Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Mon, Dec-23-19, 20:37
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OMG BLUE- DEEP and DARK sorrow for the death of a young and gone so soon lap top!!!!!! I would put LOL in here but dear god I feel your pain!!!!! THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!
Hope you get a good sale or something!

Gosh and then your DS sick- - wham bam. Sorry you are incomplete with the holidays- again I FEEL your pain!!!!!
Love ya sister!!!

Lori- wow- you job sounds awesome with just enough hours to get you out and about. It also is what you can do in your sleep...good all way around.

I think I did remember you talking about your sisters daughter about the time she had her surgery and there was some drama there...... glad you are having some sister time!!!!!!!

I know you are happy and busy!!!!!!!

Trig- close your eyes- My post gonna suck- dam it to high heaven!
I don't know how you are so strong at times
My day went to HELL in a hand basket and I hand a real full on bender.
Started with the smoke wake up call at 445. and didn't stop.
So to make this short and sweet I will just do a time line

445- crock pot went to hell and burn down with huge mess to clean and mean gone to a crisp

730- car frozen over running LATE to work- no ice scarped- used badge and drove to work late with square to see out off

801- clocked in- ok cause I speed

900- get info that the girl I was there to replace has come back early- via the staff- they are now asking why I anther as there are now no open positions and nobody no wants to take time to train me because they are all busy and I heard from grape vine that I might be gone by end of week. Management on VACAY- no-one to ask.
staff talks as if Im not there- no training- I read magazine foe 8 hours.

11:00 - Text from agency they can't find my timesheet- my pay might be late- DEAR OMFG-are you serous= I am running short on $$$
relax time sheet-

12:00 they still can't find it- my contact took off for holiday- I am speaking to someone I don't know

230- cll they finally found my triple faxed time card- yea I MIGHT get paid.

300- alert power out to GA house - alarm going off
305 call to alarm company- they turn off alarm will text me the power back on-

400- got call from my mom. she has decided I am to stupid to drive home in March so she called my aunt to ask her to baby sit her dog so she can come and help drive me home. DID NOT ASK- intention sweet- but still- can you clear crap with and ASK first!!!!!! [
Patience gone

430- the lady who told me that the gal out had come back stated to have Merry Christmas-just in caseI was gone before she got back.

Back at Condo- making pasta I put my face into and ate didn't come up for air!!!!!!!!!

To make matter matters worse. I returned the pants I bought 5 pair to Walmart to exchange for smaller size as I just KNEW they would fit because th the size I was in I could drop without unzipping. So I just exchanged then for the size down. I count get a singe pair on this morning- now I have no pants.

Called my Ohio guy who told to go to director tomorrow and get scoop . He said to not leave with out answer becuse I need to pay if I am staying though Jan. But if not to not pay. Just pay by the day and give up deposit leave.
I am so afraid I am going to just get run around- they have had huge turn over in mamangememnt there and nobody knows what is going on. meanwhile staff know does not have time for me as I am dead man walking. and they are busy. I get it- hard place to be.

Ok - done chatting.
I always come with my day in review- today bites the big one-

AM miserable - tummy ache-

sorry to always whine. You girls are so lucky you are not burdened to supporting yourself. I am not feeling sorry for self- just being honest. I am single, and no reserves, and I have to take care of me.
You are don't have same concern or in same place- . No offense. please don't take it that way- but unless you are in my shoes its hard to relate.

It ok- I always do the scrappy and make it- no matter what
not looking for anything other then venting-

Love ya thanks or the ear.
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