Thread: New Kiwi
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Old Sun, May-06-01, 06:01
nrussell nrussell is offline
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Kia ora Monique

Forget the scales - mine make me so angry I could smash them. They are all over the place, everytime I get on them lately I want to do myself harm, they really bum me out. Pay attention to your clothes instead - I dont know why or how but my clothes sizes are dropping rapidly.

Find something that used to be a bit tight, leave it until the end of induction and try it on. You'll probably be very pleasantly surprised. Also with only 14lbs to go whatever woe you follow, fat doesnt fall off quickly not like when you've got 100lbs to go.

I'm masquerading as an Aussie these days but I was born in Rotorua, made a run for it, lived in London for 15 years, regularly rocked it up in Dublin (one of my all time favourite places) and then eventually came to rest here. Melbourne is quite a lot like London (Dublin even?) but without the hassle.

Anyway, good luck to you. Kia kaha.

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