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3shewolf8 Tue, Oct-21-08 16:35

I listened to idiots
Hi all. :wave: Sometimes it is hard to admit when you don't follow all of the advise you have ever gotten and given. I talked to a nutrutionist in March of this year ('08). She told me that I had to raise my fiber or my body was really going to suffer. She sounded so convincing and scared the CRAP out of me that I did raise my fiber. Of course this means raising carbs. At first I didn't notice much of a difference and it was good. I ate apples and some whole wheat pasta and low fat stuff. I just realized that I gained about 20lbs in the past 6.5 months. I could scream!! So, yesterday I am back on INDUCTION levels of Atkins and I made it though day 2 today. It is a struggle, of course, but I have done it before and I WILL DO IT AGAIN. I know exactly how I want to look to myself in the mirror :D . The best part is my husband is FINALLY doing it with me and for all the right reasons. FOR HIMSELF. We have both made it through day #2 with flying colors. I just made our work lunches for tomorrow, hamburg patties with cheese, a baggie with cheese cubes and pepperoni. He has a couple of sausage patties and I have a salad. :yum: we both are drinking water, water, water. It is going to work for both of us this time. :p

pennink Tue, Oct-21-08 17:09

um, what else did you eat though?

I've gone over to the dark side, and I have to watch portions and really watch calories. Did you add sugar back?

Just worrying. that's all.

cartersg1 Wed, Oct-22-08 11:45

The other night, we went out to dinner and there was a fresh Italian baguette placed under my nose along with the olive oil dip. I took a small piece of bread and tried it. YUM...until a few hours later when my body reacted to the wheat and gluten...I'll spare the details on it. Lets say I won't do it again. I went back with more carbs for about three months and I gained 20 pounds. I've now lost 23 pounds and below 200 with a combination of LC and mild exercise. But I have to be vigilant. Now that DH has to restrict his sodium intake (elevated blood pressure) and cut back on processed food, life for me just got easier. My cholestrol has DROPPED dramatically since I started on this journey and my blood sugar is good. I will get my next set of tests in March so I should see even more improvement since I'm back on LC and regular exercise. I have brown rice pasta once a week since my family loves pasta (and they don't have the food allergies to wheat and sugar) but other than that, I keep it going.

Pennink, it takes a week or so for the changes to "catch up", at least it does for me. So if I end up with too many carbs one week, I won't see a weight gain for another week unless I'm able to compensate somewhere else like an increase in exercise or drop off the carbs. So I have to be very, very careful. With colder weather approaching, I really have to get out to the rec center and use the indoor walking track, if nothing else. So just track what you're doing and eating and if you see any weight changes or mood changes, then maybe low-fat, higher-carb isn't going to work. Everyone is different but low-fat does not work for me at all. Cheers!

pennink Wed, Oct-22-08 11:48

No, hasn't happened to me at all. I've been on WW since August.

I just wanted to know what else she was eating.

3shewolf8 Wed, Oct-22-08 18:37

I also ate whole wheat Kashi pizza, Kashi cereal, Kashi breakfast bars (all recommended by the nutritionist) While there was a LOT of fiber in these, there was also sugar. She told me to just keep my calories below 1900 and to eat as high fiber and low fat as possible.

Obviously not the right "way of eating" for me though. I am now pure through day 3 and I have the ketosis breath and am feeling better all ready. I have the WORST sweet cravings, but I know they will go away soon.

pennink Wed, Oct-22-08 18:45

1900?????? is she nuts?????

my full points on WW comes in around 1286. No wonder! Bet they all had way more than 2 g of sugar per serving.

Yes, you listened to an idiot. Sorry about that!!!!

jschwab Wed, Oct-22-08 22:31

Originally Posted by 3shewolf8
I also ate whole wheat Kashi pizza, Kashi cereal, Kashi breakfast bars (all recommended by the nutritionist) While there was a LOT of fiber in these, there was also sugar. She told me to just keep my calories below 1900 and to eat as high fiber and low fat as possible.

Obviously not the right "way of eating" for me though. I am now pure through day 3 and I have the ketosis breath and am feeling better all ready. I have the WORST sweet cravings, but I know they will go away soon.

Everything Kashi has mucho MSG in it - that stuff makes me seriously ill! So glad you are back on track.

y0u Wed, Oct-22-08 23:08

I am so sick of all this "Health food" like Kashi that is full of "Cane Sugar" or "Cane Juice". People really think it's somehow different than sugar, it IS sugar. I don't think the 1900 calories is too far off tho. I was eating too few calories for years and that contributed to my weight gain because I was always is starvation mode. I try and keep it 1700-1800 and exercise. It took me a really long time to be convinced that I had to eat to lose weight.

Best of luck to you and your hubby, it's great that you can do this together!! :wave:

Ptrcmcc6 Thu, Oct-23-08 06:34

Glad to see you're back to doing what works best for you. And to have DH alongside of you....... woooo-hooooooo!!

Best of luck to both of you!!


3shewolf8 Thu, Oct-23-08 14:22

Thanks to all of you. It is day 4 and both my hubby and myself are still going strong. He had an "almost cheat" moment but ate cheese instead. I am SO PROUD of him. He has tried it before and failed. He weighs almost 500lbs so he needs to do this.

gmmd Thu, Oct-23-08 14:42

Originally Posted by jschwab
Everything Kashi has mucho MSG in it - that stuff makes me seriously ill! So glad you are back on track.

I have heard that Kashi is the BIGGEST joke! Lots of products are loaded with sugar and other crap. It just "sounds" so natural and "good for you". Hey I'll admit it - I fall victim to advertising and marketing....

Anyway - OP -- great job on getting back on plan.... :)

pennink Thu, Oct-23-08 17:31

like Muesli... it's full of sugar.

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