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cjcbabydol Tue, Sep-17-02 12:46

Dont Know what to eat for lunch at College!!!
Hi everyone,
I am a senior in college and I am clueless about what to eat for lunch and snacks as it has to be "mobile". I live in an apartment so breakfast and dinner is not that big of a deal for me. I did not eat lunch today simply because i had no idea what to eat! Terrible I know. :exclm: Any and all idea would be very helpful. Also, what fruit and vevvies are OFF LIMITS? thanks

aggieamy Wed, Sep-18-02 09:28

Well first of all on Atkins you can not have any fruit if you are still in induction, berries are the least carb fruits. the worst Veggies you could eat are potatos, corn, carrots, beans. when I am on campus I find a place that serves salads or pork rinds ( yuck) or you could make some Tuna and bring it with celery. Or bring along some cheese and lunch meat If you are far enough into your diet you could have nuts. I found a way to make chili that only is about 2.5 grms per serving .. you could bring that and find a microwave on campus .. Being on campus was the worst thing for me b/c you see everybody with everything that you want to eat and ... :mad: any way I hope that helps at all

cjcbabydol Wed, Sep-18-02 10:38

Hi aggieamy,
Thanks for your reply. It is hard with all those other people eating pizza and the like. Those are good suggestions that you gave me. I find th einduction the most limiting and its driving me nuts, plus headaches. hopefully theu will subside soon. I know that is just my body withdrawing from sugar and carbs. Thanks again,

Pinkchic Wed, Sep-18-02 11:11

I know it is super hard going to college. I am actually a freshman this year, and here's some of the things I take:

Cheese (usually muenster) and low carb lunch meat (not very original, I know)

Salads w/ ranch and bacon

Stromboli ( I don't eat the outside)

porkrinds (they have some here in tex. that are flavored like chips- salt & vinegar, bbq, etc.)

string cheese

low carb bars

anything to hold me over til I can get home!

aggieamy Thu, Sep-19-02 11:08

I wouldnt reallly recommend the low carb bars .. when I ate them it would kind of put me in a stall .. I VERY much admire ya'lls willpower :clap: .. its hard.. I am not even on the diet right now.. I am taking hydroxycut.. drinking only water and just watching what I eat and I lost like 10 pounds this summer .. I still have 20 more to go . This is my last semseter :p In three months I will be a graduate of Texasx A & M University .. WHOOP ! ... anyhow .. another thing is if you can find A place that serves buffalo wings on campus .... YUMMM or make your own and take them with you ..the best desert in the entire world is heasy whippped cream .. whipped with splenda.. the first time that I made it and ate it I thought I was gonna cry b/c it was ssoooo good.. It was nice to have something new to enjoy .. well I hope all is well and good luck to you both

Pinkchic Thu, Sep-19-02 11:12

I've heard some negative things about the low carb bars, so I'm trying not to do those anymore so much. aggieamy, why aren't you doing the lc anymore? Does what you're doing work better for you? Congratulations on your (almost) graduation!

aggieamy Thu, Sep-19-02 11:22

well I dont want to write negative things on here .. but I was just pretty unhappy ... ALLL that I could think about was food ... like obsessively.. WHaT can I eat What cant I have ? it actually stressed me out , I was tired a lot ... But it did work .. dont get me wrong .. I figure lifes too short to stress about food 16 hours a day .. but for a lot of people they love it and it makes them feel better everyday and that just wasn't the case for me .. I was always HUNGRY but the thought of the foods I could eat would make me nasueas I think its b/c I have never been a big meat eater and thats the majority of what you can have to eat .. what I am doing now makes me feel good, I drink pretty much only water ( and BEER sometimes ) , dont eat fast food and try to stay somewhat active , I dont eat late .. aand it seems to be working for me .. I was just not ready to make LC a lifestyle and if you dont do that the weight will come back on plus some .. I know b/c I did it once before last year and when I started I was at 145 and got down to 135 .. but when I quit I went up to 155.. Oh crap .. I am late for class .. I will wrote more later ..
HAve a great day

Pinkchic Thu, Sep-19-02 12:19

I know how you feel about your diet being so restrictive. I am completely addicted to sugar and carbs, and they never fill me up. So even though I would eat low fat, healthy meals, I was never satisfied and ended up eating to much. I'm glad you've found something that is working for you, and I'm glad you stayed in the forum! I really admire your dedication to staying healthy!

I have sort of stalled, and I think it's b/c of the lc bars (I've been trying to cut down b/c I've heard that from alot of people.) and I quit running. Haha!

Does your boyfriend go to A&M also? I'm thinking about transferring and I've heard only good things!

aggieamy Thu, Sep-19-02 16:50

1 Attachment(s)
Yes we both are graduating in Decmber ... It is the Best school ever , I am so glad I went here ... There is so much tradition and togetherness its unbelievable unless you can see it.. you walk around capmus and complete strangers say howdy to you ... football games are awesome .. just everything about this school is cool :wave: .. you should transfer ... yep those bars are bad .. heres a picture of us in our aggie t shirts
.. where do you live in dfw.. my best friend lives there?

aggieamy Fri, Sep-20-02 00:43

yes well pic chic I dont know why you are woried about your weight anyways

VikkiJean Fri, Sep-20-02 04:53


If you want to have bread to make sandwhiches look for a health food store they usually have low carb bread. I just found a store yesterday that has tons of low carb stuff even pizza dough & pasta & blueberry muffin mix & cereal & milk they had tons of low carb stuff I think I have died and gone to heaven when I found this place, I had my first breaded sandwhich yesterday and it was sinfully wonderful :D

Meg_S Fri, Sep-20-02 07:40

this is only my opinion, but I'd say that if you haven't completely adopted and become comfortable with low carb as a lifestyle.. as in, you're not missing other foods except on occasion, stay away from the foods that imitate carby food. They are not as low carb as they seem and will only cause cravings and you'll end up eating way more of them than you intended. Eg, I have this great lowcarb bananna bread, but one serving which is 4 carbs is only the size of HALF of a tiny muffin.

Anyway, for lunch.... tuna or salmon or chicken with mayo is always a good option. Eat it with lettuce or other green veggies, I sometimes add a couple of green peas for the taste - they're carby though.

If there is a chinese place around, you can either do this daily or order in big batches and eat out of the fridge for a couple of days. Find your fav. dish (mine is beef broccoli, very low carb) and have them make it fried in oil - nothing else, no sauce.. just oil. Then eat it with soy sauce, it's delicious and to others it looks like you're eating normal food. (not that I care at this point, but some people do) You can train the people at the restaurant to make all of your dishes that way... and of course always specify "no rice"

another tuna thing is to make a batch of tuna cakes and store them in the fridge. Mince veggies(peppers, celery, scallion), and mix with tuna - 2 parts veggie to one part tuna - add in a lot of spices, and an egg or two or three depending on how big the batch is, then fry patties in a lot of oil. Eat with mayo mixed with dill.

Make egg wraps. Use a non stick big pan to very slowly cook a very thin layer of scrambled egg on both sides, you edd up with an egg tortilla.... great to fill with chili, or fried muchrooms and onions, or any kind of food. Use tinfoil to wrap and keep it in your lunchbag.

Salad with bacon, sliced turkey, shrimp - filled with any kind of lc goodie you can think of.

Hope this helps,

aggieamy Fri, Sep-20-02 13:43

yes those low carb breads ans stuff are WONDERFUL .. if you can afford them.. sadly on my college budget I cant ... its a lot cheeper to eat a grille :mad: d cheese and noodles than a bunch of meat

LBDropper Sun, Oct-27-02 23:07

The price of low carb things are horrible. I keep reminding myself money is going to get tight in medical school so I better save my money and not slurge on $5 peanut butter and so on.

Meg_S Mon, Oct-28-02 08:37

something that is inexpensive and delicious is to find the cheapest cut of beef at the grocery store, and make a huge batch of goulash, or ox tail soup.. soup with a lot of meat in it. If you know what to do they taste better than anything you'll find in a restaurant (besides the pricey ones) and just put it in a thermos. There is also lc lasagna.

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