Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums.
Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community. Forget starvation and fad diets -- join the healthy eating crowd! You may register by clicking here, it's free!
Survey System
Available Surveys
The purpose of the study is to determine the eating patterns, attitudes and general dieting habits of members of the forum as an example of a group following a low carb lifestyle.
Carbohydrate restriction continues to be of importance as a method for
weight reduction and treatment for diseases such as diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. Scientific studies, however, are largely
restricted to an abstract, experimental setting and there is a lack of
information as to what people really do on low carbohydrate diets and
how they feel about them. This survey is designed to help provide this
information. The purpose is neither to support nor to criticise any
diet but only to provide information.
Confidentiality: all information is strictly confidential and will be
reported as group data unless individual permission is obtained in
advance. In the final publication, posts on the forum may be presented.
We will not use these without members' prior permission and no
identifying ID will be used.
There are 27 questions in this survey. With subsections, there are a total of 59 multiple choices. The survey will take 5-10 minutes.
Click on the link below to start taking the survey. Please make sure to fill out the survey carefully, and answer as many questions as possible. Once the survey is answered, it cannot be re-taken or changed.
1. Nutritional Information from an Internet-based Support Group: What can we learn from the Active Low-Carber Forums?
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