Thread: <sigh>
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Old Sat, Sep-08-01, 22:25
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Tikerberi Tikerberi is offline
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Location: Ohio
Unhappy <sigh>

I was doing SOOOOOO well. Tonight, I even got on the scale and had lost another pound! I called a friend long distance to share, and felt great.

Then, I went shopping. After reading all the threads on alcohol, I thought that after having a few shots of vodka with soda and lime the last few days (avoiding anything with berries or grains) that I would search for a "bone dry" wine. I stood in the wine shelves for a long time, reading labels, wondering, WTF is a "bone dry" wine? Some had meters on the labels, but I could only find "dry" and not the "very dry." So, while I had a wonderful chunk of sea bass in my basket, and frozen spinach in my freezer (which I ended up never eating, since I've somehow lost interest in veggies), I decided to purchase a 150 ml bottle of white merlot, which was not only dry, but they claimed they had made it "drier."

So, I made a small spencer steak with horseradish and the sea bass for a "surf and turf" dinner, with the wine. Of course, it being a Saturday evening and me being alone in my apartment watching Bette Davis, I ended up sipping up the whole bottle, believe it or not...but it was 10.5% alcohol...the lowest for a wine I've ever had, and I'm only feeling slightly warm even now.

Thing is, that after that, I had to take a ride to my relatives' to pick up some things since I'm leaving the country for a couple of weeks (I have noted that I'm currently in Estonia, but I'm actually in Ohio but will be in Estonia in two days and have lived there for the last two years..will change it when I return)...and on the way home, happenrd past a favorite ice cream stand. There used to be only one of the type in this state, and then two, and this was a surprise of a third one.

I couldn't help it. I was mesmerized. I went in, and asked for my favorite. Howevever, I wanted to know the sugar content and they had no clue. Oh, they could tell me how much fat it didn't have, but I told them I wasn't interested...I wanted to know about the sugar. They didn't know. They suggested I get a small amount. I was already crazed, and said "Gimme the jumbo," which is my habit from years ago.

I ate a small amount on the way home, and it was amazing how I seemed to taste the sugar in it. I put it aside (I had a long drive on the freeway) but as it melted I was tempted even more, since I love that particular ice cream half-melted. So, I ended up eating the whole thing.

So, what did I do then? I went home and figured, "I have to counteract it with pure fat!" I had some link sausages and finished off my wine (don't ask).

Then I started to get other cravings, and here I am with a beer <ugh> and not even a Miller Light, since I didn't want to buy a six pack and the store didn't have it in 24 oz., so I'm drinking my old favorite, Molson Ice.

Dammmit! I feel like I really fell off the induction and went crazy. Still, althought I feel like I've gone far overboard, I am motivated to start tomorrow with induction again....

Can anyone tell me how much I've harmed my progress? How much will this set my metabolism, ketosis and weight loss back? I'm fighting feelings of depression and having failed....but I feel motivated enought to start again tomorrow, because the progress I saw in only a few days was phenomenal....

I'm not sure if anyone can help me, but it sure helps to share mytruth here....thanks for reading.
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