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Myca Thu, Jun-13-19 23:20

New Again
I remember the Atkins diet from years ago when you could eat as much as you wanted as long as you kept it under 20 carbs/day.

I have heard of Keto, sounds the same as Atkins, but more strict. Have no idea how to do this diet anymore.

Do we have to count calories now?
I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. The yearly blood work had an A1c of 10. The doc went straight for insulin. I declined to start that until I at least tried dietary changes.

The fasting sugar went from 225 to the 170s for a few days. Now it is running between 137 and 143 past three days. I started low carb last Wednesday when my doctor flipped out over my blood sugar.

Right now I am keeping carbs under 20/day. I eat one whole bag of spring greens everyday. (has 4 gms carbs and 2 gms of fiber) I eat about two meals a day when I am really hungry. Trying to space about 18 hours between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day. I have not counted any calories. I have not bombed my coffee.

My afternoon blood sugars are running 123 consistently. So basically, blood sugar went from a high of 225 to a high of 143 in one week. Trying to get it to go a little lower before I see my doc next week so she will not start insulin. Two weeks is all she gave me to get it down.

Any guidance or changes I need to make?

s93uv3h Fri, Jun-14-19 04:11

Look into time restricted eating (aka time restricted feeding). Example: you may have heard of 16/8 - an eating window of 8 hours, then no eating for 16. That coupled with 20g of carbs a day Atkins / Keto / whathaveyou will yield results. Two meals a day fits well with a 16/8. And a 16/8 could turn into an 18/6 every now and then, maybe a OMAD (one meal a day) every now and then - e.g. 23/1.

Basically skipping a meal a day will get you close, and is a good starting point.

Satchin Panda, Ph.D. on Time-Restricted Feeding and Its Effects on Obesity, Muscle Mass & Heart Health 7-1-16

Dr. Satchin Panda on Practical Implementation of Time-Restricted Eating & Shift Work Strategies 10-30-17


cotonpal Fri, Jun-14-19 05:15

What used to be called Dr Westman's page 4 and can be found in the appendix of Gary Taube's book "Why We Get Fat" can be found here:

It is a simple to follow plan to keep carbs low, reverse diabetes and lose weight. It is based on the Atkin's diet.

CityGirl8 Fri, Jun-14-19 08:51

Sounds like you're off to a great start. You're already doing time-restricted eating (TRE) with your 18:6 schedule.

Keto is just another name for very low carb, so don't let all the current talk about macros, etc. confuse you. The Atkins induction plan that you remember from the old days is still a great plan and lots of people on this board follow that plan. Dr. Westman's "Page 4" that cotonpal linked is a good easy option, too.

The main thing, especially for the first few weeks, is to keep your carbs low, get adequate protein, and eat enough so that you don't get hungry. You should make great progress in a couple of weeks.

Also, remember that your doctor is giving you her advice, but you still choose what to do. You say you're trying to get your BG lower so your doctor "will not start insulin. Two weeks is all she gave me to get it down." That sounds like you won't have a choice in the matter. You are the one that decides how long to give yourself, using the information she gives you to guide you. If you haven't met the number she expects, she still can't force you to take insulin. You can just say no, that you're making good progress with dietary changes and are going to keep doing that.

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