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Old Tue, May-12-09, 12:17
amachristn amachristn is offline
New Member
Posts: 14
Plan: Candida diet
Stats: 167/155/135 Female 5' 6"
Progress: 38%
Location: Northern Michigan
Default Losing weight too fast, more thrush in throat, die off symptoms bad

The die off symtoms I'm going through are worse than when this all started. I have no energy at all, 0! The thrush in my throat is worse than ever to the point that I can hardly eat even what I'm supposed to eat because food keeps sticking to the thrush in my throat and even hot water doesn't want to get it off. It takes me about twenty minutes of trying to caugh and drink the hot water until it loosens from my throat and goes down.
I started out on nystatin but didn't take it as I should have months ago. I thought it wasn't working. Now, lately since the trush invaded my throat and sinuses so badly that I had to do something, I got some probiotics and started the candida diet, that's about two weeks ago now. I've lost about 12 lbs in this time of two weeks and now I feel malnourished and sick. Started on Tea Tree mouthwash today. I'm praying it helps. After my first use, It made my throat feel even more dry and the yeast there feel larger and more sticky. Is it supposed to do that?
My arms are weak, my legs are weak and it's hard to even change my clothes or take a shower. I feel like I'm getting worse so fast that I can't keep up and finding I can only eat maybe two or three bites of anything at all through any given day. I just can't get much past the thrush in my throat. I can't afford to go out and buy anything else right now either, not other types of food that might go down easier or supplements. I'm hanging on by a thread here and don't know what to do to get better at this point. I know my diet HAS to be killing off the yeast, but since the yeast has gotten this much worse, I'm afriad I'm also hurting myself by being malnurished. My heart rate has dropped considerably and all my blood tests are normal along with the fact that after a year of the runs, my bowel movments are also now normal. I used to have to have a bowl movement twice or more a day, every day where I'd have to run to get to the bathroom in time. Now they're pretty much every other day, once on that day and more normal than in a long time. So that's one part that's good, why doesn't the rest of me kick in a get better also?
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