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faith91 Sun, Oct-23-05 15:05

Candida Die-off Symptoms
I have been battling this monster on and off for years and years. My crummy diet of the past year fed this monster once again. I decide I had to fight it tooth and nail this time. I stopped eating sweets of any kind and also bread, white pasta, etc. about 3 weeks ago. Within days my body started to react.

Just sick as a dog when I stopped feeding the candida. It started to die-off naturally and then I went on Candex and Three lac to start killing off more. Hiatal hernia and acid reflux started acting up and I have had to sleep upright for weeks.

The Die-off symptoms I have gone through have been hell. I lost 10 pounds, have been weak and in bed for 3 weeks. Spells where I feel I am dying and I start itching and muscle jerking. Brain fog, completely furry white tongue, burning skin, numbness in arms, face, moving eyeballs, intense belching, horrible body odor and have had to take 3 baths a day, fowl smelling bowel movements...toxic, hard to breathe, anxiety, crying, nausea. It's like someone going through a drug withdrawl.

I have had to keep my mind focused knowing that this cleanse is doing me good, not harm. I probably needed to be in a hospital to go through this, so someone could take care of me when the hard spells hit. My husband has not been supportive, sorry to say.

I have backed off my candida killers, and will try to chill out for awhile and get back up on my feet again. I am taking lots of b12, b complex, c complex, magnesium, lots of water, benefiber.

ANy hints for helping the die-off not be so extreme, please let me know!!!

MiaHope Thu, Nov-03-05 10:21

I had to stop taking my probiotics every day. I now take only 1 probiotic early in the morning ,every other day ,when I take my vitamins. That seemed to help. I also drink 3 or 4 glasses of very warm water, I do not eat cheese or mushrooms, and I take 2 aspirin before I go to bed.

Do you feel any better now? I notice this post was a little old.



sarayaha Sun, Nov-13-05 10:57

Hope you are feeling better. Drink lots of water to flush it out faster. Coffee enemas might help. Burdock is supposed to be good for cleansing. You can buy it capsuled up.
My husband thinks I am faking when it acts up

waterdog Wed, Dec-07-05 17:21

Stop pushing yourself so hard. It sounds like just being on a quality diet creates all the dieoff you can handle. Once you no longer feel dieoff there you might consider adding good bacteria, kefir, or cultured veggies to your diet. In this way you are taking things one step at a time and not damaging the rest of your system. You are creating havoc in your body. See recent thread on candida dieoff, molybdenum and pantethine for more info.

Stardust Wed, Dec-07-05 18:13

My ND recommended taking activated charcol and a detoxification homeopathic. It really helps with healing crisises. Just take the charcol separate from your food and another supplements, so it does absorb the good stuff.

faith91 Thu, Dec-08-05 13:32

Thank You
I ended up finding a natural healing MD in Indianapolis. I started getting treatment there and am out of the severe die-off stage. i have another month or so of detoxing and then we will start to build my body back. Right now my treatment is as follows:

-infrared sauna ( i bought a portable one and will use it everyday to sweat out toxins..this will speed my detox dramatically)
-detox ioncleanse foot bath (this has pulled heavy metals and junk out)
-amino acids/vitamin c/ b vitamin IV drips
--special friendly bacteria
-liquid minerals
--ph drops for my water
-8000 mg of vitamin c per day to lower my cortisol levels.
-natural calm to help with stress (magnesium in a tea)
-special fish oil
-AloeImmune to boost my immune system and to kill off candida (if you do some research on this amazing supplement you will find that they are using it for all kinds of ailments, including AIDS.)

Thank you for answering my post! :)

massive80 Wed, Jan-25-06 04:07

My suggestion is to keep up what your doing, if you don't kill candida now when will you slowly over time, yeah right. Candida is very strong and when you attack with a good diet and heavy doses of acidophilus and immune enhancing supplements, candida gets mad and struggles, and soon will die. Candida attacked you with a vengence so do the same and attack back. Don't wait and think some day you'll get better do it now. In my opinion having a candida overgrowth isn't living it feels like your just existing, having daily pains, brain fog, digestion problems and depression. Kill the stupid candida and start living again.

GinaLeanne Wed, Jan-25-06 04:16

is there a way to find out if you have it??? or just the symptoms??? I crave sugar really this a symptom? thx.

tunkany Wed, Jan-25-06 13:22

There is the saliva test. But I don't know how reliable it is. I tested posotive but I think most people would do too. Does anybody know how reliable the spit test is? (First spit in the morning in clear water -if it's stringy or sinks after 15 min-to 1 hour, you have candida)
I also have sugar cravings and eczema, hives and food allergies.

faith91 Thu, Jan-26-06 08:22

Sugar cravings
Craving sugar is a major symptom of candida. It is also a symptoms of hormonal imbalance, and hormonal imbalance is a symptom of candida. It is a circle.

Stevia will help you stay away from sweets. It is a perfect substitute.It is natural, no chemicals, is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and works to kill candida!! It does not raise blood sugar levels and helps to lower heart rate and blood pressure. I used Stevita and get it in packets so i can take it with me. You can buy it in bulk and bake with it. It is sweeter than sugar. So if you have cravings, don't reach for a pop or a doughnut, put some stevia in a glass of hot tea with lemon and satisfy your craving...

Get friendly bacteria in your gut to get things started. I would suggest doing this for a month. then switch to Candicid IT, which is just coconut oil and olive oil. It packs a punch when killing candida. Do not take friendly bacteria and Candicid at the same time. They will cancel each other out.

It really is imperative to stay away from least for a season of time until you get the candida under control...then eat it only sparingly, but continue to take friendly bacteria daily. Remember that we get antibiotics in our we are being continually barraged with bad bacteria....and so we need freindly bacteria to kill the bad. No wonder candida is becoming an epidemic!

The spit test is valid... also, you can get a darkfield blood test and see the candida in your live blood analysis. hard to find doctors who do this, but they are out there. I saw the candida floating in my blood right infront of me on the screen. You can also see the indications of heavy metals and hormone imbalance. Make sure you have a trained doctor or nurse analyzing the blood. :)

To see a list of candida symptoms and tons of testimonies about taking friendly bacteria, go to

If you are close to Indiana, there is a Wellness clinic in Indianapolis that knows how to treat candida. Medical Wellness Institute. Also, you can contact Valerie Saxion ministries (from TV) and you can get a consult with her. She is a nutritional doctor and knows how to treat candida.

sunshine22 Mon, Jun-07-10 10:43

I started the antifungal prescription medicine 2 weeks ago. In the beginning within a few days I started feeling better. My main complains were severe clinical depression for a long time, irritability, anxiety, constipation, low self esteem. I have also been diagnosed with leaky gut. Now I have gotten worse and not improving. I am wondering is this candida die-off? Please help.

Sean 007 Tue, Aug-03-10 15:14

Originally Posted by sunshine22
I started the antifungal prescription medicine 2 weeks ago. In the beginning within a few days I started feeling better. My main complains were severe clinical depression for a long time, irritability, anxiety, constipation, low self esteem. I have also been diagnosed with leaky gut. Now I have gotten worse and not improving. I am wondering is this candida die-off? Please help.

Sunshine22, I read an excellent book on Candida by Dr. Jeffery McCombs called 'Lifeforce.' In the book, he explains how Candida die off will make people feel like they have a cold or the flu. The reason being that the Candida die off overloads your body's detoxification organs, the liver and kidneys. He also explains how the skin is actually the body's largest detoxification organ. In order to avoid the flu-like symptoms he recommends you sweat by taking a hot bath or by using a dry sauna for 10 to 15 minutes a day while you are on the anti-candida program. For some reason, exercise sweat is not effective. The key is to increase the core temperature of your body and allow the skin cells to get rid of the Candida through your sweat. I'm on Dr. McCombs' plan and I have been sweating every day. It is a pain because it is time consuming, but I have not had any cold or flu-like symptoms so it must be working. Give this a try and perhaps you will start feeling better in a few days. Good luck!

ginamom98 Thu, Aug-26-10 10:00

Originally Posted by sunshine22
I started the antifungal prescription medicine 2 weeks ago. In the beginning within a few days I started feeling better. My main complains were severe clinical depression for a long time, irritability, anxiety, constipation, low self esteem. I have also been diagnosed with leaky gut. Now I have gotten worse and not improving. I am wondering is this candida die-off? Please help.

Hi there sunshine22, I lived in toxic mold for almost three years and found that is why I have leaky gut. It is something to think about. The detox from mold(mycotoxins) is much more intense then from yeast. I really hope this helps because my whole family is going through this and I know how hard it can be and how alone you can feel.

susiebee Tue, Jul-05-11 16:57

Ginamom98, I read your post and is was the first time I believed I am not alone! I have been exposed to MOLD for the past 9-10 years in my home. I never heard of toxic mold or mycotoxins till now. I have candida, leaky gut and multiple neurological symptoms and depression. My whole life I have been spunky, fun-loving, creative and hospitible and now I feel like I am just surviving! Are you still detoxing, are you better? Your post was old and I am wondering if there is hope. I hope to hear from you.

gweny70 Tue, Oct-11-11 09:48


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