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Old Sun, Oct-22-17, 10:05
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Just Jo Just Jo is offline
A'72 Lifer Hard Core
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Plan: A'72 Induction Lifer + IF
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Location: South Central New Mexico
Default Sunday, 22 October 2017

Happy Day, WARRIORS!

Wishing each of you a totally kick Azz, BAD Azz 100% OP day b/c it's always our CHOICE!

Stay WARRIOR Strong!

Carb-Free Food for Thought:

I don’t feel DEPRIVED when I turn down carb-laden foods.
I feel EMPOWERED that I make HEALTHY CHOICES every single time!

~ me 03.19.2017
Onward and DOWNWARD, WARRIORS! We've GOT THIS! Woot! Woot!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wedding Update:

The wedding was spectacular! The bride was beautiful beyond description and the groom as handsome as can be. The weather could not have been better. It can be dicey here in October...

It wasn't a stuffy up-tight affair probably more due to the fact that this wasn't young people getting married. And my bestie wasn't a bride-zilla! The guests were dressed in an eclectic variation of styles and modes. Anywhere from long dresses, slacks to jeans for the women, suits and ties for men as well as polo shirts, casual slacks and jeans. I wore a black and white print dress a little below the knee with a black sweater.

The venue was at a new golf course and apparently the food was top-notch. Of course I didn't partake since none of it was LC. I played around with a small portion of pasta that I pushed around my plate and never ate! (Oh and I didn't do a 48 hr fast... I was starving when I got home so I ate at around 12:30 am. So that's a 30 hr fast! )

One of my friends said, "this is a special occasion you should enjoy yourself and splurge." Told her I was enjoying myself and we can find a reason to splurge and she said, wow that's so true!

Free mimosas, champagne, fancy beers and wines were available as well as sweet tea and water. I drank water all evening long...

Since I brought my camera along, whilst the bride and groom were being toasted with mimosas and champagne, I took lots and lots of pictures!

When the cutting of the cakes happened, I was still taking pictures so "Fat Jo" was never tempted!

We danced so much that I got almost 14,000 steps in!

A great time was had by all, IMHO and I got a ton of wonderful pics (over 350!) that I will share with the bride and groom as soon as I look 'em over and Photoshop©, crop, adjust color etc for those that need it!

The wedding ceremony was held at one of the "holes". Not a golfer, so I have no idea which...but it was in front of a water hazard... is that what it's called? The setting was beautiful with the Organ mountains as a backdrop. Here's one of the pics I took of the backdrop:

Organ Mountains, NM

Originally Posted by Whirrlly
JO you are good at doing a fast but also there is still ways to eat your A72 outside of your home But you just decide what you want to do. Either way you will come thru it with flying colors I know!!
I know! But Imma paranoid about food I don't prepare myself...KWIM? Esp. food that's made in bulk b/c they add more crap to it to stretch it out and make more $$$!
48 Hr? Are ya staying overnight? being 1.5 drive you are driving home after the wedding right? You should be ok, one thing you can always come home and eat later if needed LOL
Got home around midnight... and was I ate! I'll eat at my usual time today after 5 pm.... so today will be one of those unheard of less than 24hr fast days, but it can't be helped. Actually it will be around 18 hrs and I ain't beatin' myself up about it one iota!
Pasta and cake has no draw for me. Never a pasta fan and never a cake fan. The shrimp alfredo would be a draw and I would eat that if needed. I am safe on shrimp alfredo for sure, but of course it would be having all those noodles in it, the way I make it is pure shrimp and little sauce
That's what I was pushing around my plate.... a measly couple of shrimp that I didn't even eat... and OMG the amount of sauce was ridiculous!
Kiddo said they raised near $150 yesterday for the fund raiser. She also said they were told they could not tape over his face HAHA but they had a good time taping him to the wall any way LOL
$150, that's cool!
Hubby is gonna take time off and decide if he wants to work part time or not etc. I am sure he will find himself an easy job to work cause it isn't like we are retired to truly run around free yet, with kiddo in school I think he mentioned he might work a job from like Jan. to June and take the rest of the year off. I don't know, he has something in his mind to keep him occupied I know I need him out of my hair sometimes cause too much togetherness isn't always a good thing either HAHA It is more he wants out of this job he has done for over 23 yrs now cause it is a backbreaker job and he will look around and either work some or not or ?? It is kinda up to him, he will fall into something I am sure...he is a worker type. I can't see him doing nothing for too long, would drive him nutso.
Yeah, he needs to be out of your hair some when he retires!

He could always volunteer somewhere too... if he's so inclined. That would get him out of the house too!
Yea one thing Dad always said from day one was be in NO debt and sock away money for when ya need it when you are older and we have done just that.
Yeppers, I agree with your dad! That's how I've always been... save $$ for a rainy day no matter how "poor" we were b/c the military didn't pay that much but we NEVER had any debt and I still don't...well except for my mortgage and my ex is paying that with what he owes me on my double wide until Jan of 2020 and I'll pay the rest off then!

And I've always wanted/needed to be able to take care of myself financially! B/c NO one was gonna take care of me but me!
Thing is older I get the less I want. I hate 'stuff' anymore. Always a minimalist type but I could spend money back in the day but I was never one to want a ton of crap and I hate cell phones etc so I save money definitely in those situations. I always thought I would rather buy my freedom earlier than the older retirement age then buy junk to fill the house LOL
Imma of the same mind!
Many can't manage money at all, I so hear you on that. But so many have bad circumstances that nailed them to the wall also, like family medical situations or big financial troubles that slapped them down. He told his buddy at work he was planning early retirement situation and the guy said he would be lucky if he pays off his house by 75! His divorce cost him dearly and has set him back into the negatives mostly and the poor guy said he will be working forever to get over it. One thing I told hubby is we are SO fortunate to be in our position at this point and while being grateful we can do this type of thing financially we best be very frugal while doing it and watch how we handle this freedom LOL This is all about getting him out of this job cause of his back troubles. Anything he decides to do in the future will be an easier type work situation if he wants.
Medical situation debts are out of our hands, KWIM??? I totally hate the idea that a catastrophic medical issue could potentially wipe us out completely even when we have health insurance! Sure is something VERY WRONG with that...

My twin bro owes close to 1 million $$$ b/c his son had life-saving kidney transplant about 10 years ago... he dutifully pays $50 a month so they can't bitch about that and mess up his credit, etc...
Today is off to the festival with Barbara. Hubby said take kiddo and I said nope, this is me and Barb day, besides Barb wants NO kids around.....she basically has her grandson so much since her son got divorced and any time she gets away she wants to be kid free LOL...I get her on that HAHA She is older than me, about 63 now and we are going alone for a bit to this festival and just chill out thru the day...small festival. Will eat before I go and be fine thru it. I can now be out and about around junk to eat and not be tempted like the older days! I mean warrior style has gotten me this far and it will continue to do so I won't let that change!!
Nice that you and Barb went "kid-free" to the festival! I totally get that she wants time away from kids to spend with her bestie!

Hope you guys had a great time!

Originally Posted by Bernie2014
Jo... Have a fantastic time at the wedding with you bestie. I usually eat before wedding and parties or bring my low carb bowl in my cooler and eat after if I stay over.
I had a fab-tastic time!

Yeah I know you're always rockin' our LC WOE NO MATTER the situation or event! That's why you're a Warrior Member of Team 5%! Woot! Woot!
He always said you have to be healthy for retirement! Sometimes our parents words ring so true! Especially lately since I never thought they would be all gone. My parents yes I knew my past was gone when I list them but my brother I figured there was time. Just thankful I have my kiddos and extended family!
I know what you mean, my friend... We've gotta always take advantage of every single day we have with our loved ones and not take that time for granted b/c we never know what will happen in the future...
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