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Old Fri, Dec-03-04, 21:45
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Gooserider Gooserider is offline
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Galadriell: As a Julia Child fan I am for home-made mayo with my whole heart. I am not talking against it. Only one remark. Please be very careful storing home-made mayo (with raw eggs in it) for more than one week... My best wishes for both of you to your new WOL. (I have read your journal, you both are doing great. )

Never got into Julia Child, as she always seemed a bit pretentious to me (but tastes differ!) but I appreciate the advice about the mayo. I do try to be very careful about keeping it refrigerated at all times, and otherwise doing the 'food safety thang' It actually looks like the triple batch will only last about 10 days or so. Making it isn't really the problem, it's just that the setup and clean up time is so much, plus the food processor parts take half the top shelf in the dishwasher. (AFAIK, Julia never had to do her own dishes )

I appreciate your comment about the journal as well, we are both new to this, and it is good to get the confirmation from more experienced folks that we really are managing as well as we think we are.

diemde: The concept of mixing fat or protein with carbs is popular for this very reason. The theory is that the fat/protein slow down the carb processing which flattens out the insulin response. If the SAs are triggering the cravings, then eating fats/proteins along with them should help. One other related concept... If you do get an insulin spike, one method to reduce it back down to a flat level pretty quickly is to exercise, especially strength training. When your muscles are pushed harder than normal they burn up the carbs pretty quickly. With exercising, always start out slowly and build up. Exercise is a real help with this way of life, no matter how much fat we have to lose. Maybe a short walk to start with to build up. I started out with the 1 mile Walk Away the Pounds video which is great for a beginner.

Glad to hear we are on the right track about the insulin spikes. If getting rid of the artificial sweeteners doesn't solve the issue (it hasn't so far, but it's only been a few days) I'll probably suggest letting them back as long as she mixes them with something else.

The exercise approach sounds like a good idea except that most of her problems with hunger are hitting her at work, and doing power lifts with a keyboard just isn't going to get it She also at present isn't very good at walking, though she's gotten noticeably better in the past few weeks. She goes to her health club about 3x week, and is currently doing 10 minutes on the treadmill ~ 1.8 mph, plus stationary bike, a couple of exercise machines, and arm weights. I'd like her to get into doing some more strength type work as my reading leads me to think it's the best thing to help her build up muscle mass, which will help her with the weight issues, but it's been a fairly tough sell so far.

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