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Old Mon, Sep-23-19, 06:59
CaCO3Girl CaCO3Girl is offline
Registered Member
Posts: 59
Plan: Atkins Inductionish
Stats: 320/226/190 Female 74 inches
Progress: 72%

Okay, weighed in at 235.2 this morning...not good!

In other news, mom is still home but I think we are heading back to the hospital sooner rather than later. She is retaining fluids, has a wet cough, and we upped her oxygen amount because her at rest oxygen was hovering around 80%. She is supposed to be at 92%.

I leave for Texas tomorrow and I'm very VERY worried she will take a turn for the worse without me hovering over her. What's your oxygen level, what's your pulse, did you gain any weight? These are things my step brother just won't ask. He's super good about putting on her oxygen tank harness to her rollerator, or making her a meal, but asking for stats....not so much because he can't put them all together to see if there is a problem. His brain doesn't work that way. It doesn't help that mom likes to phrase things with a positive spin.

For example, yesterday she said "Look my ankles aren't swollen, that's something good" which he replied "Oh yeah that is good" which I replied "Doesn't that mean your 3 pound weight gain is likely fluid in your lungs then?"....I don't mean to be so glum, but I have ALWAYS been a very practical person. I'm not ever going to be that person that puts her head in the sand like things are fine. Nor can I control any of this, which is really hard on me.

I'll try and keep y'all posted but I leave for TX tomorrow, be back Friday.
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