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Samuel Sat, Jun-09-07 12:53

Jimmy Moore Lost 13 Pounds In First Four Days On Kimkins

Jimmy Moore Lost 13 Pounds In First Four Days On Kimkins
Posted by Jimmy Moore on June 9

Jimmy Moore started Kimkins on June 4, 2007 to lose 50 pounds

When I announced on Monday about my newfound journey to lose 50 more pounds by following the sometimes controversial, but incredibly popular Kimkins diet that was featured prominently this week as the cover story in Woman's World magazine, I really had no idea what to expect.

After all, 50 pounds is quite a goal because it would put me at 198 pounds on my 6'3" tall frame. My hopes and dreams of reaching the highly-coveted ONE-derland (reaching the 100's again after weighing above 200 pounds) for the first time since the 5th grade are certainly driving this.

But can it REALLY be done?

Ever since I lost 180 pounds in 2004 on the Atkins diet, I have been dealing with some ups and downs that come with maintaining your weight. For the most part, my weight has remained steady. In fact, at one point I got down to 215 pounds.

However, I convinced myself that I don't need to lose any more weight because of my 20 pounds of loose skin that would surely put me below 200 if I could ever have a tummy tuck done. I still would LOVE to have this done because I know it would put me one step closer to my goal.

Yet, when my weight reached my post-Atkins high of 248 pounds on Monday this week, I knew I needed to get serious about my low-carb lifestyle again. I guess you could say I fell into some old behavioral habits that were sabotaging me from being as successful as I could be.

Since I had blogged extensively about Kimkins over the past year with all the remarkable weight loss success stories that plan has produced, I knew it was effective and worked for a lot of people. Sure, it's a bit different than Atkins, but not that different from what I did during Induction on Atkins in 2004.

There are five plans to choose from on Kimkins and I decided to start with the Kimmer Experiment, commonly known as K/E. This plan dictates that you eat lean sources of protein, such as turkey, chicken, salmon, lean roast beef, lean ham...all of which I consumed on Atkins during my original weight loss. You are allowed to eat as much of it as you need to satisfy your hunger. No calorie restrictions are necessary.

Sure, it's been a little boring so far, but the results have been nothing short of miraculous for me:

Day 1--I LOST 6 pounds!
Day 2--I LOST 4 pounds!
Day 3--I LOST 1 pound!
Day 4--I LOST 2 pounds!

Let me add that up for you: 13 POUNDS LOST IN FOUR DAYS!!!

Holy moley! Do you realize in a mere 96 hours I have lost ONE-FOURTH of my goal for weight loss?! Amazing, simply incredible!

One thing this has done for me is it has refocused my efforts to be constantly on guard about my habits. Yes, I still avoid sugar, white flour, starchy foods, and the like. But I got lazy and allowed the compulsion to eat without hunger to creep in.

I know, I know. It's pretty stupid to do that, but this just goes to show you that it can hit any of us at any time. I'm not too proud to admit this because I want to help others make livin' la vida low-carb their permanent lifestyle change.

Kimkins has put me back into ketosis again by getting me back to the basics. Yes, I could have started Atkins Induction again, but I wanted to shake things up a bit this time around. I'm pleased with what has happened.

Now, lest you think it's all been rosy for me, it has not. The typical Induction symptoms of being lethargic, having body aches, sleeping longer than normal, trouble concentrating, and all the other temporary, short-term Atkins flu reactions have hammered down on me hard this week. OUCH!

Even still, 13 POUNDS ARE GONE! Sweeeeet!

I'm not sure how much longer I will stay on K/E, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. At some point I will begin the Kimkins Boot Camp which incorporates low-carb veggies and even some exercise to kick the weight loss into high gear. I'll blog about that if I move into that phase.

For now, I'll stay in K/E because I'm starting to get used to it. I never would have expected to lose weight...AGAIN...this fast! Thousands of brand new members have signed up this week to join Kimkins because it really works. It has for many others and now it has for ME!

Come by my thread at the Kimkins web site if you decide this is the low-carb plan you'd like to try. I'd love to encourage you along on your own weight loss journey. I promise more updates as the weight keeps pouring off!

Samuel Sat, Jun-09-07 14:38

Jimmy Moore and Kimmer could be friends or even partners, but I can make sense of the results he has achieved. Half of the weight he lost could have been water weight, but still, he lost a good amount of fat.

The diet he's on seems to be giving him near zero carbs since it includes no veggies. He eats nothing but lean meat. I know most people look at this as unhealthy, but I don't pay much of attention to that since Atkins diet at its beginning has been allowing only 5 carbs / day. As long as we get enough supplements we should be fine.

His diet is not a low fat diet either. Chicken, Turkey, Salmon and roast beef are not considered to be low fat foods. They are actually the foods which must be minimized when you are on a low fat diet.

If you are wondering how he can lose all this weight in such a short time, it's because reducing his carb intake so much causes him to eat less naturally.

fluffybear Sat, Jun-09-07 15:20

The only thing that bothers me about Jimmy Moore is that he advertizes so many franken foods on his website.

Judynyc Sat, Jun-09-07 16:37

Originally Posted by Samuel
Atkins diet at its beginning has been allowing only 5 carbs / day

??? :confused: I'm baffled by this statement. I thought that Atkins allows for 20 carbs a day on Induction. :daze:

Samuel Sat, Jun-09-07 16:53

Originally Posted by Judynyc
??? :confused: I'm baffled by this statement. I thought that Atkins allows for 20 carbs a day on Induction. :daze:

As I heared Dr. Atkins started his diet by limiting the carb intake to 5. Later he made it 10 and gradually it reached 20. At the end he changed the method of counting from "total carbs" to "net carbs" which has again allowed more carbs.

Judynyc Sat, Jun-09-07 16:55

Thanks for its clear as mud!! :lol:

LStump Sat, Jun-09-07 17:01

Also babbled! LOL.. But Kimkins would make sense why it works, very low carb, some fat, lots of protein.. If I ate nothing but baked ham and turkey, I would probably lost that much weight as well. I like variety and the spice of life, though, so its not for me. :-)

Samuel Sat, Jun-09-07 17:26

Originally Posted by LStump
Also babbled! LOL.. But Kimkins would make sense why it works, very low carb, some fat, lots of protein.. If I ate nothing but baked ham and turkey, I would probably lost that much weight as well. I like variety and the spice of life, though, so its not for me. :-)

This applies to me too. Making sense is one thing and to be a diet to live with is another. Kimkins diet is good for a short time only or for the people who fail to make it on Atkins diet. I'm personally happy with Atkins diet as is. I eat 30-40 net carbs per day and like to eat low carb ice cream and bars at least once a week.

LStump Sat, Jun-09-07 17:41

I think Kimkins could be used as a good stall breaker, actually, just not something I can even imagine being on for any length of time spanning longer than, say, 3 days.. LOL.. I hate to say that because I'm afraid it would make people on Kimkins think I'm weak and have no self control, but hey, I don't eat sugar, flour, or anything starchy, so I think I'm good ;)

cnmLisa Sat, Jun-09-07 18:19

Originally Posted by Judynyc
Thanks for its clear as mud!! :lol:

In the original 1972 version of Atkins he only allowed 2 small salads--1 cup each during induction. Didn't apply the net carb calculation and it worked out to be about 5 grams of carb per day.

As the newer version came out and more research, he changed the guidelines to 2-3 salads per day and/or a cup of allowed vegetables. With the advent of more research and finding out fiber did not impact an insulin response, came the net carb caclualtion of 20g net.

Hope that clears the mud.;)

(I could last on KE/Kimkims maybe 3 hours:lol: )

PS--as an aside and I think someone mentioned it--Jimmy likes his frankenfoods. I wonder what would have happened if he just cut out his frankenfoods for 3 months and went by the book? (What a concept:idea: )

Judynyc Sat, Jun-09-07 18:55

Originally Posted by cnmLisa
In the original 1972 version of Atkins he only allowed 2 small salads--1 cup each during induction. Didn't apply the net carb calculation and it worked out to be about 5 grams of carb per day.

As the newer version came out and more research, he changed the guidelines to 2-3 salads per day and/or a cup of allowed vegetables. With the advent of more research and finding out fiber did not impact an insulin response, came the net carb caclualtion of 20g net.

Hope that clears the mud.;)

(I could last on KE/Kimkims maybe 3 hours:lol: )

PS--as an aside and I think someone mentioned it--Jimmy likes his frankenfoods. I wonder what would have happened if he just cut out his frankenfoods for 3 months and went by the book? (What a concept:idea: )

Thanks Lisa! That does help. :cool:

as for his liking frankenfoods.....not surprised as his weight range in maintenance (215-248)tells me that he has not really learned to eat to maintain his weight and that he'll always be looking for the next "diet":thdown: ... not a great role model, if you ask me!! ;)

Citruskiss Sat, Jun-09-07 19:22

I think these plans work. I haven't yet tried anything close to K/E or the Kimkins plan - but I did ditch dairy, red meat and eggs there for awhile, and ended up dropping 14 pounds in about two weeks. Turkey, chicken, fish and veggies - and also olive oil and vinaigrette dressings. Actually upped my veggies.

This leads me to believe that "Kimmer" is onto something.

The "KISS" plan is also onto something. And so is Lyle McDonald, with his Rapid Fat Loss plan. And Dr. Atkins - who said that most of our carbs should be coming from fibrous vegetables. And "Whoa" of "CRON" fame on these boards - they're all onto something. They are RIGHT about all this stuff.

It's all really the same thing - but each 'program' is re-packaged in a way that might be easier for a particular person to follow - easier to understand and so on.

I cannot imagine myself lasting more than a few days on either M/E or K/E and yet - I do think both of these plans work, because I've tried them (for a short while). The all-meat thing works like you wouldn't believe, but for's not a sustainable plan. That's just me.

Meanwhile, there are so many variations on the theme - SouthBeach, Fat Flush, Rapid Fat Loss, Kimkins, KISS, Paleo - and they ALL work.

I'm not sure it's such a great idea to bash someone who's come up with yet another variation on the theme - a variation that happens to work extremely well for those who can stick to it.

I think we should be grateful that there are so many different 'plans' to choose from. Who cares if it's M/E, K/E, Kimkins, Fatkins, Fat Flush, South Beach, Protein Power, "Arckins", Intermittent fasting, Cron'ing, Atkins induction, Paleo, PSMF, Rapid Fat Loss...or whatever the deal is....I mean, really...who cares? As long as it works for the person who finally finds something that fits their lifestyle and their body.

PS - on edit: Kudos to Jimmy Moore for losing 13 pounds! I think that's a *good* thing. :) Whatever it takes to ditch those frankenfoods or what have you. I've done the whole 'replacement foods' thing too (ie. PMS and I'm in the kitchen making a hot chocolate with coconut milk, SF Da Vinci syrup and dark cocoa powder). I think it's ok to be human, you know? And *yay* for getting really serious about losing the last few pounds. :thup:

Rachel1 Sun, Jun-10-07 09:54

I agree with Citruskiss. Basically, all these plans focus on eliminating processed carbs and replacing them with something else: non-processed carbs (CRON, GI, to some extent SB and CAD), fat, protein, or some combination of these. The trick is to find the plan that works best for the individual - the one you can stick to long-term. For many people, that's Atkins (or whatever) for life, for others it's some sort of modified plan, or a basic plan with short-term trials of other plans for variety or to break a stall.

I have some trips away planned for this summer, and I suspect I'll eat off plan and probably gain a few pounds on at least one of them (Europe, and I may not have much control over the menu), and it's empowering to know that, say, a week of ME or Kimmer (or whatever) will have me back to fighting weight with minimum fuss or pain.

More power to all of 'em, I say!


RobinDBois Mon, Jun-11-07 07:02

"Day 1--I LOST 6 pounds!
Day 2--I LOST 4 pounds!
Day 3--I LOST 1 pound!
Day 4--I LOST 2 pounds!

Let me add that up for you: 13 POUNDS LOST IN FOUR DAYS!!!"

These numbers bother me. I don't care how nice they look but I refuse to believe this is FAT LOSS. Come on... 13 pounds in four days !!!!!

This is what I think happened: This person was a big salt eater and was probably retaining 4-6 pounds of water. Then, after 4 days of diet the guy loss:

- 6 pounds of water due to salt reduction;
- 3 pounds of extra food that was resting in his intestine and inners;
- 1 pound fat loss (and this is alot)
- 3 pounds ? (this cannot be fat... probably just bullsh*t liar)

Please folks... I've been reading posts on this forum for 6 weeks now, and if I've learned one thing is that we need to be realistic about FAT LOSS.

Now, slap me if I'm saying stupid things, but rapid fat loss is about 3 pounds per week MAX. Anything else is water or food stuck inside you (sound gross, but I used to have a big belly full of Doritos and what not... I'm sure I must of eliminated 2-3 pounds of internal gunk the first few days).

Anyway... I think this KIMKINS diet smells like another opportunistic capitalist poser who robbed the LOW CARB idea and made a web site full of promises with FAKE or EXAGGERATED promises.

13 pounds in four days my BEEP !

LStump Mon, Jun-11-07 07:13

I don't know. there are people that swear by it.. its just a lot of dedication that most people don't have or want to mess with.. I say don't knock it til ya try it, but that's me.

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