Sun, Feb-20-05, 07:01
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Originally Posted by treefrog
I noticed that when I go to my Food Lists, under My Favorites, the list only goes to the P's (alphabetically). I don't know if this is related to the update that ended up getting rid of the bulk entries or not, but I noticed these 2 things at the same time.
The entire list is still in my favorites, on the enter data page, but if they aren't in the Food lists, I can't create recipes, or bulk entries.
I have entered in some supplements, if you want to make them public.
I also have a question about how to edit a custom food. Mainly the title/name of the custom food. I realized I have a typo in one of mine. I typed in Peeperidge Farm Carb Style Bread, and it should be Pepperidge Farm ....
The list of favourites is currently limited to 50 items, so that explains why it stops somewhere. I'm still considering if it should go to a 100, or posts a warning message when the list is too big...
You can edit a custom item by clicking on it, and then you'll see the customize button, click that, and you'll be able to edit the item.