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Old Fri, Jan-01-21, 05:13
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Originally Posted by JEY100
If you want a more critical review of the book, where some other writers think the the Keto story goes off-track, Marty Kendall has one:

It's an excellent article, but it also points up either my utter mutant status OR (more likely) the crucial importance of one's own experimentation for success.

Taubes should know that a high carb diet doesn’t necessarily make people fat. The part NuSI-funded year-long DIETFITS study with more than 609 participants (Effect of Low-Fat vs Low-Carbohydrate Diet on 12-Month Weight Loss in Overweight Adults and the Association With Genotype Pattern or Insulin Secretion: The DIETFITS Randomized Clinical Trial) found that (regardless of genetics, insulin levels or blood sugars), participants following either the low-fat or low-carb diet achieved similar weight loss and improvements in metabolic health.

Not true for me, but then, I didn't get down to my optimum weight, not achieved since I was 14, UNTIL I went 90% meat, high fat, and VLC. I must eat a lot of protein to achieve satiety. It's been a struggle until I just went with it, because so many people had success cutting back their protein. Not me, not ever.

The best satiety outcome tends to occur when carbohydrates make up about 25% of total calories (i.e. lower carb by not very low carb).

Again, not true for me. At all. I still don't know my "optimum" carb level, because my experiments with both pandemic stress eating AND adding in vegetables created a weight gain and a health issue. Eliminating lectins did wonders, and now that it's 2021, I'm lowering the carb level, again. I might have to live on the "extreme" version I settled on last summer. That's okay. I might have messed up my body to the point where it's super sensitive to both gluten and lectins. Or maybe it should have been the way I should have eaten all along. And maybe I have Inuit genetics!

All I know, about ME, is how I read over Marty Kendall's recommendations and while I know for some people it's miraculous... it's something I've tried, and failed, to get success on.

Which is okay.

I don't regret getting Taubes' book, since I want to support the cause And it's great that we can have these sorts of wide-ranging discussions.
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