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Judynyc Sun, Mar-19-06 12:29

Who has LOST 100 lbs or more...and how are you doing now?
In light of the "Where is the TDC going?" thread, I thought that it'd be a good idea to take roll call on those who have already lost 100 or more pounds.

So....I'll go first and say..ME!!! I've lost 118 lbs and have been maintaining below my goal weight for 3 months nows. Needless to say that I'm very happy!! :hyper:

I still eat according to my plan and have joined a maintenance weighin with others in maintenance. :agree: Its a good thing to be around others with similar concerns as yours.

southbel Sun, Mar-19-06 13:55

Judy, I haven't lost 100 yet, but I just had to say congrats to you and way to go girl!! We need more of these types of threads because they are an inspiration to those of us who haven't hit the 100 mark yet.

ValerieL Sun, Mar-19-06 13:59

I've lost over 130 lbs! I lost the bulk of that (100 lbs) in the first 10 months or so, and have spent the last 18 months maintaining, losing a little more, regaining a couple once in a while, and then losing & maintaining some more.

I still have a few pounds I'd like to lose, but for the most part, I'm doing great.

Life as a normal sized person is amazing. Absolutely amazing. I still deal with food everyday, it's still a challenge sometimes, life isn't perfect, but it is amazing. It's worth all the work and sacrifice, and it is possible. I was certain I couldn't do it, absolutely certain. I literally used to go to bed at night depressed, almost crying, thinking I'd never be able to lose the weight and be normal sized. Low-carb (Atkins) has been a miracle for me.


JandLsMom Sun, Mar-19-06 14:24

WOW! congrats ladies on your losses! that is terrific!
Back in 2003 i lost 81 lbs on atkins, but then found out i was pregnant before getting all the way to goal. i went off, went through pregnancy and 14 mos of breastfeeding, gained most of it back..sigh...and here i am again...this time i aint stopping till i get to goal!

Betsy-StL Sun, Mar-19-06 15:11

Judy, thanks for starting this thread. People like you and Valerie are a great inspiration to those of us still trying to make it to goal. Reading that others have made it to goal and are maintaining lets us all know that this is doable. I've loss 97 of the 145 lbs. to reach my goal, but self doubt still creeps in from time to time.

Betsy :D

MisterE Sun, Mar-19-06 15:24

152 pounds down. I feel much better than I did but half as well as I will when I lose the last 150. :-)

taming Sun, Mar-19-06 16:03

Today is my six months at goal Atkinsversary, after losing 120+ pounds. I am just now starting to feel comfortable negotiating my way through the world in a smaller body. Actually maintaining my goal weight has not been very difficult, so far. I think that is because I had some amount of focus on working my plan is such a way that going from the active losing part of this to maintenance was more a matter of tweaking, than making big changes.

The psychological aspect has proved more challenging. I had a really tough time with body image for a number of months, and still have problems with it from time to time. Initially, I hated my thinner body far more than I ever hated what I looked like when I was morbidly obese. I was in big time denial about my weight at 235, and honestly (or dishonestly) didn't really see myself as fat unless I had to buy clothes or I ran into size related barriers like airplane seat belts.

Initially, all I saw when I looked in the mirror at my thinner self was the flaws left behind by all those pounds and years. I also had this Alice in Wonderland thing going on where sometimes I felt teeny tiny, and other times I felt really huge. That took months to get through, and I still have some of that going on from time to time.

I don't weigh myself every day, and although I do Fitday often enough to know what my maintenance carb and calorie count is, I don't use that tool everyday either. Instead, I concentrate on having what I consider to be "good" days, and on being careful, if I eat a bit too much one day, to watch my eating for a few days afterwards. I do weigh myself if my clothes feel too big or too small, or if I have tried a new food, or made some other change in diet or activity level. I also get weighed at the doctor's office, periodically, so between my wandering on the scale at home, and that, I probably weigh myself every couple of weeks.

I feel good about myself and my accomplishment. I like how I look, at least most of the time. I like that it doesn't feel as strange as it did when I first lost the weight, and I anticipate it will feel even better a year from now.


yogama Sun, Mar-19-06 16:05

Congradulations all you 97+ lb losers!!!! Weigh to go :D You are all such inspiration. Every time I see someones stats and they show a huge weight loss I say to myself "see it can be done and is being done by hundreds of people" and I get a little teary because then I think "maybe I can do it too".

Thank you all for your hard work, perseverence(sp?), dedication and POSITIVE ATTITUDE !!! :clap: :dazzle: :cheer:

skippie Sun, Mar-19-06 16:28

:dazzle: :clap: CONGRATS :dazzle: :clap:
To all you wonderful people that have made that goal of -100 lbs.

I can't wait to add my name to list, and have the honor to say I have met that first -100 lb goal myself.

You inspire me to keep going. That and I want what you have. Mine has been an amazing journey so far. I can't wait until I have the right to say I've joined the -100 lb club.

kyrasdad Sun, Mar-19-06 18:18

I'm down 100 from my all time high, but 92 from my start date on Atkins. I am doing well, but struggling at times not to graze on carby stuff. Sometimes, I just want it. It's odd that I want it more now than I did a year or two ago.

Other changes...

I get cold. I mean really cold. This winter I could barely keep my hands warm. I drank coffee and sugar free hot chocolate; I bought those deer hunting hand warmers. Nothing really helped much. Is it my age? The weightloss?

I will say that I've hardly ever felt so good. I weigh less than I did in high school. It has been a terrific ride.

UpTheHill Sun, Mar-19-06 19:48

I'm mainly in lurk mode on the list now, still maintaining.


Bat Spit Mon, Mar-20-06 08:24

I've lost just exactly 100lbs since I started Atkins.

On the one hand, it's fantastic. I've gone off all my meds except those for asthma. I can move easily, I can fit into regular spaces and chairs. I can buy 'regular' plus sizes, no more 'extended' sizes.

On the other hand, I'm still bigger than most people who start out here, and I've been stalled for about 6 mos.

Intellectually I know why. I've hit a set point, a physical size I've actually been twice before, so my body is resting.

But my inner 5 year old is throwing a serious temper tantrum.

This is a way of life, and I'm in it for the long haul because I feel so much better. Even if I never lose another ounce, it will have been worth the change.

But I admit I haven't been posting much lately because I'm frustrated and don't want to be a downer for others.

Judynyc Mon, Mar-20-06 08:58

Originally Posted by Bat Spit
But I admit I haven't been posting much lately because I'm frustrated and don't want to be a downer for others.

I hear you Bat Spit!! :agree: I hit 2 stalls but none that lasted 6 months!! I'd be going buggers too!!

If you don't mind my saying, now is when you need the support!!
I'm sure that you've tried all the stall buster tips, right? I will tell you that I did try doing a carb up cycle for a few days and that did break me out of one of my stalls.

Bat Spit Mon, Mar-20-06 09:19

If you don't mind my saying, now is when you need the support!!

Actually, I do better in autopilot mode for this. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I get. So I just put my head down, kept doing what I was doing, and kept my mind mostly busy on other things.

I really am good for the long haul. My DH and I are COMPLETELY different people while low carbing, and I like the new us much better than the old ones. Plus as a hypoglycemic, I become a nutcase if I stray too far, so no danger of falling off the path. ;)

I gave my eating patterns a serious look, and I think I figured out what happened. After I stopped being in a carb coma, I discovered that I have a few food allergies, and I gave up snack nuts and cheese at the same time. I think this dropped my calories too low, so I'm making a concerted effort to eat more fats, plus I have to make sure my carbs are in the 30-40 range.

The new program seems to be helping because while the scale is still not speaking to me, I've finally lost a shirt size since I adjusted things. Hopefully this will continue.

Lobstergal Mon, Mar-20-06 09:20

Here is a curious question I have for you 100 pound or more *losers*...............

Besides diet, what was the one major thing that helped contribute to your weight loss and helps in maintaining that loss?

(Btw thanks for starting this thread)

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