end it makes too much difference when you add it, except that exercise makes you *feel* good as well.

SunnyDinCA Sat, May-03-14 10:14

Ok the lightbulb is beginning to shine....I started My Fitness Pal...and I'm beginning to get it....halafriggenluya My next question WOULD be do I eat my net calories/carbs back....however, there are just way too many opinions on this....with that said, I WILL figure it out so help me!

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