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niteskyblu Sun, Dec-31-17 08:40

dehydration / near-vomiting
hello :(

this post is just me venting...

...let me first admit that ...i have a long history of anorexia and starvation...

several years ago, i lost a tremendous amount of weight, by not eating ...and i did tremendous damage to my physical health, and even to my brain :(

then my father was in an accident that almost killed him, and has left him in a wheel chair, and, ever since, i have been his laborer (and have taken a lot of abuse from him)...

and i put back almost all the weight i had lost :(

...also, i live with my mother, and /she/ is abusive, and i live under really bad conditions -

i don't have consistent access to the right foods, refrigeration, cold drinks or even clean water...

and, in the last two months, i attempted to move away from my mother, but -

i also got left by my significant other of _15 years_,

and i crumbled, and gave up the apartment,

and in the space of two months, i have moved in AND OUT AGAIN - all my belongings, BY MYSELF - ON FOOT -

and i went from "low carbing," to starvation, because that is what i tend to do :(

and, heavy physical labor plus NOT EATING (and not drinking enough), you can might imagine ...this is bad news :(


...i have been trying to eat, and drink, consistently, but...

i find that i get dehydrated so fast, if i don't pound down so much water that i feel STUFFED,

i very soon after get this ...nasal drip/choking feeling, and i start almost vomiting----

like, i canNOT keep up with the constant need to pound down water :(

has anyone else had this happen to them?

...also, any weight i manage to lose, it comes right back, _and then some_ -

like, at the beginning of this week i had managed to lose 2 pounds,

but then, eating the same thing (low carb, or some days i attempt "ketogenic" because i thought that was helping me) the next day(s),

i gained back the 2 pounds -

and yesterday, out of feeling so sick with the almost vomiting, i ate - divided through the day -

2 ATKINS MEALS - half each time - and 2 bags of green beans - half each time -

with some added coconut oil,

and i drank macadamia milk (i don't usually),

and I GAINED ANOTHER 2 POUNDS, so now i am up 4 pounds----

but what is really making me want to throw in the towel, is the constant near-vomiting :( -

and i feel like i still have so much weight to lose, that i feel like i can't go on...

it makes me want to just go back to the old way of eating - carby foods that you can just snatch, you know ("oh, what's a little fiber one cheesecake square..."),

so at least i won't feel dehydrated like i have :(

...have any of you experienced this dehydration/near-vomiting thing? :(

cotonpal Sun, Dec-31-17 09:05

I am sorry for all your troubles. You are already at a perfectly healthy weight. If you never lost another pound you would be fine. Even gaining a few pounds would not be the end of the world. My advice for you is that you try to change your mindset about your weight. It sounds like you might need some professional help to do that if that is something you can access. Even though people often don't believe that they can change how they think about themselves it is indeed possible. You can't control the people in your life but it is possible, often with help, to change your own mind and behavior. I wish you better things in the new year. Damaging your health will not make anything better.


niteskyblu Sun, Dec-31-17 09:11

oh hey jean, thank you for responding ...i apologize, but the stats on my profile are old ...sadly i am now very overweight

...i am just really concerned about the dehydration, and not sure i should keep attempting low carb...

thank you for caring about my post, and... wishing you a happy new year :)

cotonpal Sun, Dec-31-17 09:23

Sorry about that. I was going by the weight you had posted. It is true that low carb eating can lead to dehydration if you are not careful. What I have learned to do is to have bone broth every day, homemade with added salt. Carbohydrates tend to help you retain fluids so when you eat low carb you have to add extra fluid and salt and what is usually recommended is to drink bone broth. Several cups a day would not hurt you given how you are now feeling.


niteskyblu Sun, Dec-31-17 09:31

thanks jean, that's a good tip,

and a reinforcement of what i thought about how when i eat carby - even though it's bad for health in other ways -

i don't get dehydrated like this ...because the carbs make us retain water...

i will try to get bone broth the mean time, today i am drinking some powerade ZERO (and i hope it doesn't make me gain weight...)

...anybody else if you experience the near-vomiting thing please still share your experience...

Kristine Sun, Dec-31-17 22:04

Hi. I'm putting on the moderator hat here and urging you to seek medical attention. :exclm: It's beyond the scope of this forum to try to diagnose something as serious as this. If you think you can't afford medical care or otherwise can't access it, would you consider disclosing your general area? This is an international forum. Someone who lives closer to you can probably point you in the right direction.

Personally, I get crazy thirst sometimes when I eat high-fiber foods and simply forget to balance it out with water (I'm terrible for ignoring thirst), but never to the point of nausea. Excessive thirst is often a sign of diabetes. Again - get thee to thy medic.

Stick around and keep us posted. Best of luck to you. :rose:

niteskyblu Sun, Dec-31-17 23:16

hey, thanks so much for your response (and, HAPPY NEW YEAR!) i drank powerade zero and, _did not have any more episodes of the near-vomiting_ -

i am going to be very vigilant about if the problem comes back, and i will go to the doctor at the first sign of it persisting...

i will also try to post back in a few days, in case in the future someone else finds this thread when they are having the same problem...

thanks so much!!! :)

nawchem Sun, Dec-31-17 23:46

I do have the dehydration problem- coupled with frequent urination when I lowcarb. I drink at least 2 glasses overnight when I sleep and am so dehydrated when I wake up I drink 4 more glasses water.

You need to see a Dr. You might note does your urine darken in color overnight? There is a disorder diabetes insipidus your urine will look like water first thing in the morning-it never concentrates. There are also aldosterone problems from the adrenal glands. They can do other tests on how your kidneys are functioning. Track how much water you're drinking, can help the dr.

After an examination my dr had me increase sodium, I always test low -pinch of salt in water, and eating salty foods like cheese and broth help some. Absolutely no caffeine and stick to water only- this helps me the most when I do it. (Power aid is ok too)

Is there a chance you could get food stamps and get some better food? A social worker might help. I've found librarians can find all kinds of things. Maybe a social worker to get your home life together. If you don't have medical insurance the food stamp people can help with that too.

You take care of you, like they say you have to put your oxygen mask on first.

niteskyblu Mon, Jan-01-18 08:37

quick update ...feeling well so far on the powerade zero sports drink

...but - also ate 2 atkins meals per day, w/ 2 bags of green veg per day, and added coconut oil, spread throughout the day, and -

have gained another 2 pounds, and have gained for the 3rd day in a row :(

i am having to eat the atkins meals because i share a freezer with my mother and the space is needed, and i don't know if they are the cause of the weight gain, but this is very frustrating...

i will see if i can keep on the powerade, and possibly not eat the atkins meals and see if that helps...

i feel like there's nothing i can eat that doesn't make me gain weight, it's just frustrating...

will post back...

niteskyblu Sat, Jan-06-18 08:45

quick update to all -

and special thanks to NAWCHEM, whose response i think i had not noticed - i'm so sorry...

...excellent, helpful response, and it's somewhat of a relief to know that at least one other person experiences these symptoms...

for now i have been trying really hard to EITHER drink powerade zero, OR bone broth with just enough sea salt to feel better,

also, i was drinking some "v8" vegetable juice, the low sodium version and adding just enough sea salt to feel better,

i also ...because anorexia has been a factor for me, have to make a conscious effort to eat a little more, so i don't get shaky...

i have stopped eating the atkins meals W/ added veggies - i don't know whether it was the meals, or the veggies, that were making me not lose, and even gain, but i just do not want that trend to continue if i can help it!

i am still struggling to lose any weight, but... i read about "whooshes," and i hope that at some point i will get a whoosh...

i am also trying different "regimens" each day, in hopes of finding if any different regimen helps me lose weight -

like yesterday i did only eggs (an "egg fast," i guess), which in the past has helped me lose ...but today i haven't lost anything this time... i ate more eggs this time, so maybe it was too many more calories, i don't know...

one day i did just atkins shakes, up to enough protein for my weight - that helped me lose, BUT was very hard to get through the day on just liquids...

today i will try something else, but may not post back here - for the not losing, i may make another post some point ...don't want to bother everybody too often -

THANKS so much to everyone who took the time to respond, i am so grateful!!! :)

jessdamess Sat, Jan-06-18 10:31

Just saw this.
The Powerade helped because ketogenic diets cause you to lose extra sodium, which in turn causes a leeching out of other electrolytes. Do drink a good amount of water, but drink more salty. Generously salt your food, drink salty broth, and add extra salt to the Powerade, it really doesn't have very much in it. A cup of bouillon broth has almost 5 times that which is in Powerade Zero.

Extra salt is essential.
And give yourself time for the scale to move. I've found subsequent attempts at weight loss...well your body is going to be a punk about it and drag its feet. Give it some more time.

Good luck. :rheart:

niteskyblu Sat, Jan-06-18 11:09



...i had just read, too, about how if you're a yo-yo dieter, your body is going to hold on to fat, longer, on subsequent attempts at dieting :( -

i wonder if my body will ever ..."let its guard down" .......if anyone else reading this has been a yo-yo dieter, but then finally got serious about it,

did their weight loss rate ever improve, like... your body finally realized that you had turned over a new leaf and that this would be a new, ~safe~ normal?

i may post a separate thread about this too...


kdc01 Sat, Jan-06-18 12:08

Volek and Phinney recommend 2 cups of broth a day for anyone on a low carb diet.

niteskyblu Sat, Jan-06-18 12:42

yes, i'm on that now...thank you :)

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