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Old Wed, Jul-25-12, 10:42
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Originally Posted by costello22
I just found Aradasky's experiment thread:

She quotes Volek and Phinney as recommending 1.5 to 2.5 grams of protein per gram of reference weight. If I use 150 as my reference weight, that makes it 102 to 170. Really? That seems high to me. And it's way higher that either my ketogenic diet book or the sites AJ recommended.

Seems high to me too, though it might be in the range of Mike Eades as I think his recommendations is quite high too in comparison to Dr. Ron Rosedale, per a talk he gave "The good, the bad, and the ugly of protein":

You can go to a lot of textbooks that talk about .6 grams per kilogram. But one study that I think is very interesting . . . You can get into a ballpark. When you talk about 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass, that is certainly too much protein. ...

A high protein intake has endocrine effects such as it increases insulin, increases IGF, and we know these hormones increase the rate of aging. Furthermore the metabolic effect of high urea and many amino acids may exceed the kidney and hepatic system’s ability to metabolize and excrete the excess nitrogen.

In other words, when you use protein as a fuel, you take off the excess nitrogen, and then you have to do something with it. Because, it’s a poison. If you take too much, It causes acidosis in the blood and that causes redistribution of calcium and magnesium, and all sorts of things, and what the consequence are for that is manifold.

So what’s high. Certainly above 1 gram per kilogram of lean mass is probably high.

Most people, I’ll put on .7 or .75 grams per kilogram of lean body mass.

But if I’ve got a diabetic, and I really want to reverse their aging, which means reverse their diabetes, because diabetis is a model of aging, I’ll put them down to .5 or .6 grams per kilogram of lean body mass per day.

(My emphasis)

He also talks about too high protein being an issue for cancer, which is of particular interest to me.

So, what's "lean body mass"? I plugged my current weight into this calculator and got:

According to your measurements - weight of 165 pounds and height of 5' 6", your lean body mass is estimated to be 111.46 . Since the ideal body fat percentage for women is 22%, your ideal lean body weight is 101.88 pounds. Remember these are guidelines; your physician should help you determine the ideal weight and body fat for you.

You may be thinking that your lean body mass is your ideal weight or your weight if you were a true "lean machine." Well, it’s not. Your lean body mass is sum of the nonfat parts of your body like muscle, organs, blood and water.

To get to their guideline of estimated 22% fat, I would have to weight 137. (Ha. The last time I weighed that would have been age 16!)

Since I'm diabetic, my current weight's protein target would be 56 and 67.

At my idea weight then, my protein requirement per Dr. Rosedale would be approx 51 and 61.

I believe someone said that Eades and Rosedale parted company over the protein issue. I wonder who's right??
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