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Akiwican Tue, Mar-26-02 08:16


I need to know if I can just substitute "Splenda" for "sugar" in the receipe for Pavlova. I am having a dinner party at Easter and it will be a delicious treat for everyone and a good low carb dessert for me.

:wave: Akiwican

Rosebud Wed, Mar-27-02 17:04

Hi Akiwican,
Yes, Splenda should work just fine in pavlova.
I should mention that I haven't tried it myself but then I've never even made a pavlova with sugar. (Blushes - I feel so un-Australian admitting that! :D )
Good luck with it, and let us know how it turns out.


Akiwican Wed, Mar-27-02 17:40

Thanks! I am making it for some Canadian friends and they have never had it before so I guess they wont know the difference between it and the "real thing".

Happy Easter :wave: Akiwican

lesleyc Wed, Mar-27-02 18:06


I've tried this and yes it definitely works!

Through several attempts I've found that slightly less splenda is needed than the equivalent in sugar...seems to taste too sweet otherwise.

it might be just me....but you also need to be careful about how much pav you eat cos all that artificial sweetner can be rather headache inducing :(

Good luck,

let us know how it turns out


Akiwican Wed, Mar-27-02 21:06

Thanks for the reply. I will cut the Splenda back a bit and take it easy on the size of my piece. With 16 people coming for dinner the last thing I want is a headache! :rolleyes:

By the way... my name is Lesley too and I am originally from Lower Hutt {been over here for 14 years now} It's a small world with the internet though.....

Happy Easter :wave: Akiwican

clwydd Thu, Mar-28-02 05:35

You might try getting some SugarTwin as well as Splenda (the cyclamate kind--either liquid or granulated) and using both. Karen mixes sweeteners in her recipes because together they seem sweeter, but taste better. If your recipe calls for 1/2 cup sugar, trying adding the equivalent of 1/4 or a 1/3 cup first (combined, not each), taste it, and see if you need more.


lesleyc Mon, Apr-01-02 13:57

Wow...another Lesley!

and practically a neighbour. You're so right the internet makes the world small. So what made you move to the other side of the globe?


Akiwican Mon, Apr-01-02 19:10

The guy I married is a Canadian {he lived in NZ most of his life though} It was easy to live and work here and we just wanted to travel around a bit. Everything is so much closer over here to take a quick trip. We love it here.... even the winters with all the snow!

TTYL, Lesley

Dianne Thu, Apr-04-02 15:59

Hi Akiwican

How did you get on with the pavlova. I tried it myself a few weeks ago and it didn't turn out all that well. I used less Splenda so the taste wasn't too bad, but it came out of the oven looking yellowish instead of white.

The overall flavour just wasn't the same. I'd be interested to hear how yours was.


Akiwican Thu, Apr-04-02 16:11

Unfortunately it did not work out so well. But in saying that, I dont think it was the exchange from sugar to splenda that made it flop. The receipe I used had some water in with the egg whites and they just didnt whip up like they should have. It was pretty flat and yes, mine was slightly yellow.

:wave: Akiwican

lesleyc Thu, Apr-04-02 16:13

Hi both,

It was yellow when I made it to. I found that cooking it slightly longer makes it more crispy on the outside, but the middle is soft....but I like it that way.

It does look a bit different but I thought it tasted pretty much the same. Did you not think so?


Dianne Thu, Apr-04-02 16:25

Yes, mine was crispy on the outside and soft in the middle and I do like it that way, but the flavour was not there. Mind you, I am a whizz at making pavlovas the old way, so my expectations were very high. My son took one look at it and refused to eat it - I have spoiled him with perfect pavs!!

I wouldn't make it that way again.

Akiwican Thu, Apr-04-02 16:28

Try again
I'll try it again with Splenda on a special occassion {with the other receipe}. I love Pav and dont want to give it up. If you put enough cream on top you probably wont see the yellow :)

:wave: Akiwican

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