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Old Mon, Jan-19-09, 21:54
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rightnow rightnow is offline
Every moment is NOW.
Posts: 23,064
Plan: LC (ketogenic)
Stats: 520/381/280 Female 66 inches
BF: Why yes it is.
Progress: 58%
Location: Ozarks USA

Hmmn. Well, I did the Arnold Press, Incline Curl, and Calf Raises, and was pretty much out of energy and an hour had passed. Don't ask me how. I was doing everything slowly, basically just as many reps as I could up to 12 in each set (six sets), resting until I felt rested between them (probably 1-2 minutes max).

I really feel it already in my obliques and low-center of my back. That's actually where I feel damn near EVERY exercise no matter what muscle it is "supposed" to be focusing on. In the Arnold Press, that is mostly what I felt: my obliques, and all the way down my back. Yes of course I felt my arms too, but it was like it was using my body in a big way.

I guess it's just a matter of not having any real muscle developed or often used body-wide, so even if your arm has some muscle, that doesn't mean the rest of the body does, especially all the connective tissues and lesser-used muscle groups.

I think I'll wait and do more of the exercises tomorrow. I guess technically there is no reason for rush and I'd rather move into it gradually than overdo it.

I added a little weight to my calf raises. I don't have anything to stand on, so I just have to stand on my tiptoes for two seconds. Needless to say, standing on my tiptoes is not something I do often at this weight let alone while holding a dumbbell in one hand (at center of body) and a hand on something for balance with the other. But it works I guess.

The incline curl suffers what many exercises do; you're supposed to bring the weights up right next to your body and turn your hands (palms facing you) with the forearms straight up. (Easy to keep going and have them leaning toward you, but apparently that shifts the burden to different muscles and isn't desired.) But the size of my body means that my arms have to be considerably further 'out' from my body than would be expected, to clear my hips/thighs. No big deal hopefully. More tomorrow.

If it takes me a week to do the first workout in total I guess I'm willing to do that... whatever it takes. I'm sure I'll work into it just fine before long.
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