My first "Before & After" photos...
Posted by DWRolfe
Posted Sun, May-12-02
Plan: Atkins
Stats: 468/371/275
Progress: 50%
Location: Chicago, IL
My first "Before & After" photos...
Well, I'm rushing this a bit...I had planned to wait to do this until I hit my goal of 350...
...and today I'm at 355. I also had planned to take the "After" photo wearing some new smaller clothes (instead of my carpenter jeans!), but what the hell, I think the 71 pound difference is noteworthy, plus I'm learning how to Photoshop the images together so that when I take some new (better) photos I can throw them together with ease. Besides, I always appreciate when others post B&A shots. I find them inspirational!!
I wanted to post this in the "Success Stories" forum, but I thought I'd wait to post there until I have better photos (and I've lost more weight!)
So here's my photos...the Before is me in November 2001, 1.5 months before I started LCing. I estimate my weight here at 410 or so. I reached 426 before I started LCing in January 2002. The After is me today at 355. And I will post some others in less baggy clothes!
Can't begin to tell you how difficult it is to share the "Before" photo...it's painful for me to look at...I'm smiling, but so ashamed, unhappy and scared inside...
Bless us one and all...