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spacebug77 Sun, Jul-08-12 02:01

Rain or Low Barometric Pressure = Fatigue & Fogbrain
I get fatigue and fogbrain when the weather changes... Low barometric pressure, rain/fog/high humidity all make me tired, achey, and spaced out. Sometimes, I get a migraine, too..ugh.

Does LC and/or casein (dairy) free dieting help?


quietone Mon, Jul-16-12 11:16

for me, it helps with everything!

I still don't like two days in a row of rain, but I don't have the feelings I had before with it.

I'm not completely casein free, because I do sometimes have a whey protein drink if I'm in a rush, but I've found with occasional use it doesn't seem to bother me.

Nancy LC Mon, Jul-16-12 12:57

I remember reading somewhere that the air pressure changes while going up/down elevators. Do you feel bad when going down an elevator?

spacebug77 Tue, Jul-17-12 02:45

Elevators don't bother me too much...

Barometric pressure - primarily a drop in pressure - can really make me fatigued/achey and give me stuffy sinuses or even a migraine.

I have some remedies that help, but not as much as I would like them too... I'm hoping that LC/gluten & dairy free will help - especially w energy. I also get sick ALL the time, especially when it's damp & rainy..

quietone Tue, Jul-17-12 06:36

almost sounds like you might have a mold allergy, which the dampness usually enhances.

spacebug77 Tue, Jul-17-12 15:02

What do you do or a mold allergy - besides give up sugar/gluten/dairy & taking probiotics? thanks.

quietone Fri, Jul-20-12 10:42

I have no clue what can be done. Possibly use a dehumidifier inside.
Otherwise, treat it like any other allergy.

mfish Fri, Jul-20-12 19:07

Originally Posted by spacebug77
I get fatigue and fogbrain when the weather changes... Low barometric pressure, rain/fog/high humidity all make me tired, achey, and spaced out. Sometimes, I get a migraine, too..ugh.

Does LC and/or casein (dairy) free dieting help?


When the barometer drops I get the same types of symptoms... very spacey brain fog, drowsiness, and more often than not, a migraine type headache. What's strange is that when the pressure drops at night when I am sleeping I wake up extremely agitated and am so restless I cannot resume sleeping!

I have been LC for 2.5 years and GF for the past year and it hasn't changed my sensitivity to atmospheric pressure drops. I'm not casein free, so can't comment on that. I can say that I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies and all my skin problems are gone (rashes from food allergies/sensitivities). Before I was LC I was sick ALL OF THE TIME. Now... hardly ever and when I am, it's not bad at all.

Nancy, that's funny about elevators. I never made the connection to pressure changes in a moving elevator... I get vertigo something fierce from using them, even if it's just a floor or two, just more incentive to take the stairs.

Not sure if it's related or not, but I also get extremely carsick if I try to do anything besides looking straight ahead through the point of travel, and I can't ride in the backseat either... I've been like this my whole life for all this stuff.

spacebug77 Fri, Jul-20-12 20:18

Mfish - thanks! good to know that LC can possibly help my immune system ie, lessen severity/frequency of illness...

I was GF last winter - which was mild where I live.. In March & April we made up for our mild winter w lots of rain and I was sick non-stop... So, I guess the GF doesn't affect immunity for me, but the LC might.. Good to know that there's still hope.. thanks

mfish Fri, Jul-20-12 20:27

Sure! I think another huge thing that has helped my immune system and overall health has been supplementing with Vitamin D... it's so important I feel it has to be mentioned :)

spacebug77 Sat, Jul-21-12 03:57

Yes! Vitamin D is fantastic! I do wonder what it really does... I think that there's way more to it than anybody knows right now...

The first time I was tested (2009) my Vitamin D was at 12! I felt so much better when I started taking it, but then I felt like too much wasn't a good thing either.. I think that for me it can upset the hormonal balance in my body a bit (it's actually a hormone - not a vitamin). I'm curious to know where the research will go re finding what it interacts with besides thyroid hormones... It's all such a puzzle

I'll let you know what happens w the Casein Free changes, speaking of puzzle pieces..

ebeadss Wed, Sep-05-12 11:25

I agree about the vitamin D. A couple of years ago my blood showed very low and have been taking D supplements since. I feel my absolute worst when the barometric pressure drops. For me it is not a mold or humidity issue ... just the pressure. Once the storm starts and the front is passing I get relief. I swear in the winter my body ache can predict the weather better than the TV meteorologists. They say one inch snow, but my shoulders are hurting like four ... sure enough we get four. :-)

mardatha Mon, Jun-17-13 07:12

Can I ask how vitD interacts with thyroid ?

quietone Tue, Jul-02-13 12:39

I don't have experience in this, but I've read that Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in autoimmune thyroid problems like Graves' disease and Hashimoto's. Not causing, but contributing.

richchiro Thu, Nov-14-13 07:17

Mfish me too
Originally Posted by mfish
When the barometer drops I get the same types of symptoms... very spacey brain fog, drowsiness, and more often than not, a migraine type headache. What's strange is that when the pressure drops at night when I am sleeping I wake up extremely agitated and am so restless I cannot resume sleeping!

I have been LC for 2.5 years and GF for the past year and it hasn't changed my sensitivity to atmospheric pressure drops. I'm not casein free, so can't comment on that. I can say that I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies and all my skin problems are gone (rashes from food allergies/sensitivities). Before I was LC I was sick ALL OF THE TIME. Now... hardly ever and when I am, it's not bad at all.

Nancy, that's funny about elevators. I never made the connection to pressure changes in a moving elevator... I get vertigo something fierce from using them, even if it's just a floor or two, just more incentive to take the stairs.

Not sure if it's related or not, but I also get extremely carsick if I try to do anything besides looking straight ahead through the point of travel, and I can't ride in the backseat either... I've been like this my whole life for all this stuff.

Mfish have you figured out what causes your symptoms yet. I have the exact symptoms. Even the waking up at night agitated. Please respond with any discoveries you made

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