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Old Sun, Oct-31-21, 07:46
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Hey chicks!

I'm back home in MD- got in last night. Glad to be here, slept well in my own bed. Looking forward to mostly relaxing here today and not-peopling! I do have some NoBS stuff to catch up with- there is a Handling the Holidays course and also the book club is kicking off with Soundtracks by Jon Acuff. I started that on the plane. Also want to do some light meal planning for the week but not too much since I leave on Thursday for DE. I might make some soup this week that I can freeze and take with me also for meals there. I can always leave some in the freezer to enjoy there.

Jaz- Enjoy your day at St Simon! Sounds so nice! What is the boardwalk like there?

Trig- I don't know squat about Dune but I do know that Timothee Chalomet (sp?) is in it and he is such a good actor. He is going to be doing a Wonka movie that I think will be the PREQUEL to the classic Willie Wonka movies, explaining why he is why he is, which sounds fascinating to me. BTW Dune is on HBO Max, Dh says he saw it while I was gone. You could probably get a couple of months of HBO Max at home for the cost of going to the theater!

Lori- Did you go golfing? Hopefully the weather is decent for you. I hope you are feeling all right!

So I mostly caught up a bit above. I have a dentist appt Monday, and a nerve test on Wednesday. I was supposed to see the podiatrist on Wednesday so I'll see if that can be moved earlier or if there are any cancellations. If not then it will have to wait- I need to be in DE by Friday for a bunk bed delivery for the kids' bunk room. I get to be at the DE house for over a week so I am excited about that.

My SIL will be throwing a shower for Chris and Emily but trying to find a date is so hard! It isn't even C&E that are the issue but trying to plan around the other family members has been a trial.. this family has spring break, then that family has spring break, then this person is traveling, then that person is traveling.. OMG! Still, super super SUPER nice of her and she gives amazing parties.

Not too much else to add- doing a couple of loads of laundry and just looking forward to chilling today. My feet held up quite well overall but that darn lumpy feeling is still hanging out. My friend is convinced it is a pinched nerve and I am hopeful that is the case and we can get it all worked out pretty easily. I want to be able to motor around all over the place again without thinking about it!
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