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bworthey Sun, May-04-14 13:34

Statins/Joint Pain & Co-Q 10?
Ok - I know how most of you feel here about statins, and I think soon the conversation is coming between me and my doctor about continuing mine. That aside I have a question for those currently on them or on them in the past.

I had started noticing some joint pain, mainly hips and knees. My doc suggested coq-10 to help - and I've read how the statins work against the coq-10. Seemed to help for a while. Lately, the joint pain has come back. I did up the statins about 2 months ago. I had originally chalked the joint pain up to the rapid weight loss, but in wondering if anyone else had experienced relief and then it come back. I've noticed no other symptoms from the statins, just the joint pain. Any one else?

ojoj Sun, May-04-14 13:49

You couldnt pay me to take them lol!!!! However, statins do apparently block CoQ10 and therefore you should take a supplement. As for the joint pain, try a few weeks off statins and see if it improves - it is a known side effect!!!

Jo xxx

Nancy LC Sun, May-04-14 13:58

Try increasing the dosage of CQ10? I'm not sure it'll help with joint pain, but it is depleted by Statins. Maybe muscle damage means your muscles are too weak to support your joints. Not sure.

Here's an article about the joint pain/damage they can cause.

I wouldn't just dismiss it though...

bworthey Sun, May-04-14 14:10

Well I know when I started the coq-10, he told me to take 200mg a day for the first week then just 100. So I was thinking of upping or at least taking an extra on every other day to see if it helps. They are pretty expensive and I'm already on enough meds as it is and I keep adding things!

Nancy LC Sun, May-04-14 14:13

Yeah, well... you sure as heck don't want to stop the Co-Q 10 and suffer permanent muscle damage as a result. It isn't pretty. I've seen pretty good prices for CoQ10 online as well as in membership stores. Maybe you should shop around a bit? costco maybe sam's club?

Liz53 Sun, May-04-14 14:41

Co-Q10 is not a drug per se. It is an antioxidant that your body produces and that statins destroy. I'd stop statins before stopping Co-Q10 (not that I'm telling YOU to stop statins - that decision is for you to make).

Here's an article on how much Co-Q10 to take to counteract statins and how it may be helpful in other situations as well.

JEY100 Sun, May-04-14 16:23

I did up the statins about 2 months ago.

Know have read before the SEAs, or Serious Adverse Events, do increase with dose. If you don't want to stop the statin, you might also consider dropping back to the lower dose you initially used. Also do be careful if you are exercising, or even walking, as the joint pain from statins is also linked to an increase in sprains and strains.

bworthey Sun, May-04-14 17:28

Still not exercising yet. Seriously considering stopping the statins and seeing what my cholesterol does between now and next doc visit and just not telling him. I dunno. I'm dealing with that side effect and now possible side effect from a migraine medication - I've added an allergy med to my daily regime (just an OTC) but all of this had just been weighing heavily on me lately. All these side effects and I'm taking 10-11 pills a day. In sure to some that's not that many. But I don't know. It's just getting to me and I don't like it. I was okay with it when I first start it and now I hate it. It makes me feel like I'm sick and I don't feel sick - except for the side effects!

Nancy LC Sun, May-04-14 18:18

You won't be alone. I read somewhere that a startlingly high number of people just stop taking statins.

bworthey Sun, May-04-14 21:38

Well, I went ahead and emailed my doc about ending the statin. We'll see!

JEY100 Mon, May-05-14 04:27

Glad to read of your decision. You are a young, healthy guy, with vastly improved Bg and Cholesterol markers, only overweight, and you are fixing that too.

If you have had the chance to read Dr. Davis's Wheat Belly book or blog, it made some startling claims about health improvements just by removing gluten grains. Two and half years after publication there are so many testimonials that one FB member made perma links for them. Many have had complete relief from Migraines and off meds. Assume you are completely grain-free, have you also tried going without the migraine med? Again, you are on a high dose, maybe step down to the lower ones? Something to also discuss with your doc. Check out the Migraine and Meds stories here.

ojoj Mon, May-05-14 07:12

After doing so much research, I decided that high cholesterol means nothing, in fact the one time I had mine tested it was low and my doctor told me that low cholesterol was a marker for cancer!!! So statins dont figure

Then a few weeks ago, this happened

Jo xxx

bworthey Mon, May-05-14 08:18

I've not had a chance to read the book. I have read some of the blogs/info about it. I am grain free, unless I'm getting some from sources I'm unaware of - I've been amazed at the things hidden in foods. I have not tried going without the migraine med though. Honestly, I think I'd be too scared too! I've eliminated all my other known triggers for migraines and the one left I have know control over - storm fronts/systems. The topamax has never been an issue for me before and it has worked wonderfully for me, and now I am having to sort out if this side effect is from the med or something else. It's all too crazy! Ha!

Nancy LC Mon, May-05-14 08:28

It could also be your topamax. Are you taking it for seizures?

JEY100 Mon, May-05-14 08:55

Listening to first of the DiabetesSeminar speakers, Suzy Cohen, pharmacist, who lists nutrient-deficiencies from statins (COq10 and Vit D) and metformin (that also depletes COq10!) and other drugs. She talks fast, drops in many Vit and minerals to counter the side effects of meds (and even red wine..take thiamine ;) ). And maybe you only have Statin-induced Hyperglycemia, not diabetes, statins and BP meds both can increase blood sugars.

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