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JessDMB41 Fri, Oct-12-07 06:07

*20-something females (part 3)*
New thread time! We've reached 2000 posts in our part 2.
Maybe this is a good chance for all of us to end the week on a good note and have a nice cheat free weekend!

mone Fri, Oct-12-07 06:19

Oh, you already started one! We are some busy girls :)

Cheat free weekend sounds good, except that I plan to drink some wine today, tomorrow and sunday. Maybe not all three days. Probably today. Or tomorrow. Don't know yet :D

HollyRF Fri, Oct-12-07 06:29

yay! new thread!

JessDMB41 Fri, Oct-12-07 06:46


Hmm, so I was at 136.8 for three days, then had a turkey salad for lunch yesterday and a taco salad for dinner, then a little bit of cereal and a graham cracker w/ peanut butter last night. I went out to eat tuesday and wednesday night and had much more carbs than I should have.

Today I am down 2 pounds!

Weird how the body works. Maybe it wanted those carb up days.

JessDMB41 Fri, Oct-12-07 12:56

Where is everyone? BUMPing for all the ladies to find us!!!

B: some almonds, water
L: salad w/ turkey, cucumbers, cheese, tomato, ranch, water

I've been peeing like CRAZY today and yesterday but not even drinking all that much water. HMMMM.

by the way. I'm taking a pregnancy test today. I missed a pill last week... took it the next morning.. but not feeling quite right the last couple days. Probably not pregnant but I have to check anyway.

bheart33 Fri, Oct-12-07 14:21

Hi! A fresh start is always nice!

I am back down to 142. I am three days cheat free! (for me this has been an acomplishment). 4 days with no sugary alcohol (my weakness).... although the weekend is coming and that is my tough time to resist. Watch out for some drunken posts from me.

Awesome Jess!! Two pounds is a big deal! Right now my goal is 3 pounds. I haven't been in the 130s in years.

I checked my BMI and I am at 22.2, which is completely healthy, but I am still not happy. I keep trying to follow atkins induction and failing, so I have decided not to attempt it anymore because I just end up bingeing. Instead, I am just focusing on less strict low carb (i.e. not counting carbs for my veggies, eating lots of protein, and letting myself have nuts).

p.s. I finally found the cord to my digital camera.... so I changed my avatar picture. yay! I look much happier

Love, Hartley

LC-Laur Fri, Oct-12-07 15:04

I love your new avatar Hartley!

Let us know how the test goes, Jess. I get the same way if I know I took a pill late... And being that I am me, that happens quite often. :lol:

I am SO glad it's Friday! Going to dive head first into a vodka martini after work and a few errands. I think I want the olives more than anything... Is that weird?

Got a wedding tomorrow. This should be tough... The plan is small portions. Cake is my biggest weakness (good cake), so if the wedding cake isn't chocolate (ewwww), then I will be indulging in a small piece. I have a hot new dress, so hopefully that'll be all the motivation I need to be good. :D

Have a great weekend ladies!

JessDMB41 Fri, Oct-12-07 15:56

The test was negative, but I am crampy and feel like crap. I've skipped my period intentionally for the last few months by taking consecutive pill packs. I guess it's time to let my body have a period.

kjs130 Sat, Oct-13-07 08:08

hey ladies! i'm glad i found you all :)

things are going alright - i've been eating a lot of cheese and its making me feel bloated....any suggestions for great snacks to have on hand? i'm drawing a complete blank....

i'm still staying away from the scale, but my ketone test is finally dark! (although that could be from dehydration....)i've been pretty good about drinking my water though, so i hope thats not the case.

glad everyone is going so well :) way to go everybody on the accomplishments!

mone Sat, Oct-13-07 09:39

I decided to get on atkins induction again. I have been lingering around 154 for over 10 weeks now, and I'm fed up with it. My fridge was empty, and so I bought a lot of induction-friendly food today. 2.5 lbs of fish and over 1 lbs turkey breast, plus 5 cans of tuna. Lots of protein :) Plus one eggplant and 3 bell peppers. I also have 10 fresh and 6 hard-boiled eggs. That should last for a while.

I also cooked the first half of the pumpkin I bought. Do I have to peel it (which I did this time), or can I just cut it and throw it in the skillet?

I woke up feeling instantly exhausted, plus I had a headache. Starting induction doesn't help, so the headache got worse over the last hours so I now took some ibuprofen and feel better now. I really need to start to work now!

Kjs, there is always the classic snack food nuts, but you could also have bell pepper or cucumber slices with spiced cream cheese.

HollyRF Sat, Oct-13-07 09:43

Hey! I'm here. Yesterday was super hectic. I barely had time to breathe, let alone log onto this site! I was the front page designer last night and just as I was about to leave we found out about a shooting at a night club... So I had to turn on the computer again and get back to work... I didn't get home until 3 a.m... and then I was up until about 4 a.m. cleaning because I have a friend coming into town today... I am SO happy I don't have to work again until Monday!!!!

So, I'm still 142 and that's WITH TOM, so I must be doing something right! I don't feel nearly as bloated as I normally do, so that's good... Especially since my friend and I have plans for a major shopping trip today! I've got to buy some pants that freakin' fit. Right now, I have two pairs that fit correctly. The rest I can pull off without unzipping them... I even had someone at work tell me my pants looked really big on me and asked how much weight I've lost!

Anyway, I'm really hoping I can make my goal of 140 by Monday! I'm not sure that's possible unless there's a whoosh in my future! (fingers-crossed)...

OK... gotta finish laundry and cleaning before my friend gets here. Have a good weekend everyone!!!

bheart33 Sat, Oct-13-07 10:44

Hi Girls!

I woke up 141.5 today. Little victories haha. I am really motivated to get below 140. I think I have to have mini-goals otherwise I get overwhelmed.

Last night I drank 3 vodka sodas, and 1 light beer (eww I hate beer, what was I thinking). Good news is .... no champagne OR sugary drinks and NO drunken eating!! I'm so excited. haha Hopefully this pattern will continue (minus the beer) and help me beat my stall.

LC-- I never drink martinis because they are too strong for me.... but whenever I am tempted by them, I think I just want the olives too. I usually want olives when I crave salt. haha

Jess-- I take the pill and skip my period all the time, but then occasionally I have a freak out and take a pregnancy test... so I completely relate.

kjs-- nuts are always a good snack but sometimes I have trouble with portions. I like the new 100 calorie packs of almonds. Also, I really like turkey pepperoni (bite sized and really yummy)

holly-- i would like to be at 140 by monday too..... however, I don't think it is possible. Hopefully by next week though!

Love, Hartley

HollyRF Sat, Oct-13-07 23:26

hey! I'm totally, completely, drunk... I can barely see the screen, and I'm not really sure what has compelled me to even come to my computer and type anything... My friend from out of town has completely passed out. We drunk dialed numerous people from the town we both used to work at... It was quite funny actually... I'll see if it's still funny tomorrow... Hopefully I didn't completely kill the diet... Though I have had a strawberry martini and numerous vodka cranberries tonihght.... I"m guzzling water tonight and waiting for my boyfriend to get home from shooting the Nascar race...

Mallory08 Sat, Oct-13-07 23:31

hahahaha holly u crack me up! i love the new thread

mone Sun, Oct-14-07 02:32

Hihi Holly, drunk dialing :) please tell us when you are alive again tomorrow if you still find it funny :D But you didn't kill your diet, if you are drunk and still can think about those things and drink tons of water right away nothing bad will happen!

The headache I had yesterday almost killed me, it was so bad that it felt like a migraine. I had that once several years ago. Today it is a lot better, I still feel it in my head, but it is not really bad.

My ketostix were purple this morning, yay! I also lost a pound over night :D I'm back down to 152.5.

And I just had an amazing breakfast. I wasn't in the mood for normal eggs, so I made a lc pancake (1 egg, salt, 1 tbsp melted butter, 2 tbsp protein powder), then put cream cheese on it, sprinkled dill on it and then put some smoked salmon on the top. It was awesome!

The worst thing with induction-friendly breakfast is that it takes so long! I just don't want to take out a pan and cook in the morning, it is okay for the weekend, but not the other days. Taking one slice of bread and throwing some ham on it is so much easier :rolleyes:

What do you guys eat for breakfast?

Oh, and I forgot to welcome our new members! Welcome :)

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