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Old Fri, Oct-31-08, 02:34
Scruffles Scruffles is offline
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Posts: 4
Plan: candida diet
Stats: 184/167/184 Male 182cm

Originally Posted by Shannon2

I can't work out how to use our scanner! So here it is, retyped.

Commercial breads and biscuits with wheat
Oats (for the first 3 weeks)
Commercial muffins, cakes and pastries
Wheat or semolina based pasta
all foods containing yeast
alcohol (for the first month, and thereafter vodka is best)
fruit juice
soft drink (have plain mineral water instead)
tea (can have decaf or herbal tea)
coffee (can have decaf)
dairy milk
soy milk with malt or sugar
sugar, artificial sweeteners, malt, honey, fructose, lactose
salt pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, mayonnaise, tamari, shoyu, worcestershire sauce
margarine, butter and all commercial spreads (except for grape juice sweetened, no sugar, jam)
No dairy (except small amounts of fresh fetta and ricotta)
No fruit at all for the first month, thereafter limit fruit intake, peaches and strawberries are best, then after 2 months can have pawpaw, banana, pineapple and kiwifruit. Melons are out totally.
Avoid shellfish, sausage, salami, ham and other processed or preserved meats
no peanuts, coconut, old nuts and seeds
no mushrooms
no fermented foods like miso or tofu
for the first 3 weeks: no potato, sweet potato, corn,beans or squash. They are all ok to eat after 3 weeks has passed.

Rice, corn, buckwheat, millet
rice or corn crackers
puffed millet and rice flakes cereal
rice corn millet or buckwheat pasta
Pau D'Arco tea (great for getting rid of candida)
diluted vegetable juices (no carrot)
homemade salad dressins with linseed or olive oil and lemon juice
home made hommous (cooked chickpeas blended with garlic, lemon juice and tahini)
soy or rice milk with no sugar or malt
lean beef, chicken, lamb and fresh fish
fresh nuts and seeds
try to pick low gi fruits and veg

Ok so it looks pretty boring, its really no wonder it gets you so healthy - look at what you're eating! I find that the best way to do it is be brutal, throw everything out of the cupboard that doesn't fit with this plan - has added sugar or whatever. Then make everything from scratch. Ok it can be boring but the difference in how you feel and look (glowing skin etc) makes it soooo worth it. I find it hard though when I leave stuff in the cupboard, stocks and sauces etc with sugar, thinking it won't matter (plus I don't like to make BF's dinner too boring), but a little bit of sugar really does make a difference because candida only needs a little bit to survive. And the point is to get rid of it.

The supplements are:
Chinese herbs: these are miracle things - should be able to get them from any chinese herbalist. The supplement I'm on is called: Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scutellaria Combination)
Pau D'Arco capsules, 2 twice a day
Vitamin C (to give the immune system a bit of a chance) 1000mg 2 times a day
Probiotics - either the acidopholous you keep in the fridge or if your like me and keep forgetting to put it in the fridge, there's one called Kolorex. Its not a probiotic as such but does the same thing, doesn't need to be kept in the fridge and it does a great job. I think you can get it online.
Olive leaf - a few mls in water every day
The naturopath also gave me some herbal drops which were specialised to me so probably not much point in me talking about them. But what's here will give you a good start to get a handle on things anyway.

hope it helps! I'm starting clean again today on the above diet/atkins style (the above just a lower carb version) if anyone feels inspired to join me!

So much bad information gets passed around about the candida diet. Here's my 2 cents worth on this list for what it's worth:

Decaf coffee is a no-no, it still contains the same amount of acid as regular coffee and with candida, you want to be encouraging an alkali environment in the gut, not an acid one. Besides anything else, the acid in the coffee will play havoc with your stomach if your candida has made it at all sensitive.

Coconut, hmm, it contains caprylic acid which is a known anti-fungal agent so why that should be forbidden is a mystery. Provided it's fresh and not processed, it has no negative impact on candida and should actually help fight it.

Tofu is not a fermented product. Why folk insist on saying it is, is beyond me. I make my own tofu and can assure people that there's zero fermentation involved in the process.

There are other questionable additions to both of the lists on this diet but these three strike me as the most misleading and factually unsubstantiated.

Hope that might help some folks out.

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