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Old Mon, Nov-23-20, 05:10
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Whirrlly Whirrlly is offline
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We know Nicco is off having a darn good time!!

Lori, are ya getting tired of have been doing alot like back to back and yea sometimes our fun hobbies can get annoying, especially when that weather is not at its ideal, that can throw alot off for ya too.

Are ya still considering joining a gym if the price is slashed after the holidays? heck are any still functioning and having good hrs open and all that? I haven't checked gyms in our area now.

Jaz, yea take your time. But if beach area for living and working is calling your name, then do what you wanna do!! Best way to have a great life, do what ya wanna do HAHA

Didn't do pool cover. Not in the mood LOL got lazy yesterday. Me and hubby will get'er done one day this week. maybe today yea I heard some rain is coming, ugh. I don't know, some things I just let slide lately ya know, don't have that killer drive to 'get'er done' as much but at some point I gotta address all the home maintenance BS around here and I will andother ugh on it all.

HI everyone
yesterday was a sluggy day. eh, ya know.

cleaned up some areas where the Xmas tree will go and other little decorations I will put out. omg the 'stuff' to just put away in the right spots cause 2 people in the house leave shit wherever they want, all the time. I hate being a darn babysitter in my own home....come on, put your crap away please

hubby put lights on my iron wagon wheel I got out in the front of the house. will have him take a pic and I will show you all. Looks good with xmas lights on it.

on Thanksgiving Day will will put a few small things out in the yard done. Put out the table top tree and dot some knick knacks around to be christmasy.

I am SO trying to get xmas mojo in some way. I get a tiny bit then gone LOL oh well.....

nothing big planned today. hubby to go to store for some shopping he wants to do.....told him to go buy 2-3 pairs of pants he wants......yea, he grew too fat for his others! I tell ya his gut, he was like 20/25 maybe 30 up but now, I think he is like 40 up and it is now very noticeable to me for sure. So all I lost he found Oh well, he will hit that day he is super uncomfortable and it is coming, and he will drop the lbs when he is ready. Good thing is I know he will cause when he hits 'that point' of being too uncomfortable, he takes action and he is right on that doorstep. I hate me losing and getting more fit and he is gaining and getting unfit. Like we don't mesh on timing with food ever HAHA eh, it is what it is ya know.

over and out and be good everyone
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