Thread: LC our way! #2
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Old Tue, Jul-10-18, 04:56
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Jaz66 Jaz66 is offline
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Nic- glad you had a good visit while you were here! Quick trip! How is your mom? She lives alone right? Does she have good neighbors?
I agree with you on the Heaven/Hell issue. People can just get fanatic about it.
This is a perfect Segway to a You Tube I was watching. It is called Common Ground. Ever seen it? It is worth watching one! So they take any topic- could be anything. Then they get 2 opposing view points. And it is a very structured thing- but they discuss the view point- whatever it is- then they look for common ground. It is very interesting. I watched one on Christainty vs Atheism. It was very fascinating. But they have all different topics, vanilla over Chocolate - it's the process of finding common ground.
Don't know how I regressed to that- oh yes..... Church- HAHAHA

So are you happy to be home? Awesome you got your steps in. I never moved yesterday!

BLUE- Hope you had a great Birthday! Can't wait to hear all about it. Your hubby was cooking right? Did you go anywhere?
I know you are busy- and busy is good.
I know the WOE- is not front and center in your mind. But it does sound like you have a plan any rate.

Trig- Hoping you CHECK IN........... Are you taking the Camper again? How long does it take you get set up?
That was a super fast turn around from the last trip! WOW
Hey all- I am not going to bore ya with the work jabber. It was as expected. She was believe it or not RELIVED to see me walk through the door. She told me it was a ROUGH week without me! She looked like crap too. Not that it matters, but she looked very tired and stressed. I ALMOST felt sorry for her. ALMOST

I am excited about getting my new washer and dryer. It's money we'll spent. I am still VERY SALTY over losing 4 grand on NOTHING. CASH I might add. What I could have done with 4 grand. Just glad it wasn't more. I need to move on from that! I now have a beautiful car- sighhhhhhh but 4 k!!!!!!!! PLEASE!

I am scale stuck- Lost a bit, and just stopped again! Frustrating. I feel like this muffin top is just expanding! I hate "love handles"- who in the HELL came up with THAT term?????? Seriously!

I went to Costco and got a huge piece of fish! Fresh Salmon- I like that fish. I go through spurts. I also have shrimp and another batch of chicken FRESH- in the freezer. I got a different brand that was already frozen and individual wrapped. Better that way.

Tomorrow is a pot luck at work. I am taking in meatballs- I can eat those. I bought those at Costco too. They are the chicken meatballs. I am not liking them- too high in salt. I just need to make time to do some home cooking here! I plan to make some hamburger soup after work tonight. Yesterday was a total wash- no free time.

I worked on my school writing until 9- when I turned on the TV to see the news. Then it was 10- and I thought about cooking or sleep. Sleep won!

Ok- all. I gotta run. I know today is going to be rough- I am doing reviews.
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