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DramaDame Sun, May-04-03 14:00

What kind of Schwarzbein are you? I or II
Good Day:

Just curious to find out how many people are following each book? Have you followed one and then the other? What changes did you notice in your health? How long have you been on either Schwarzbein plan?

I am just finishing up week one under the first book and have book two on order...I am curious as to how people are feeling after some time on the plan (s). It is always helpful to see people enjoying the benefits of a way of life change and I am wondering how people are feeling about their health improvements ( or not) in general....

Thanks for your reply....

Suni Mon, May-05-03 12:52

General Comments
Hi: I read TSP I twice then loaned it out and have not received it back yet. I just bought TSP II but have not read more than a few chapters yet.

I (& hubby) began this WOE last July/August. Before that I was on a low-fat diet, including WW, for over 10 years. Food tasted bland / awful and I had the worst cravings. I would be really good, in control and low-fat for a while but then I'd binge; feel guilty about binging and I'd berate myself for "falling off the low-fat wagon". I would have a real stern talk with myself then recommit to eating low-fat again then bang-o, I'd fall off th elow-fat wagon again. I didn't understand why I did this and I was really having a problem with me! I had about 20lbs. to loose but could never seem to loose them.

Then I discovered TSP - I read it on a plane flight home and was soooooo impressed with how sensible the entire book is. Like it suggests in the book, when I got home I got rid of all the low-fat products in the house, and began introducing fats (butter, olive oil, etc.) and regular milk, instead of skim or 1% milk, into our diet. The only toughie for me has been weaning myself off white sugar. I went onto Stevia and while I didn't mind it, I didn't love it like I did sugar so I began decreasing the amount I used until now I don't use any.

I always drank decaf tea and coffee so I didn't have to give up caffeine. And I always exercised so it isn't like I had to make major life changes except in our diet. I have to tell you I felt so good about this WOE that I had my two daughters buy the book and read it. I/all of us bought TSP Cookbook and now I/we cook mostly the Schwarzbein way - love this WOE. Food tastes soooo good again and (for me this is the best part of all) the cravings have stopped.

I managed to loose 17 pounds but regained 5 when I went on a sweet tooth binge for about a week or 10-days so now I am back on the wagon. (There were sweet treats in the office all week and what my eyes saw the tummy wanted!) For me I will continue to eat low-carb because I feel so much better, with more energy than I have felt in a long, long time.

Hope this helps or answers your question.

DramaDame Mon, May-05-03 17:37

Thanks so much for your response, Suni. You have really been committed to the plan and you have seen great results. That is really helpful to hear. It also sounds like you are mainly following the first book at this time. Your response is very encouraging to those just starting out.

I certainly agree with you on the sweet front far it has not been a problem at all but, I know that some dark chocolate will start to sing it's siren song at me some night and it will be tough to resist.....hopefully, by then I will be feeling so great on this plan that it won't matter....thanks again. DramaDame

Titania28 Mon, May-05-03 17:54

I've read both books, but I'd have to say that I mostly refer to the first book. The second book was extremely informative, but I didn't think it fit me very well. I showed no symptoms of insulin resistance or adrenal gland burnout.

I've done great just sticking to the first book! :)


Suni Tue, May-06-03 09:13

Book 1
I couldn't agree more - I read then reread TSP I. I purchased TSP II but got confused. I think if I was just beginning a WOE that was low-carb TSP II would be too intense with too much information and I would (this is just me personally) find it discouraging. I found the first book I read it at one sitting whereas the second book I have to make an effort to get thru it. I thought maybe I just wasn't bright enough to "figure out the second book" but from reading I see others get as confused as I was.

Sunski Tue, May-06-03 12:15

Me too! I read the first book in two days -- devoured it -- and had an "aha" moment, realizing that this was the way that I should be eating. A few weeks later, I bought TSPII. I still haven't read the whole thing, it's just too complicated and confusing. To make matters worse, I think it is not very well organized. Finally, TSPII could have benefitted greatly by the inclusion by Dr. S of an explanation of how the two books fit together. I think II is meant to replace I, since it has more specific recommendations, but I am not sure.

Suni Tue, May-06-03 12:21

Hi - from what I gathered was that TSP I generated a host of questions and TSP II was to answer/clarify the questions that arose from TSP I.

I like you "aha" moment - TSP I was exactly that for me too! I find it easy to stick to and have copied the pages of food lists in the back and stick them on my kitchen cupboards to refer to them. I bought the cookbook and use it frequently. Her plan just makes so much sense.

Rosemerry Tue, May-06-03 13:14

TSPI Lover here!
I just fell in love with TSP1; it is such an easy read and I couldn't put it down. I felt she was talking directly to me and I couldn't wait to get started! I'm doing pretty well just following the healing program more or less, 15gr carbs per meal, 7.5 per snack, sometimes more depending on how active I am.

Now I'm reading TSP2 and it is a little overwhelming. But I'm just taking it slow, read a chapter or so every night if I can, and don't worry about it as much. Not sure which "type" I am, probably insulin resistant something or other; maybe I'll know more when I'm finished reading it. TSP2 seems to be more about getting your hormones balanced; it's interesting too, esp since I'm 46 and at the age where my hormones definitely NEED balancing, LOL!

TSPII has some neat little nuggets in it that I'm finding. I tend to binge at times and she says that even if you do binge, you still need to eat balanced meals. I thought that was interesting.


Suni Tue, May-06-03 14:24

Balancing hormone
Hi - I am 55 (56 next month) and am on HRT (100% natural tho, which she approves of) to balance my hormones. I too try and keep my carb level about 15 per meal and 7 - 10 per snack. I find I feel so good eating this way. The biggest difference I noticed was that I no longer have horrible cravings - before on low-fat I would experience the worst cravings but eating the Dr. S. way I feel saited, and am never hungry.

I began TSP II, then quit because of an event in my life that I needed to deal with, but I didn't get back to it. After posting and chatting I am going to begin reading it again. I commute by public transit so I have a span in the morning and evening where I can read uninterrupted for a bit. I find I highlighted some of TSP I and put in sticky notes so I could go back and refer and reread certain sections. I plan on doing this with her second book too.

amieK Tue, May-06-03 15:45

TSP I :thup:

I haven't read TSP II.

I do best when I watch portion sizes though. Also though I don't use low-fat products, I do better when I don't go nutz using cream etc.

I use the cookbook (non-veg one) all the time. I can't recommend it highly enough if you have chosen to follow this WOE.

All the best,

Piano Tue, May-06-03 19:34

I have only read SPII. But now I am really curious and may just try to find a copy of the SPI. It does sound easier. I did find the book a little unorganized, but I had read reviews on before I bought it that forewarned me. I have read the book a second time and noticed things that I didn't notice the first time. All in all I love this woe and now that I have done it for a while, I plan to make it a way of life.


Suni Wed, May-07-03 08:55

Another book I want to buy & read
Hi & Good Morning

I was on another (low-carb) website and one of the books recommended was "The Low Carbohydrates Handbook". I would like to read this book to glean some information. After I finish the book I am presently reading I plan on reading TSP II from cover to cover. I found it a bit confusing and I got discouraged when I could not figure out what "type" I am. Like others have mentioned, I "blended" into more than one catagory. However I plan on sticking to this WOE no matter what.

wcollier Thu, May-08-03 17:53

I've read both of Dr. S's books and by far I am most impressed with SPII. I wish she had written this book in the beginning b/c it would have answered so many of my questions.

I always thought that I was hypoglycemic b/c of unstable blood sugars caused by insulin (that's always what we hear) whereas now I realize that I'm hypoglycemic b/c of my adrenal glands. I wish I had known this 2 years ago when I first started healing. I didn't understand why I was struggling with my weight and becoming hypoglycemic.

This book is definately on my "A" list.

tigger64 Thu, May-08-03 20:36

I really got more out of TSPII than I. I started following the 1st plan in Jan of 2002 and had gained quite a bit of weight. I know she had mentioned that a person might gain by this WOE, but I got really worried that I was just doing something wrong. I had her 2nd book ordered and was supposed to come out in April? 2002. I waited and waited and finally could take the weight gain no longer. I started Atkins and lost quite a bit but found myself feeling just as horrible as I did before I started TSP--the reason why I sought out this WOE to start with. Starting in Jan 2003, I got serious with TSPII again--which explained alot more to me about how this is a necessary phase to gain weight as part of the healing phase. I had a lot of questions that I had about the 1st book answered in the 2nd and albeit somewhat confusing, I feel it is the better plan for me. I have again gained weight, but not as much as the last time--I'm hoping the fat burning phase is going to kick in at some point.

Wanda, I still have really shaky episodes sometimes late afternoon/early evening and have always suspected hypoglecemia. My doctor does not seem to get too worked up about it when I mention symptoms to her. I think I am insulin sensitive (testing showed OK)/adrenal gland burnout. I was really intrigued by your comment regarding how hypoglecemia is related to adrenal glands. I would love to get more info from you about this matter! I have not had comprehensive adrenal gland testing although my morning cortisol was WNL. I am attempting to finally get more sleep (~6-7 hrs) and know this WOE is really helping. Any info you could give me would be greatly appreciated!

Tig :wave:

Piano Fri, May-09-03 09:47

I have never read book I. What is the overall recommendation for carbs during each of the phases?

Tigger, judging by your comments, your experience and your current weight, you have probably assessed yourself correctly as insulin sensitive with burned out adrenal glands.


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