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LauraVonk Thu, Feb-05-04 16:15

sensitive eyes
Hi everybody. I have a question about the eyes. I have read where a lot of people suffer from sleepyness or tiredness. I've been having trouble with tired eyes. The rest of me isn't tired. Just my eyes. They will sometimes feel heavy, sometimes dry or like there is sand in them. The rest of my body and mind feel fine. If I lay down to take a nap, my mind won't quiet down and I can't go to sleep. If I rest my eyes for a while it helps, but it doesn't go away. I sleep about 7-8 hours a day, waking up maybe twice to go to the bathroom, and go right back to sleep. I live in a smoke free house because we don't smoke. I have almost perfect vision, at least good enough that I don't need glasses. I just had them checked within the year, so I don't think it's eye strain. Anyone have any ideas what may be causing this? Thanks a lot.


Jems Mon, Feb-16-04 08:12

I have the same problem and have to use eye drops to moisturize my eyes (which are so dry that my lids stick to them during the night!) I use hypro mellose drops as the others don't last as long in my eyes. That helps a lot - as you say I often feel tired when really it's just that my eyes are dry and sore.

Kristine Sun, Feb-22-04 15:20

Could it be the weather? In winter, it's so dry in my neck o' the woods that I can't wear my contact lenses for very long. My eyes always seem to be burning.

LisaS Sun, Feb-22-04 19:42

if it isn't just dry eyes from the weather, you should probably go to an eye doctor (MD) just to be sure that you don't have a scratch or infection or a metabolic condition (like Sjogren's or something)

LauraVonk Mon, Feb-23-04 09:09

Thank you everybody for your replies.

Sadly, it's not a dry weather thing, I've had this problem for a couple of years and it happens everyday to one degree or another. Now it does get worse from dry air, that's for sure. I can't sit in a room with a fan, even a ceiling fan, or in the car with the heater fan going on high.

I had gone to my regular family doctor last year, and she gave me some real expensive eye drops. They didn't do a thing. I've got an appointment next month with an opthamologist. Hopefully that will finally help.

I've often wondered if it was from some vitamin or mineral deficiancy. I used to take a pill called Formula One. It had chromium and a lot of other stuff in it. It was probably a lot like Metabolife and the like. The whole time I was taking it, my eyes felt fine. I only had trouble if I was around fans and such. Otherwise my eyes felt normal. I got off of those pills and have stayed away from others like it, and my eyes went back to giving me trouble. So, I just don't know........

m1whowaits Tue, Feb-24-04 11:56

I don't know if this will help or not, but this is what happened to me. My eyes would itch, burn and be dry to the point of hurting. I also had terrible sinusitis. I did a 3 month Candida diet and took supplements to get rid of it. My eye problems and allergies went away. Candida is a naturally occuring bacteria in our bodies but when it becomes overgrown, can cause various "mysterious" symptoms that seem to have no cause. Dr. Crook's Candida Handbook is a good place to start.

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