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Old Mon, Mar-30-20, 05:13
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is online now
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Good morning up before the sun! Something so not natural about that!

Blue it was good to see you. You know you don't need more than a hey ya'll I'm here and doing .......fill in your blank. Don't think you have to always write that book long post!!!! Although I will say I love those!

I hear ya on strike when inspiration is hot. We all have those days where we are more motivated than others. Hope you are feeling good!!!!!

- I love you are aware of what is going on yet doing self care. There HAS to be balance these days, or you can drive yourself batty.
Have you gotten into a new schedule? Is your hubby still doing the daily drive or does he get to WFH?

It made me smile to hear about your "boys" playing ball! It is so fun to see them back into childhood fun times as adults!
It is a bummer that it appears that school is just over for kids across the country. I am hopeful that your kids can look past that and think about next year.
I saw something on the news about collages extending acceptance time to June.
Speaking of, has DS18 decided? It seems surreal to be talking about next Sept!

Lori- I have a feeling you are up and about! I know you are missing your yoga group! You said you found a couple of ones on line you like!
I also know you are on the runners thread. How are your friends in England doing? It would be interesting to talk to someone in another country to see how they are handing this world wide situation.
Did you ever get your box?

Trig- - Did you kiddo get the news they are to work from home through the end of the year? Sucks for kids that liked going to school. Not sure how NC are doing the school thing.

It sounds like you are tooling though just fine! I tell ya though I know that NC has a lot of pine trees as well and right now allergies are high.

Did you get your pool side yet with Barb? I feel for her MIL!

I feel like I am underwater! You know when someone is talking to you and you are in a pool submerged. you can hear them only muffled. I feel that way with both ears now and feel fluid in them.
I know longer feel it is sinus, as I am not sneezing or drainage. I am pretty sure it is related to all this pine pollen.
Thankfully, it is not as painful as it was yesterday!

I think it will absorb or drain if left alone. The popping is annoying though. I will take annoying over pain!

I am SO SO SO happy that they moved the orientation to a virtual do at home gig. I am not into people today, feeling this way.
Tomorrow is soon enough!

So it looks like we are all to shelter in place another 30 days per the gov. Down here at the Florida line that are stopping people and turning them away unless they HAVE a reason.
But in all honestly why would you hit up Florida right now? Nothing is open......Everything is closed and will be 30 more days.
I really feel for these small business to get that news. The bills are still coming in!!!

I am going to try to find a stretching video online. I am staying into due to the pollen. It is supposed to rain tomorrow so hopefully it will take some of this yellow air with it.

WOE- doing the best I can do. I am up a couple pounds. I agree with BLUE- Once I start working and get to running all day the weight should fall into place.
It is hard to just sit in one's house and have not much to do- and just wait for dinner as the highlight of ones day!

Well- time for more coffee and log into orientation. Back later!

Hang in there ladies- eventually this too shall pass!
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