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Old Sat, Dec-05-20, 20:11
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niccofive niccofive is offline
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Hi all-

Blue, it was so nice to have you post again, Sweetie! I know we were all glad to hear your voice around here, just as you felt catching up with us.

Yes, DS22 had a nose swab. I thought they were all nose swabs. That's all we've ever been offered around here.

Really glad your hubby is okay and that you are too. I do get what you mean about some people maybe being more susceptible than others. My Mom tends to get viruses more easily and gets hit harder by them than most.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs over not seeing your sweet son. My heart hurts for you. When did you last see him? I think it was after this started so maybe June or something? May? I remember he was studying a lot. I knew he loves his parents but his comment was super sweet.

Lori- Filet has become my favorite later, usurping ribeye. The dogs hate that I am into filet right now bc there are NO scraps for them, or fatty pieces. I eat every bite!

It's good that your DH is getting out while he can. You guys will have plenty of togetherness this winter I'm sure!

I am really sorry that your hamstring is still bothering you. Do you think taking walks is helping it or not helping it, or neutral? I see now that you posted again and I hadn't seen it. Glad you decided to give your hammie a rest.

Trig- No boozy drink? Feeling blah? There's a long, cold winter ahead, Girlfriend. How can we help to buoy you up?

Glad you are holding solid on your ZC plan and feeling so centered. That is a real gift you have given yourself!

Jaz et al- I have never had Wendy's chili. What is so great about it?

OMG Jaz that story about Lil A and what she said to you about being grown up is PRECIOUS. Just ADORABLE.

So are you still buying your kids towels? You could order some online from somewhere like Macy's and get good ones, probably for pretty cheap with discounts and such.

Is your interview on Monday?


We had rain alllllll day yesterday too. Wasn't supposed to be that way but it was anyway. I think we got an inch and a half or something like that? Oh well, we probably needed it. Sure did make for a gray day.

DH got the Xmas lights up outside today. They look so pretty!

I made homemade chicken soup for us today. Made homemade broth, roasted chicken quarters and then picked the meat and cooked the broth again with the bones and drippings. It is really good. The boys and I had some of it and there is plenty left to go. I figured it would be good for my boy.

Speaking of, he is still doing fine but not as great as he was. No temp, pulse ox is great but feeling some fatigue today and a little heaviness in his chest. No coughing, chills etc. So still mild and what is to be expected from a virus or even a cold, but because it is C19 I am watching him (well, not really watching him, which makes this more challenging, bc he is in his room and I'm not) closely. If this were just a regular virus I wouldn't really be thinking much of it, frankly.

He is eating though, drinking, sleeping and apparently wrote a paper today and has been doing school stuff. Hasn't wanted or needed Tylenol or Advil or anything like that. I'm sorry he didn't stay symptom free though. I was hoping for that for him.

Since we all tested negative (DH, DD, SoIL, DS18) I have now let DH and DS18 use the house. NOT DS22! But I have a big thing of Purell that they have to use to enter the kitchen and I am having Dh stay in the guest room for a couple of more nights, just to be sure. I Lysol our shared bathroom and clean the kitchen a couple of times a day.

I am doing the food and such for DS22. I feel like I have a system down to prevent cross contamination and stuff, you know? Dh would just bring something down and put it on the counter or something. Not on purpose, just not thinking. Plus as a Mom there is something very primal about wanting to feed and care for your young when they are not up to snuff. It makes me feel like I am in touch with him and doing something for him. Nurturing from afar, so to speak.

We had our first grocery delivery and it worked out pretty well. It is nice that is an option. We were on our last milk and the men wanted more!

That's about it from here. I took a late dinner up to DS (homemade chili and two pieces of toast, Gatorade and Sprite), double masked myself, stood in another room and was able to lay eyes on him and chat with him for a minute (he was also masked.) He looks and sounds pretty darn good. I really hope that continues. I have definitely seen him look much sicker even with a bad cold. Send out good healing vibes to him, ladies!
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