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Old Mon, May-05-08, 07:48
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Judynyc Judynyc is offline
Attitude is a Choice
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Plan: No sugar, flour, wheat
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Originally Posted by southbel
Well, my answer will be unpopular. The way I was able to maintain this WOE and to maintain my sanity was to not completely resist my cravings. I love two things that are so off limits for this WOE - spaghetti and sushi. And quite frankly, substitutions just do not do the job. So, in order to keep me on track, I actually planned my spaghetti and sushi meals every two weeks. By doing this, it kept me eating very, very clean the rest of the time because I knew I would have my spaghetti or sushi was coming up.

Sure, it wasn't the way Dr. Atkins said to do it but it kept me going and kept me from cheating ad hoc. I kept losing weight and I have kept off my weight successfully.

Now, there are some consequences to doing this though. I never felt too great after these meals, which usually helped to keep me from cheating further. Also, if you are a person with a slippery slope problem, this could be a problematic method. Fortunately, for myself, this was not a problem. I could have my one meal and get right back to eating on my WOE. Just another take on it. Again, a YMMV thing. I do realize this will be a very unpopular opinion.

I do the same thing as I find it a good strategy to have old favorite foods that I allow myself to eat once a month. Some months I go longer and am finding that I don't crave these foods as much as I used to crave them.

Chinese food is a biggie for me too....but I tend to binge when I eat it so I try to avoid it...or when I do have it, order it steamed with all sauces on the side for better control.

When I first got to maintenance, I too was terrified that I'd lose it and gain it all back. as time has gone by, I now see that I have truly changed the way I eat and I do have control of what I put into my mouth.

Congrats dnarroyo!!
Way to go on your 100 lb loss!!
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