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Old Mon, Feb-09-04, 10:09
nopie nopie is offline
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Default fats and diet

Today's paper had an article from the Harvard Medical School regarding fats in your diet. I especially loved the last sentence - "So you shouldn't worry too much about the amount of fat in your diet - as long as it's the good kind."
It included a chart that explained all the different fats and how they affect your body. This is it:

Saturated - such as red meat, whole milk, cheese, butter, poultry skin, coconut and palm oil - raises bad LDL, RAISES good HDL

Trans fat - such as many margarines, crisco, hydrogenated, meals at fast food, store bought crackers and cookies, most processed foods - raises bad LDL, lowers good HDL, linked to an increase in heart disease - the article stresses how bad this is and says it should be completely avoided

Mono-unsaturated - such as olive oil, canola oil, olives, avocadoes, cashews, almonds - lowers LDL, raises HDL

Polyunsaturated include omega 3 and omega 6

Omega-3 - fish, flaxseed oil, walnuts, canola oil - little effect of cholesterol levels, lowers tryglycerides, might help with depression

Omega-6 - corn, soybean, and sunflower oil - lowers LDL, raises HDL

Unfortunately, the article fails to mention the part that carbohydrates play in lipid levels but I thought the chart was a helpful explanation of fats and their effects.
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