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clodagh Fri, Aug-16-02 08:39

I think we need a new thread
HI all

There's quite a few of us Irish people here now!

I noticed a few messages from new Low carbers, so I thought it might be helpful if I told you what I eat.

I eat a version of the Schawarzbein principle and a low GI diet.


usually the same all the time as I am temping so don't always have access to kitchen etc.

ryvitas with philadelphia cheese, yogurt with fruit, grilled bacon and eggs, working up to opening a packet of Flahavans porridge.

any kind of chicken ( I often grill a few chicken breasts at a time and keep them for lunches) with big salad, lettuce, tomato, peppers, grated carrot, celery sometimes beetroot. Alos caesar salad ( those bags in the supermarket are great. )
other protein - small tins of salmon, ham and cheese
I always have a piece of fruit after lunch

raw peanuts and an apple, macadamia nuts, almonds, ryvita with peanut butter, celery with peanut butter or cream cheese

Fish: salmon cutlet or fillet into the oven for 12 mins with little butter on top, chicken cooked in greaseproof paper parcel spread with some garlic and herb philadelphia, spaghetti bolognese ( w/o spaghetti) chilli ( big pot with lots of kidney beans)
for a quick dinner 100% beef burgers from supermarket with veg
Stirfy with any meat and some brown rice.

Veg: roasted courgette pepper and onion ( gorgeous) stirfry broccoli with sesame seeds, stirfry veg with celery ( very nice) any kind of other veg, etc.

I still drink wine - at the weekends mostly and for a sweet treat, some bournville chocolate with some nuts.

I don't eat any special low carb products - mainly because they don't seem to be available here! also I don't need them. I eat mostly wholefood.

I have lost 15 lbs, and feel fantastic - more energy, great skin...
so I must be doing something right!!!

hope this helps!!!!

anyone any other good tips?!?


Clare Anne Mon, Aug-26-02 08:16

Hi Clodagh,

Thank you very much for posting your daily menu - it's really helpful to see what other people are eating.

I started on Schwarzbein but I got a bit disillusioned with it as I lost a few pounds but then things started to stall. So as of last Monday I've been giving Atkins induction a go. I've lost 5 lbs but I'm a bit concerned as the same thing appears to be happening - I lose a few pounds quite easily early in the week but then everything just grinds to a halt.

I'm not particularly thrilled about Atkins as I'm having a problem accepting that eating as much fat as possible and as few carbs as possible can be healthy! If I see another fried egg I swear I'll cry! (I'm having difficulty coming up with allowed alternatives to the fried breakfast as you might note!)

Much as I want to shift the weight, I want to be healthier even more! Just feeling a little disillusioned today, particular as I've just been to the Swedish Food Company and had a high carb lunch!

Any advice?

Clare Anne

clodagh Mon, Aug-26-02 09:17

HI Clare Anne

My advice would be to go back to SP and give it a good few weeks. If you are weighing everyday you'll drive yourself mental
!!!! Choose a day to weigh each week and only weight then. alternatively, don't weigh at all but measure yourself now and them measure yourself again at intervals.

The SP is a really healing type of plan and if you give it some time you will see a difference. You definitely won't see a result really quickly as it's not that kind of plan.

When I started back in March, I gave myself 6 weeks to see if it made any difference and I really got organised. I bought salad/veg meat etc at the weekends and each day got my lunch ready so when lunchtime came around and I was starving, I wasn't tempted towards anything high carb.
So being organised is crucial. Also giving yourself loads of variety. I know what you mean about the fried eggs - I went so off eggs at the beginning. now I don't have them every day.

So I think if you really want a plan you can stick to. maybe go back to SP and set yourself a goal of say 6/8 weeks and see how you feel then.

I tried Atkins once too but it was too difficult for me. Also I really believe that veg and fruit are a major part of a healthy diet so Atkins didn't really make me feel great.

For me I really had major incentives too - I am getting married in October and also I have PCOS so following this diet closely will hopefully help me to conceive too.

If I can give you any other advice let me know!

Scarlet Mon, Aug-26-02 11:31

Hi Clodagh

I have PCOS too and was wondering if you could explain a bit about the schwartzbean principle since you seem to be having a lot of success with it. I am pretty curious because I know the basics of most other low carb plans but not this one.

Also, I find it difficult to eat out low carb. Can you reccomend any good retaurants in Dublin?


clodagh Tue, Aug-27-02 07:46

regarding eating out - you can eat out low carb anywhere I think!!! of course depending on the type of restaurants you are talking about.

In most ordinary/decent restaurants, all you have to do is ask for extra veg instead of the spuds. or order an extra portion of veg and leave the rice or spuds.
I quite like eating out now as I will have some chicken wings for starter now and then eat a nice piece of fish/steak/ chicken.

If you are talking about fast food - well I guess it doesn't work for low carb. If I am in MCDonalds with the nephews, I sometimes eat a burger and leave the bun. but usually I have organised something else for myself to eat later.

TSP is simply a wholefood diet. no low carbs shakes or whatever. just eating whole food, with plenty of veg, and some fruit. LOts and lots of water too.
I eat nuts, chicken fish, meat, eggs, ryvitas, hummus, cream cheese , a different variety of veg each week, salads for lunch always.

I am very organised and I always know what's for lunch the next day. I always have raw nuts at home for any bad moments and some bournville chocolate to tide me over a sugar craving.
I drink wine at the weekends but never beer or cider.
I exercise about 3/4 times a week.
A big thing is that I am mentally very geared towards succeeding with this eating plan. Also I can't eat anything processed anymore w/o getting cramps and diarrhoea so this really motivates me not to cheat!!!!!
I do cheat a small bit but only on a Sunday.

I think TSP is very healthy and sensible. It's not an instant solution and the weight won't just fall off, but it's coming along nicely.

Scarlet Thu, Aug-29-02 10:52

I see you are already 50% towards your weight loss goal. Well done! My big problem is that I don't actually like meat very much so doing low carb is not much fun for me. Also I don't seem to be able to keep it up beyond a couple of weeks which I know is not good. I am doing the IR diet and am having success with it, but find it hard to eat a lot of protein without consuming more fat and this diet requires moderate/low fat intake. I really wanna heal though because I am terrified of getting diabetes, heart disease etc.

I did do WW for a couple of weeks this summer but ended up nearly fainting at the bus stop, so decided to give it up. The more I read the more I realise that we need adequate protein and fat in our diets. Anyways, this has turned into a big long rant- LOL. I basically just wanted to say thanks for the info and congrats on your weight loss which is so hard with PCOS.

Well Done!

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