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multipower Sat, Sep-08-01 13:08

Greetings from Italy [:-)]
Hi, I'm Jacopo from Venice (Italy).
I started my first low carb diet one year ago, when I was 16. Now I'm in CKD, I think it's my diet.
Well, I love italian foods (like pasta, pizza and so on) but I'm a body-builder so I wanna be always on fit! [:)]

I hope to post and reply here very often!

Ciao!!! :wave:


Karen Sun, Sep-09-01 01:07

Welcome to Jacopo!

We have a great CKD forum here. Have you had a chance to look at it yet?


Amidala Wed, Nov-28-01 14:48

Hi Multipower!!
Hi Multipower! (and anyone reading!)

I read you are from Italy. I am from Barcelona, so you are the one I found inside "here" more similar to my culture. You know what I mean...our both lands built its life around a table (food, wine... :daze: ).

Ans as I saw you have been lowcarbing for quite a long I though maybe you could give me a couple of tips. The thing is that after working the whole day, I get home and I want to relax with a red wine glass. It is not that I need sweets or chocolate (although I miss pasta!!! :mad: ), but I cannot resist that. Also on the weekend...what do you do when you are visiting your NONA, and she is ofering so many great home-made dishes...

I don't know, maybe it is only than you are young and helthy, but me (28! :exclm:) I do not get enough power to stay on the diet as before...And don't ask me about sport! Arriving at home at 20h is too much...

well maybe I wrote too much for the first time.
To the rest of people: please do not missunderstand me, but it is quite difficult to follow your advices ( I don't find Low Carb made food, I don't come home at 5 ready to do sport...) It's just a diferent culture!

Hugs to evryone readying and hope someone can give me a little bit of power to go on!
(I hope The Force were with me...)

XXX Amidala

multipower Wed, Nov-28-01 16:07

One day of week you can eat what you want... don't worry... If you can't resist of drinking a glass of wine ok... but don't go too far! [;-)]

I suggest you "the metabolic diet" of Mauro di Pasquale (, it's a great book, you'll find many advice to continue lo-carb diets and their lifestyle!



PS: "Barça" is a fantastic city.. I love that!!

Mindyd Wed, Feb-20-02 15:27

Totally off the subject....
I was trying to find people in this "community" who live in Italy - and low and behold I've found a couple, but I can't e-mail them directly! So I guess I'll have to chat here and hope that you check in here.....

I am hoping to plan a vacation to Italy for sometime this summer - and I was looking to possibly rent a cottage, villa, or something like that for a preference is in Tuscany, but I'm not 100% sold on that - I could be swayed if someone "in the know" offers a better suggestion.....I've been to Rome, but that's the extent of my Italian travels. Do either of you have any suggestions?

I look forward to hearing from you.....thanks!


multipower Thu, Feb-21-02 06:43

My suggest is.... have you ever been to Venice? :)



Mindyd Thu, Feb-21-02 07:08

Tell me about Venice
I'd love to see any part of Italy - so tell me about Venice and where you suggest I stay - there is a major airport there, correct? I welcome your input, since you are a local......

How are you today? (Though in comparison, your day is nearly over.....) :)



smurfette Sun, Jul-21-02 12:49

amalfi, florence
Hi, Mindy

Venezia beautiful certainly. But Amalfi and Capri are also breathtaking. The beaches in Southern Italy are very nice too. It depends what you are after.
Re the Italian food I have an Italian mom and dad who always think I am starving and dying. I just eat their prosciutto and sausage...skip the lasagna...but hey I am older so I can drive myself home in an emergency. Venezia boy...saluti da Toronto.

MyRocco Fri, Mar-28-03 01:47

Ciao from Atene!
Glad to see people from south Europe, I wish everybody the best and great wheight loss now that spring is around (at last)!
Multipower, I envy you for living a Venezia! What plan did you follow before CAD? What differences have you noticed?
Mindyd, can you read italian? There are some good italian sites whith info that could help you organise your trip.
Baci to Italia and Espagnia!

Raquel2473 Fri, Jul-11-03 21:15

To Amidala
Hola Amidala,
yo tambien soy de Espana pero vivo en USA, solamente queria pasar Y decir hola! de Carolina del norte :wave:

Hasta pronto.


anewlife Thu, Jul-31-03 13:29

Viva España! Viva Italia!
Hello All,

I want to say hello to those from Italy and Spain--My two favorite places to visit.

Soy de eeuu, pero viví en España por un año (2001-2002) y acabo de festejar en Pamplona (San Fermin 2003).

Italy is a gem. I wish I could speak Italian. I have visited many cities there.

Good luck with the low carbing. I have been low-carbing since October of last year and have lost 30 pounds so far (14 kilos?). By the way, I did not give up drinking wine. Dry red wine is very low in carbs. My favorite is Muga, although I would like to explore Italy's wines also.

your low carb friend from Texas,


Alexxa Tue, Aug-19-03 01:36

ciao multi power,
i live in australia but my parents are from italy, i come from rome, i am also 17
you type english very well
any way i know how you feel turning down pasta and things like that, my mum makes beautiful carbonara.
its hard to resist but the results are worth it!

mary1568 Thu, Apr-29-04 20:14

Ciaro, from Florida,

My parents were from Palermo/Trapani. My mom was only 14 and my dad, 17 when they came to America. I try very hard to forget about Pasta, Pizza and Italian Pastries. I was raised on these items, but I try real hard to stay on LC. I go hay wire sometimes, but then I start all over again. It's not easy. But it's good that we have each other's support. I'm a new member. Just two days old. good luck..buona notte.

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