Thread: Quitting
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Old Tue, Mar-20-07, 10:15
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Kandra Kandra is offline
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Originally Posted by Ptrcmcc6

I just don't understand. If we are a society which is trying to put an end to smoking.......why do you have to have a prescription to get these so called quit remedies. I know you can get a lot of things OTC now but there was a time not long ago when you needed a presciption for those also. I know you can get the gum without a prescription but I'm not even sure if you can get the patch without one?? Maybe someone might know the answer to that one??
I see what you mean, Kendra, about the triggers. I have sooooooo many triggers I don't know where to even start. The biggest one is sitting here at the computer like I am doing now. Another one is breaktime at work. It's just so normal for me to just go outside (no matter how freezing cold it is) and have a smoke. The problem is......I like going outside to just give myself a break from being cooped up in the store. To think of not being able to go outside is truly unbearable!!

Hi Patty,
It's really good that you're making plans for your quit. That way you'll know EXACTLY what you'll do when the craving hits you.

Begin NOW by not allowing yourself to smoke in all the usual places. This will begin to break the triggers while you're still smoking...MUCH MUCH easier that way. Also write down all the alternatives that you can do when confronted with a trigger like instead of going out to smoke, go out for a very brisk 3-5 minute walk, maybe another walk after dinner or buy some special bubble bath or spa salts and have a special time for yourself, etc. Whatever you do, write it all down because once you do quit when or if you get a really strong craving, your mind doesn't think clearly and you just won't remember the bad parts about smoking and will forget all of your plans and why you want to do the alternative things instead of grabbing a smoke. The writen notes for you to remind yourself is really powerful, it got me through many rough spots.

The answer to your question regarding OTC NRTs (I asked the same thing when I took the American Cancer Society Quit Smoking Program.) is that they are by prescription only until they have a proven track record as being safe, then because of the reason you mentioned - being of such help to society if access is easier and cheaper - they petition the FDA to become an OTC drug.

Yes, the patch is also OTC. I used the patch and the gum but kept a close eye on the mg of nicotine and never went over the amount I got when I smoked. I did better when I followed the directions in the box. They also have an OTC lozenge, but I don't know if it's sugar free or how it tastes.
The nicotine patch worked really well for me and if someone invented a carbpatch they would billions, no zillions of dollars.

I know that you'll find the perfect quit method that works for you Patty. Keep on wanting to be a non-smoker and making that a stronger desire than the desire to smoke.

Here's a link to a wonderful forum, kinda like this one, but for quitting. It really helped me.
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