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Demi Sat, Dec-31-11 08:34

Maintainers, start 2012 by going back to basics
Although I've enjoyed the holiday season, I'm looking forward to returning to my normal routine and to clearing out any bad habits that I might have picked up over the last few weeks ... eating too much, neglecting my workouts, insufficient sleep, etc. I'm sure you get the picture.

My plan is to kick-start the new year with a 'back to basics' detox. That is, to undertake a couple of weeks of clean eating, drinking more water, sticking to my workout routine, and making sure I get quite a few early nights. I'm not actually planning on losing weight, but won't be too unhappy if that happens to be a side effect ;).

So fellow maintainers, who wants to join me on going back to basics and cleaning up your act?

The idea is to give your body a break from anything it doesn't need: for example, no processed foods, no sweeteners, no caffeine (or limited, to avoid withdrawal), no alcohol, no diet sodas, < insert name of your particular poison here > etc.

But to give your body what it does need: for example, some form of exercise (whatever you choose), more water, more rest, time for yourself, < insert what feels good for you here >.

If you're in, then make a list of what you're hoping to achieve and then pledge to come here on a daily basis and record what you're eating and how you're progressing with going back to basics.

I'm planning on starting on 3 January, but please feel free to start before (or after) that if you like.

Judynyc Sat, Dec-31-11 13:23

Great idea Demi!! I'm IN!! :D

I've already begun doing this as my scale was scaring me!! :lol:
Drinking more water
cutting back on calorie dense foods ie: cheeses
cutting out my 'treats'
drinking enough water
I still do 2 pilates classes per week and walks daily
I could do a bit more aerobic stuff

I know that there is more to add but this will suffice for now.

Thanks Demi!! :rheart:

Demi Sun, Jan-01-12 06:53

Originally Posted by Judynyc
Great idea Demi!! I'm IN!! :D

OK, from 3 January, I plan to clean up my act by doing the following:
  • Drinking 3+ litres of water every day
  • Stop drinking Diet Pepsi
  • Cutting down on my coffee drinking
  • Eating a portion of fish once a day
  • No foodie 'treats' or anything processed
  • Going to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Walk for at least half an hour every day
  • No computer after 8pm
  • In bed by 9.30pm

Demi Sun, Jan-01-12 07:32

I thought that this might be appropriate to post here:

30 December, 2011
From Dr Briffa's blog:

A New Year’s resolution idea: just add water

I sat down two days ago with some ambition to write a blog post (or two). In the end I did not write a word. Why? As I explained to my girlfriend, ‘my brain wasn’t working’. Try as I might, I found the whole idea of writing anything cogent too much. I did a quick scan of things that might have caused this state. I was not short on sleep. Neither had I eaten any wheat (I’ve found from experience this tends to turn my brain off).

Then I wondered if I might be dehydrated. It was about 4.00 in the afternoon, and I could only remember passing water twice all day – not a good sign. Plus, there was no doubt in my mind that I had drunk only a small proportion of the water I would normally consume when, say, in my own home. I stepped up my water intake and felt quite quickly revived. It might have been a placebo response, but maybe not.

This morning I decided to see if there was any recent evidence on the impact of dehydration on mental functioning, and did indeed come across a relevant study [1]. In this research, 25 women were subjected to a variety of assessments of mood, mental functioning and wellbeing in a normally hydrated state, as well as a dehydrated state. On one occasion, dehydration was induced with intermittent exercise but not heat. On another occasion, dehydration was induced not just with exercise, but by administration of the diuretic drug frusemide (furosemide).

Overall, dehydration with or without frusemide led to an average of 1.36 per cent of body mass. Just to put this into perspective, for someone weighing 70 kg, this would equate to about 1 kg (or 1 litre) of dehydration. In other words, this extent of dehydration would be described as ‘mild’.

At this level of dehydration, basic cognitive (brain) function was not significantly affected. But other functions were, including the amount of perceived effort used by women to complete a task. My experience yesterday meant that I could totally relate to this.

In addition, the concentration and mood of the women were also adversely affected. The women were more fatigued too, and were more prone to headaches. All this, remember, was the result of relatively mild dehydration.

None of this actually proves my inertia yesterday was caused by something as simple and rectifiable as dehydration, but it is at least consistent with it. I’d say as far a New Year resolutions go, many of us could do a lot worse than just to ensure we’re decently hydrated. How much should we drink? I suggest enough to ensure our urine stays pale yellow in colour throughout the day.


1. Armstrong LE, et al. Mild Dehydration Affects Mood in Healthy Young Women J Nutr January 1, 2012 jn.111.142000

Judynyc Sun, Jan-01-12 10:12

Originally Posted by Demi

OK, from 3 January, I plan to clean up my act by doing the following:
  • Drinking 3+ litres of water every day
  • Stop drinking Diet Pepsi
  • Cutting down on my coffee drinking
  • Eating a portion of fish once a day
  • No foodie 'treats' or anything processed
  • Going to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Walk for at least half an hour every day
  • No computer after 8pm
  • In bed by 9.30pm

I really like your list!! :thup:
I'd love to be able to go to sleep by 9pm...but thats not gonna happen! :lol: :p
Drinking more water can and thats where I need to focus.

Dalesbred Mon, Jan-02-12 13:42

I will join you just as soon as I've beaten this darned flu and can think straight again!

Demi Mon, Jan-02-12 14:01

Originally Posted by Judynyc
I really like your list!! :thup:
I'd love to be able to go to sleep by 9pm...but thats not gonna happen! :lol: :p
Thanks! :) ... and I think I'm going to add a couple of weeks of straight paleo eating to my back to basics list as well.

As for the sleep by 9pm ... my plan is to try and be in bed by 9.30pm, and if I can't get to sleep straight then to read a book until I do. Just to put it in context, I usually get up around 6.00am, so I'd like to try and get in 8 hours of sleep if I can.

Originally Posted by Dalesbred
I will join you just as soon as I've beaten this darned flu and can think straight again!
Great! Hope you feel better asap! What are you taking for it? Are you supplementing with D3?

Judynyc Mon, Jan-02-12 14:30

OK, so I've eaten 3 med boiled eggs today with an asparagus, tomato, cucs and avocado salad.
Drinking my water, had 2 cups of coffee.
So far, I'm having a good food day. :wave:
Phase I/Induction eating for me...for now. :cool:

Demi Tue, Jan-03-12 14:01

Originally Posted by Demi
  • Drinking 3+ litres of water every day
  • Stop drinking Diet Pepsi
  • Cutting down on my coffee drinking
  • Eating a portion of fish once a day
  • No foodie 'treats' or anything processed
  • Going to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Walk for at least half an hour every day
  • No computer after 8pm
  • In bed by 9.30pm
First day today.

So far I've ...
  • drunk 3 litres of water
  • not had a Diet Pepsi
  • have been to the gym
  • walked for half an hour
  • eaten a portion of fish
  • not eaten any treats or processed foods

Today's menu:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs
Lunch: Salmon Salsa Salad with rocket and baby plum tomatoes
Dinner: Chargrilled chicken with Oven Roasted Ratatouille

Half an hour fast walking
45 minute weight training session

Unfortunately, cutting back on coffee hasn't worked too well, but tomorrow's another day. ;)

I'm about to switch off my computer and I'm going to bed at 9.00pm to read Dr Briffa's new book, Escape the Diet Trap.

All in all, a good start. :thup: :)

Enomarb Tue, Jan-03-12 16:09

hi guys-
this has inspired me-
I am going to drink more water, and do a plank daily. The Mark's Daily Apple videos and exercises make it look easy-

I know I won't post daily (sorry Demi)- but I am with you!


freckles Tue, Jan-03-12 23:41

Originally Posted by Judynyc
I'd love to be able to go to sleep by 9pm...but thats not gonna happen! :lol: :p

:lol: :lol: I can SO relate, Judy (note the time ;) )!!!

Love this idea, Demi! I've done pretty well over the holiday season, but find that there is room for improvement....

The idea is to give your body a break from anything it doesn't need: for example, no processed foods, no sweeteners, no caffeine (or limited, to avoid withdrawal), no alcohol, no diet sodas, < insert name of your particular poison here > etc.

For me this would be processed meats and high sodium foods. Been eating a lot of ham, summer sausage, green olives, roasted peanuts, etc. These are normally a small source of my foods....they've taken center stage over the holidays. If only we'd get that ham eaten then everything would be okay....

But to give your body what it does need: for example, some form of exercise (whatever you choose), more water, more rest, time for yourself, < insert what feels good for you here >.

I've been eating VERY little veggies the past week or so (probly longer) and NEED them my body is telling me. I started today with a medium green salad (though it did have ham in it).

The other thing is that I really want to start the book Staying Lean for Life. It has been my New Year's goal for a month or so, but I've yet to start it. That said, I'm still reading SBD and have also started Wheat not too bad. :D

So to sum it up....

less processed meats
more veggies
keep reading lc fair

Great post!

Happy girl Wed, Jan-04-12 08:20

Originally Posted by Demi
Although I've enjoyed the holiday season, I'm looking forward to returning to my normal routine and to clearing out any bad habits that I might have picked up over the last few weeks ... eating too much, neglecting my workouts, insufficient sleep, etc. I'm sure you get the picture.

My plan is to kick-start the new year with a 'back to basics' detox. That is, to undertake a couple of weeks of clean eating, drinking more water, sticking to my workout routine, and making sure I get quite a few early nights. I'm not actually planning on losing weight, but won't be too unhappy if that happens to be a side effect ;).

So fellow maintainers, who wants to join me on going back to basics and cleaning up your act?

The idea is to give your body a break from anything it doesn't need: for example, no processed foods, no sweeteners, no caffeine (or limited, to avoid withdrawal), no alcohol, no diet sodas, < insert name of your particular poison here > etc.

But to give your body what it does need: for example, some form of exercise (whatever you choose), more water, more rest, time for yourself, < insert what feels good for you here >.

If you're in, then make a list of what you're hoping to achieve and then pledge to come here on a daily basis and record what you're eating and how you're progressing with going back to basics.

I'm planning on starting on 3 January, but please feel free to start before (or after) that if you like.

Yes! Good idea.

-Water is one!
-Fresh air
-Exercise (walk, run arens, dance ... swim (in summer), long winter walks...)
- rest
- play
- creative 5 minutes a day
-more fresh air
- time with friends
- listen to the birds sing
- visit the CAD forum 1/day

I'm in!

Happy maintainer

Dalesbred Wed, Jan-04-12 08:44

Originally Posted by Demi
Great! Hope you feel better asap! What are you taking for it? Are you supplementing with D3?

Thanks am improving slightly - and yes, taking D3, although probably not enough (only 400iu daily). It is very rare that I am so badly hit by a virus, a real shock, although I think there's a lot of it about (the cough is particularly nasty).

I'm going to think about my re-commitments and if it's OK with you start these officially from next Monday as I missed most of the holiday celebrations and feel the need to make up for it - I've lots of nice food in the freezer but had no appetite. One good thing is I've had no alcohol now for five days which for me is unusual and I will certainly be building something in around this. Very impressed with what you've all come up with so far and hope you don't mind if I pinch some!

Judynyc Wed, Jan-04-12 09:47

As a maintainer, I keep my weight within a 3 lbs range. I'm at the upper limit of that now and am working it back down.

Yesterday, in the freezing cold, I drank 2 big glasses of water before I started my day of dog walking. All day long, I had to go potty! :lol: Very inconvenient when you are hiking around with dogs. :o I think this is why I have been not drinking a lot prior to walking.
But, nevertheless, I am going to do it again today.

Last night, I made myself a cup of green tea late in the evening. It was nice and very filling. That was a first for me and I'm going to do it again. :cool:

Tonight is Pilates class.
I felt so much better drinking all that water yesterday! It really does make a huge difference!! :agree:

freckles Wed, Jan-04-12 11:24

I ate two salads medium and one small. It's a start.

Still reading SBD and going to take Staying Lean for Life with me to start while in a waiting room today.

I had <ahem> bacon for breakfast. I'll be glad when our New Years ham is gone! Youngest ds wanted to get out smoked sausage for dinner and I nixed that idea in favor of burgers.

As Lisa says....progress not perfection....

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