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SilverEm Fri, Apr-13-18 04:39

Taking Good Care of Ourselves, Support Thread. All welcome!
Would you like to have some company and encouragement for keeping your plan, and doing nice things for your well-being?

Whatever your goals or parameters, here is a place for a smile and some good thoughts to help.


Today, I plan to drink a little more water, drop the carbs a bit, and enjoy a nice walk. :)

LoriCris Fri, Apr-13-18 05:13

Smiling on an early Saturday morning. :)

SilverEm Fri, Apr-13-18 05:55

Hi, Lori. :wave: How nice to have you post here. I wish you a really lovely day.

doreen T Fri, Apr-13-18 06:47

dear AuntEm,

I can help unlock your SilverEm account :cool:.

Go to the lost password link. Enter the email address you used to register for this new AuntEm account (I've switched it over so now works for SilverEm). An activation email will be sent with a new computer-generated password. Be sure to click the link as soon as you get the email, as the code expires in 24 hrs for security (you'll have to submit a new request if that happens). Once you've unlocked SilverEm, you can change the password to whatever you like :idea:

Good luck, and welcome back :rose:


SilverEm Fri, Apr-13-18 07:50

Doreen, you are amazing! Thank you so very much.

I apologize for the trouble.

Thanks again. :)

doreen T Fri, Apr-13-18 07:52

Yay :yay:. Welcome back :heart:

SilverEm Fri, Apr-13-18 07:53

Thank you! I really appreciate your help. :)

barb712 Sat, Apr-14-18 19:58

What a nice thread. Thank you for starting it, SilverEm.

I'm concentrating on drinking more water and moving more, too. What a difference it makes in how I feel when I remember to do those things. I'm a couch potato by nature and start aching if I sit around too much so eventually chase my own butt out of the recliner and go outside for a bit. I hate purposeless walking and gym exercise but love yard work, so happily we're at that time of year. I also love stretching and simple yoga. Starting to do some of that again, too.

I'm also making it a point to add oil or butter to my white fish, shrimp and turkey burgers. It's way more satiating. I tend to forget and then wonder why I'm still hungry.

SilverEm Sun, Apr-15-18 04:34

Hi, Barb. :) Thanks for your nice post and kind thoughts. I, too, find moving and chores help to chase away the aches and pains.

I wish you a very lovely Sunday. :)

SilverEm Sat, Apr-21-18 07:50

Today, I am lowering the carbs a bit, drinking more liquids, and choosing more non-food nourishment.

janetkind Mon, Apr-30-18 10:19

Hi, every one.
My name is Janet and I would like to join.
My goal and has been for 5 years is to be and keep getting healthier.{
I count calaries, I also started few days ago to add reg. fat.{Good fats{Limit.
Eat lot of plant base. and I just restarted green smoothies.
Keep carbs clean. I also just started{ back.into If{Fasting. Window. so far has been 18-19 hrs. . And eat with in my 5-6 hr. window.
Getting back into detoxing{Sauna, steam room and walking 4-5.5 miles.{And will add jogging back in at some point.

My goal is to reach 110 lbs.{4ft.11
I have had few slips and regained what I have had off.{-6 -7 lbs.Now loseing that.{3 lbs short.
So Now redo doing and keep going.
Hope this site will keep surporting and we all learn and talk.
Think every one needs that.
We can do it.
No matter what plan or age.

janetkind Mon, Apr-30-18 10:26

Hi, every one.
My name is Janet and I would like to join.
My goal and has been for 5 years is to be and keep getting healthier.{
I count calaries, I also started few days ago to add reg. fat.{Good fats{Limit.
Eat lot of plant base. and I just restarted green smoothies.
Keep carbs clean. I also just started{ back.into If{Fasting. Window. so far has been 18-19 hrs. . And eat with in my 5-6 hr. window.
Getting back into detoxing{Sauna, steam room and walking 4-5.5 miles.{And will add jogging back in at some point.

My goal is to reach 110 lbs.{4ft.11
I have had few slips and regained what I have had off.{-6 -7 lbs.Now loseing that.{3 lbs short.
So Now redo doing and keep going.
Hope this site will keep surporting and we all learn and talk.
Think every one needs that.
We can do it.
No matter what plan or age.

barb712 Mon, Apr-30-18 10:40

Welcome, Janet. Absolutely true what you said. "Keep going" is the heart and soul of success! So is support. We do all need that. Coming here regularly and sharing info, ideas, etc. is so helpful.

I'm 63 and 5'11" - a foot taller than you! :) My "normal" weight is not the same as for younger, shorter women. I concentrate on feeling and functioning well mentally and physically.

Again, welcome!

SilverEm Mon, Apr-30-18 12:15

Hi, Janet. :)

Hi, Barb. :)

Thanks for your kind posts here. I agree about having the focus on getting healthier.

Best wishes to each of you for a lovely day.

janetkind Tue, May-01-18 09:05

Thanks for the warm welcome.
You know this is not to much on lose the weight.{Yes it is.
But to learn to reset and take a good look deep inself of how we want to live and get healthier and be fit.{plus nice to feel good about self.
Like so many, we just give in to old ways. And it shows not only in weight but how our body runs in side.
It needs to be treated the best way u can.
So many years I have been up and down in weight.{More up.
Then one day it hits. As we age it tells us> Do we want to now live to be healthy and fit and age as best as we can.
I think{And I'm new here. That we all want health and life.
The key is to look deep. And to just keep going. Yes we fall.
Sometimes we all have to listen to how we feel and not so much on scale numbers.
Any new comers that come. You can do it. Not easy . As long as we have a good road to walk we will make it.
today weigh in 121
and This new month. going to really keep going and hope no slips.
Exersice and eat good clean foods. Just think,when u are going to want to hit that bad turn in road. Does my body need it or is it me.
Now that said.. Slips do happen. and u can have something not as good. But u do not have to eat that way for all day or all week. {
Only one life and live it, take care of it and hope for lots of years ahead.]Good ones.
Plus if we get sick Our bodies can heal and fight.}For it has good foods and treated good {Not so much with sugars and bad fats and so on.
Glad to be here.
I also think detoxing the body is good.{Sauna and steam room.
I'm 68 and aging very well and feel good.

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