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Old Sat, Oct-27-12, 07:55
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WereBear WereBear is offline
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Default The Red Queen's Race

We all remember our Alice in Wonderland, don't we? Where the Red Queen has to run as fast as she can to stay in the same place?

Sometimes, that's maintenance.

This whole year has been a Freakin' Challenge for me because last fall, we moved into a brand new building for my job. New ducts, new carpet, new furniture. Only the computers moved over!

And I've been sick, on and off, ever since. I'm taking steps about this New Building Syndrome and hope to get better, permanently. But there is one thing I'm pleased about: between the bouts of antibiotics, crazy eating, loss of appetite, and general illness/low carb challenges, my weight hasn't fluctuated more than 5-6 pounds.

I attribute this to certain attitudes:

I never jump out of the boat. Never. There have been many times when I'd like to stay theheckwithit and just eat what I feel like or what is available. But I don't give in. Part of it is because I get bad feedback from wheat products now; the elves-with-blowtorches effect, I call it.

So noodles and toast and other such options are out; and that's great. But I don't go overboard with things that have slower bad effects, either. I'm not perfect, far from it, but I am very pleased I've never bailed.

I remember I'd be worse if I didn't try. If I didn't keep up with my supplements, gentle activity when I feel up to it (one of the worst casualties was my newfound love of hiking this summer) and make the effort to cook batches when I can, I would be sick and miserable.

Every time I take my spirulina or my garlic clove, or take a frozen soup or casserole portion from my freezer, I am grateful I can take steps to safeguard my health.

I don't expect more results than my circumstances can deliver. I had high hopes of ditching another ten pounds. But instead I'm satisfied that my pants still fit. If a few of them are a bit snug, I can fix that. I know how.

I'm just coming off three weeks of feeling like freeze-dried crap. But I am now sure it's not age, or creeping illness, or my own failings. It's a toxic environment, and I'm taking steps.

I'm going to be, and feel, better. This "year of adversity" has upped my skill level, that's all.
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