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Dreamy1 Sat, Apr-17-10 21:04

WW's Daily Chat. APRIL 2010
Welcome to our WW's daily chat group! :) We can begin anew thread for each month if you like and that way our thread doesn't get too big . So bookmark this thread ;)
This thread replaces our previous thread of ww's core.Whatever your WW plan you are most welcome here.

I am trying to keep my carbs down as much as I can where possible.Aiming for salad twice a day at the moment but may add some hot vegies as winter closes in here :)
Well look forward to catching up with everyone here soon :wave:

Rebecca A Sun, Apr-18-10 10:54

Found it, great job Pamela. BBL when I can post. Thanks for getting us up and running!

Dreamy1 Sun, Apr-18-10 17:12

Your welcome Rebecca. Hope you have a good day.
I slept in this a.m. so just getting going for the day!I don't sleep that great sometimes with my back & sciatica so every now and then I seem to crash!Hopefully losing weigh will improve some of the aches & pains.
I dusted off the exercycle and tried it out but it doesn't work that well.Can't really afford another one just rightnow so might have to get back into walking.

Our thread here can be just a continuation or we can do it mthly so let me know if you guys want me to to change it . OK :)
Seeya later then :wave:

radiogal Mon, Apr-19-10 09:10

Oh yeah I like the new thread good name Pamela!
I weighed in Saturday and I was down again. I love to see that scale going down.
I plan on some activity this evening, I plan to use my new to me Gazelle at least when it's raining I will have a way to exercise. I gave my bicycle away last year and I have missed not having any machine to exercise on.
I am not really trying to keep the carbs low but, I do really watch them on Friday before weigh in Saturday morning.
What days does every one weigh in on?
Mine is Saturday mornings at my meeting.

Dreamy1 Mon, Apr-19-10 17:43

Originally Posted by radiogal
I weighed in Saturday and I was down again. I love to see that scale going down.
That's neat!

Originally Posted by radiogal
I am not really trying to keep the carbs low but, I do really watch them on Friday before weigh in Saturday morning.
Mine is Saturday mornings at my meeting.

I am trying to keep my carbs to healthier ones and tending lower know, brown rice etc.I guess alittle like the old CORE but am counting points so amixture of both :) I loved the quicker WL on atkins & M&E but for me ww's is more daoble longterm .We each have to find what works for us best and I have lost track of how many times I have tried the really LC way way.Others do really well on it and that is great, it is just not for me. Hubby is happier with me eating this way too so that is important to me too.

Originally Posted by radiogal
What days does every one weigh in on?

I weighin on a friday here..mainly cos it used to be friday when I was weighing in at ww's before.(So that would be later thurs afternoon your time I think ! So long as we weigh the same day each week doesn't really matter if it's not the same day eh :)

Well have a good day you two.....I have to busy myself with afew chores so BBL :wave:

radiogal Tue, Apr-20-10 09:04

Originally Posted by Dreamy1

I loved the quicker WL on atkins & M&E but for me ww's is more doable long term .We each have to find what works for us best and I have lost track of how many times I have tried the really LC way way.Others do really well on it and that is great, it is just not for me.

I agree I have tried everything under the sun and the only thing I can stay on for any amount of time is Weight Watchers.

I do try to eat more whole grains etc, all my bread I eat is high fiber and I do try to only have a couple of servings a day, but I eat cereal, and bread, chips and some granola bars etc. Keeps me from feeling deprived.
When I did Weight Watchers at home Friday morning was my weigh in day, so I could use my weekly points and have a good weekend.
Have a great day onward and downward!

Dreamy1 Tue, Apr-20-10 12:38

Morning Rachel :)
I am up super is 6.30,M,as I write! We had to get up ear;ly as the truckload of post peelings is coming so Hubby & I have afew good workouts ahead putting it around the garden. We have a longish drive and garden along the bank too....quite a big garden in all. Willl be good to get some ,moisture back into the garden.
I hope to go out with Brian later and look at some more plants for some winter colour..different coloured foilage.All my dahlia bulbs have finished flowering now so need some colour for the autumn/winter.

I am so glad to have you guys to do this journey with....I know I am going to get to goal this time . I am longing for abit more 'spring' in my step :D

Hi to you too Rebecca :) Have a great day you two....I better get dressed before this truck arrives :lol: BBL :wave:

Rebecca A Wed, Apr-21-10 09:52

Hello, didn't get a chance to check in yesterday with u two. Are either of u on Facebook? I'm Rebecca Dillon Adams, if u are and want to send me a friend request.

I must admit I haven't been keeping track of my points, just trying to eat Weight Watcherish, but today I'm gonna start keeping my journal. If I don't, I will start playing around too much, ya know? Like, if its not written down, I really didn't eat it? So, I got my little 3 month points journal out that I bought and never used.

Today is a errand day with my Mom, she has an appt with the eye doc this afternoon to laser cut an internal stitch in her eye. She had extensive glacoma surgery on April 24.

I can't believe my little granddaughter, Gracelynn (Gracie) will be 1 in exactly a month. Her sister, Alyssa will be 4 on June 10, their birthdays are really close. My husband and I only have one child,a daughter, Kimberly. She just opened her own Medical Massage Therapy business, she bought it from a girl she use to rent space from. She's currently working part time for a chiropractor. Lots of exciting things happening here! But busy things too. Lol.

I can't re$ember if you guys are doing meeting or online. I was doing meetings (or weighing and leaving if I had the girls with me) but were a little low on money right now, so I'm doing it on my own at the moment. We had to pay in taxes this year, we usually get a refund, but that new tax credit that the president gave on our checks, hit my checks pretty hard. So we had to take about $600 out of the savings.

Hope u both have a good day!!! Weigh ins for 2 of u tomorrow? I usually weigh in on Tuesdays, but I've had several people say they have Fridays as their weigh in day for the same reasons that Rachael (I think it was u, Rachael) mentioned, having the 35 pts for the weekend.

Dreamy1 Wed, Apr-21-10 15:20

Originally Posted by Rebecca A
Hello, didn't get a chance to check in yesterday with u two. Are either of u on Facebook?

OK I will add you later then..will send you a msg to let you know it is me :)

Originally Posted by RebeccaA
I must admit I haven't been keeping track of my points, just trying to eat Weight Watcherish, but today I'm gonna start keeping my journal. If I don't, I will start playing around too much, ya know? Like, if its not written down, I really didn't eat it? So, I got my little 3 month points journal out that I bought and never used.

Yep that is the best way to is too easy to coast along and count them in ya head...never seems to give the results you were hoping for.Maybe you might get by if you were up to maintenance...Journalling is a very useflul tool and helps with the acountability side of things when you are not weighing in each wk ~ ww's ;) I am not weighing in ....just doing it myself here at homewith you guys for xtra accountability. Hubby does not have work so I am trying to be frugal too . He officially retires in a year so it is not looking very hopeful he will get a day at a timeeh ! Just glad we don't have a mortgage!

Originally Posted by Rebecca A
Today is a errand day with my Mom, she has an appt with the eye doc this afternoon to laser cut an internal stitch in her eye. She had extensive glacoma surgery on April 24.

You are kept pretty busy I see. Hope ya Mum gets on good with her appt. It is amazing what they can do now a days Eye surgery always fascinated me but I never did get much ENT experience as a trainee nurse.I ended up ICU/CCU post grad and loved it.But my working days are over now. We had a great team but they were sure good days...the place has changed so much. These days you have to almost be a technician as well working there , lol.

Originally Posted by Rebecca A
I can't believe my little granddaughter, Gracelynn (Gracie) will be 1 in exactly a month. Her sister, Alyssa will be 4 on June 10, their birthdays are really close. My husband and I only have one child,a daughter, Kimberly. She just opened her own Medical Massage Therapy business, she bought it from a girl she use to rent space from. She's currently working part time for a chiropractor. Lots of exciting things happening here! But busy things too. Lol.

How nice you havea grand daughter.That is such a lovely age and they keep you young eh :) We have 3 girls. all happily married, no grand children yet.Our 2nd girl is nursing too and married to a chiropractor!

Well my friend is coming out shortly to help me in the garden spreading the new post peelings so I better run.....

:wave: Hi to you too....will 'journal hop' abit later when I have time. Have a great day too :)

Dreamy1 Wed, Apr-21-10 23:30

Rebecca...I can't find you on FB....when I type in your name it just takes me to the Frontier Health page??? I will send you a PM and give you my email and you can add me from there if you like :)

Dreamy1 Thu, Apr-22-10 14:58

Good morning. I am doing the happy dance...down 2.2 lbs biggest loss so far but have been really working hard out in the garden.Have another day in the garden planned. I just have to watch that I don't overdo it with my meniere's- don't want to end up with vertigo problems again!
It is the perfect Autumn day out there and not too hot . It is going to be a good day here- just gotta get hubby motivated to help now ;)
I will BBL when it is time to take a break from the garden , time for breaky! :wave:

radiogal Thu, Apr-22-10 21:26

Waving at Rebecca!
Sorry not on FB, Maybe some day.
In a hurry but wanted to check in.
See ya!

Rebecca A Fri, Apr-23-10 09:17

Yay for pamela... Good morning Rachael!!!

Just came from the doc, my allergies are kicking my behind. Lots of pretty blooming trees but my lungs aren't liking them! He gave me 5 days of Prednisone and an antibiotic, and told me NOT to miss my inhalers (I'm asthmatic).

BBL when I can post more, have a good day!

radiogal Fri, Apr-23-10 11:26

Good mornings friends!
Well weigh in is tomorrow will report results when I can
Take care my friends!

Dreamy1 Fri, Apr-23-10 15:29

Morning to you both too :)

Sorry to hear about your asthma Rebecca.But you will feel ALOT better when you get rid of that wheeze in there ;)
I sent a reply to your Blackberry Phone... and included my profile pic so you know who you are looking for on FB :)
Hope you got it. Those Blackberry phones are so good. Not many about over here yet though.They are about a $1000 bucks here!! :0

I do so hope the Whoosh fairy visits you tonight!
Hope you have a great day too.
Nice and sunny here and I am enjoying a nicehomemade lattee and then off out into the garden .
Talk to you both soon,
Takecare :)

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