Thread: LC Our Way #3
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Old Sat, Aug-11-18, 07:40
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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GOOD MORNING! I love the rumor it is my birthday but thankfully no! But thank you in advanced! I am a January baby! Which everyone forgets about because everyone is burned out from the holidays! So hey!!!!!!! I am good with it. Maybe you saw birthday in my post- it is AVA's Birthday next week and she is having a 1st birthday for her! That little thing has over come so many milestones to make it a year. She will have many more to come- that I know. This will be a distance memory for her.

BLUE- (((((((((((((hug)))))))))))- Gal pal I feel you in more ways than you know. not only every time you turn around you are getting socked with big $$$$$, but just the total upheaval of life, change, and then toss work on top of it all! I get it. It is alot to absorb in a small space of time! We are here for you EVERY STEP of the way!!!!
NICE you have some help! - Plus a chance to purge. It really is freeing!!!
But I know it is not fun to go though this process. But- THIS TO SHALL PASS- there is light at the end of the tunnel. you will get there I promise. Just think about this- the odds of you spending a Christmas in your NEW HOME is high. I would decorate the crap out of it too! Make your first Christmas there VERY Special!!!!! Next year- you can just put up a table tree- not this year! Pull out all the stops to make a warm and cosy and twinkling place and new!!!!!

NIC- WELCOME back my friend! I know however by your posts you had a fabulous- time. It always takes a few days to get back into your groove! Take your time. Now comes the wedding! As you go through this process- we want to go too! Love wedding details! I still remember her dress picks. She had 3 to pick from right? And then she picked one and nobody knows which one? Or did I remember that it was the princess dress with the tutu like skirt?
SO exciting!!!!!!!

Lori- You are tweaking what works and what isn't working in your WOE. 500 Calories would have sent me screaming to an ice cream shop too! Well actually it would have been a Pizza shop! No can do. That is just unreasonable and calories are not just the issue. But then again you know this!
I just LOVE LOVE bacon wrapped scallops. DEVINE- had them when I went to a place called Firebirds in Minnesota. I still drool thinking about them. They are building one of those here and I just can't wait!!!!!!!
Did you get a new Garmn/ Fitbit yet?
Have a wonderful weekend- are you getting rain?

TRIG- I hope you have some good weather! But regardless you will make it fun for sure! You will sit under your canopy and toss down a few "adult" beverages and call it a day! Then toss some maybe pork chops on the grill?
Have a great time!!!
I am going to make this part short and sweet as I have this paper that STILL is not done- I estimate another 3 hours. Then I am hitting the submit button and it is what it is- better or worse- due today. I was expected to write 10 pages- I am up to 22 and still not done. I still need a abstract page and reference page- and a summary- then I am done. Still need to proof- but ALMOST Done! It will happen.

The 250 pound treadmill was derived yesterday. I have somebody to assemble it this afternoon.
In the same room as the one I will be pounding out this paper - no way around it. OH well........ Can't wait to try it out later.

I need it too. Here comes the confession. remember that hog wilder about 3 weeks ago? Well I have not done another one. That being said I got the craving and WANT back for junk carbs. And it 1.) has put 5 solid pounds on me, 2.) I do well for a few days then I have a bit of this and that off plan. But it is enough to toss me over carbs. Example- did very well all day and then I just had to have fries. this was after a very nice dinner of oven backed pork chops and kale salad. I got some too. I will say that it has been so frustrating. I am good for a few days- then fall off with a taste of this and that- and it is just kicking me off plan and the worst- I FEEL REALLY TIRED, AND NOT UP TO MY NORMAL ENERGY. These carbs are making me sick. Not hog wild- but I am having trouble will 100% - my weight is truly up and I feel it. My shorts were so tight yesterday I put on my pajamas. MISERABLE in clothes right now too! Nothing feels good to have on. EVERTHING I am busting out of. -

Time- I know what needs done. Hopeful this treadmill can help. I also need to just woman up and push the plate away and say NO MORE!!!!!
Needs to happen. Enough is enough-

Ok- new day- ribs in the slow cooker- they smelled fresh and look really good. Compared to the last attempt that the meat was bad. So all is good with that. Also will have a small kale salad- with thousand Island and goat cheese crumbles (small amount). I am coming here if I get a craving I can't stand! Expect me more! This carb addict needs more time here to over come- until I get my butt back on track! GOT IT!

Ok ladies- have a great Saturday!

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