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wanabthin Thu, Jul-25-02 08:17

I wanna countdown!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone. I have alot of weight to lose and would kinda like to have a buddy. I don't even know how to instant message anyone.I have to lose at least 100 lbs. I need some support. Someone to compare with. The last day I've counted up instead of down(gained 2 lbs). If I have a buddy, Ill have a little incentive.If your interested let me know. Thanks a bunch-Tammy :wave: :D

Louise V Thu, Jul-25-02 12:09

Hi Tammy!
Sounds like your off to a pretty good start! I'd be very happy to be your buddy, I don't know if your looking for someone who is in the process of losing a lot of weight or someone who's been there. I've been there and still have a little bit to go, you'll see as you keep losing how great and different life is.
Just let me know if I'm the type of buddy your looking for, If yes I'd be happy to help you through this journey that we're all on.
Have a great day

wanabthin Thu, Jul-25-02 12:47

Louise, I would love to have you as a buddy. I can see you have been there! How long have you been doin it?(LC) I'm very happy for you! I'm 26(almost 27) and I've been big my whole life. In the 8th grade I weighed 255. I really want to see whats it's like to be thinner. I know once I got a taste of it, I'd never wanna go back to the old me. I messed up last night, but I'm back on track again today. I'm getting tired of cooking all the time......but I may as well get used to it.I've found rotissery chickens are good for a quick fix. what would you consider a stall? Not losing any weight in 2 weeks or a month? I'm afraid the brakfast sausage I'm eating is slowing me down, but It's only been a couple of days. Anyway, last night caused me to gain I guess cause the scales upset me this morn. Mabye it's just water like thet say. Well I'm gonna go 4 now. Have a good day and w/b Tammy D :wave:

Louise V Thu, Jul-25-02 14:13

Hi Tammy!
I've been low carbing for 2 years now. I too was overweight as a child and after having my kids the weight came on even more, then a car accident which caused me to gain more again, but that's a long story, will keep that for later lol. I'm 37 a mother of 2 teens, all of my friends are much younger than I, they are all in there 20's.
I don't consider a few weeks as a stall, I would say a few months...that is strictly on the plan without any thing happening, if you have a cheat here and there and don't lose your not in a stall. I would be careful with then sausages, make sure there are no sugars or bread crumbs in them, some have a lot of hidden carbs. Drink a lot of water, this really helps too, at first you'll go to the little girls room a lot, but soon your body will adjust....
Well I should go and make diner, I'll chech in later!

Tanyaskees Thu, Jul-25-02 14:19

hi Tammy, welcome to the forum. Hi Louis, long time to talk, you been ok I hope.

Tammy, I will be glad to chat with you and be your buddy. I love this forum and the people on here. People like Louis are my insparation. Louis, sent Tammy a link to your pictures. Every time I want to cheat, I remember those pictures, and most of the time I back off, but not all the time :). Talk to you girls soon.

wanabthin Sun, Jul-28-02 12:01

What's up????????
How are ya'll doin? I'm makin it. :( m I haven't lost anymore weight. I think it's the sausage and bacon I've been eating everyday. I hope it will help me out. So, are you guys doin ok. Any new recepies you have to share......especially breakfast, since I'll be cutting out my processed meats. Ya'll holler back at me good. Tammy- aka- wannabthin

Louise V Mon, Jul-29-02 09:48

Good Morning girls!!!
Tanya great to hear from you again! I'm doing fine, still not losing much but still not smoking either, so I'm feeling great, how about you are you still not smoking, I must say Love the picture, it's nice to put a face to the person.
Tammy I'm so glad to see that your sticking to the plan, don't get discouraged if you don't lose weight all the time, sometimes you'll lose in inches and the weight will start coming off again, I know we depend on the scale all the time, don't weigh yourself every day either, some days you retain fluids and the scales go up, then you get down in the dumps for nothing.
Did you check out the recipe forum under breakfast there are some pretty good ideas there, I eat really simple because I find if I eat anything that is kind of sweet then I start craving carbs, and that's not a good thing, I am a sugar freak LOL
If you want to see my before and now pics just klick on this if I can do it, anyone can.
Have a great day!!!!

Tanyaskees Mon, Jul-29-02 10:07

Hi girls, how are ya'll this morning? I bought a new scale this weekend that measures body fat as well. It is 5 lbs more then what I had, so I had to adjust my stats, not too happy. Plus I gained like 5 pound after I started working out 3 weekd ego, whats up with that? So, I am not a hapy camper, but at least now I have a scale that matches my doctors, I think it's a lot more accurate. I did adjust my start wieght as well.

Tanyaskees Mon, Jul-29-02 10:08

Oh, forgot to mention that I am still not smoking as well, two and a half months for me.

Tari Mon, Jul-29-02 11:03

Got room for one more?
Hi there! :wave:

If you have room for one more, I'd love to be buddies with you all!

I've been LCing since last January, and have lost about 30 lbs so far. My fiancee and I went on Atkins together to try to lose weight before our wedding next May. He's lost over 55 lbs and is getting close to his goal weight--it's so frustrating how men lose so much easier.

I was not a heavy child. In fact, I was a dancer in my younger years and really never had to think about what I ate--when you're dancing 5-7 hours a day you pretty much burn everything off. Once I quit dancing, though, I started putting on weight. Slowly at first, but then I developed hypoglycemia and the pounds came on fast.

I just love the LC WOL. I feel better than I have in years. Aside from the weight loss, my blood sugar is much more stable than it's ever been...I found out that I'm not as moody as I (and everyone else!) thought I was--it was just insulin overload!

My next mini-goal is to get under 200 lbs. by late October. I have to order my wedding dress then and if I can get down one more dress size, it's $50 cheaper. :)

Louise, I looked at your pictures and you're AMAZING! So gorgeous! I think I'm going to post them on my wall to look at when I'm feeling tempted (which still happens too often).

Tanya, congratulations on quitting smoking! I've not been able to kick that yet. (One vice at a time ;) )

Tanyaskees Mon, Jul-29-02 11:43

Hi Tari, welcome :). Quiting smoking is not easy, sometimes I could eat a pack.....LOL. You'll quit when you are ready. Congrats on your upcoming wedding, must be very exciting, I kind of remember. I have been married almost 11 years. Good luck to both of you.

wanabthin Mon, Jul-29-02 14:05

Louise, you look GREAT. I can't stress it enough! What's the difference in Protein Power and Atkins? I hope someday I can post my pics on there. Oh yeah.....congrats on the girls that quit smoking. I know it was hard. To the newcomer......the more the merrier! This web site is great and there are lots of nice people to help us on our journey to "thinness". good luck to all of you! And Louise........YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louise V Tue, Jul-30-02 14:43

Good afternoon girls!
Thank you all for the kind words!!I just think it's important and more encouraging when you know it can be done, and you know someone who has and is doing it .
Welcome Tari and congrats, on the wedding....I guess you'll be real busy planning things for a while. Don't worry about quitting smoking yet, one thing at a time.
Tanya I'm glad to hear your still not smoking, neither am I, it's been 4 1/2 months and man do I feel good!!!! you Tanya that could be the reason for the 5 pounds you gained, I did the same thing just lately, maybe our metabolism slowing down now that the nicotine is gone...
Tammy the two life plans are pretty much the same, the only difference is we're allowed fruit from the beginning and the PP book I found to be more detailed. Tammy you will post your pictures one day, don't say "maybe" say I will, it gives you a much better attitude that way. :)
I'm off to make diner, Have a great low carb day

Tari Tue, Jul-30-02 16:40

Hi girls. I got a big kick in the pants last night. I found out my fiancee now weighs less than five pounds more than me. Good for him...but there's NO WAY I'm going to let him weigh less than me (he started out like 35 pounds heavier).

So, now I'm really inspired to not cheat even a little. I was able to look at the Krispy Kremes my evil coworker left in front of my desk all day without being even a little tempted (yea me :D ). I've been very, very good with drinking lots and lots of water.

My TOM is due this week. So, I should drop about six pounds once that's over with...that will help. I'm also going to do the cardio excercising more often (starting this morning).

Whatever it takes for that extra motivation, huh?

Tanyaskees Tue, Jul-30-02 19:02

Good for you Tari. I started cardio this morning myself. Doing the walk away the pounds for abs vidio, it pretty good. I also jazzercise 4 times a week, not thats a workout, but I love it. Louise, I started exercising 3 weeks ego and thats when I started gaining. I hope that all it is. I really really don't want to go back to induction, but I will if something doesn't change in a few weeks. I won't be happy about it though :(. BTW, i love being a nonsmoker, it is a great feeling most of the time....LOL. I'll talk to you girls later.

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