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Lori_:) Sun, Dec-31-23 14:31

LC Our WAY #9-Here we come...2024!!!!
2024 in 3....2....1!!!!!!! Happy New Year! :Party:

niccofive Sun, Dec-31-23 14:45


Happy Early New Year!!

Bringing it in with a presumed RAVENS WIN which makes them the BEST TEAM WHOOOOOOO

Jaz66 Sun, Dec-31-23 16:32

3nd in and we are "going in" early!!!!!- Getting that jump on 2024!
:Party: :dazzle: :cheer: :dazzle:
Hours to go!!!!!!!!!!

May 2024 - be truly the best ever!

Jaz- Reboot
Nic- Open (love that) alot!

Lets DO this ladies!!!!!

Lori_:) Sun, Dec-31-23 16:45

My word will be: Consistency

Whirrlly Mon, Jan-01-24 05:41


Heavens to Betsy guys, how did that other thread hit 138,000 views?? Is that real? there ain't no way that can be real LOL

Lori, love your word consistency. But is that new for you HAHA you been consistent for many years now, but yea, I am sure you want to continue it :) :) I look to you always as my 'end goal' of losing my last darn few lbs and hitting that consistent maintenance zone I want to be.

Nicco, glad things are going well for ya and you get your down time in DE. I had no idea your construction work was on this girl. I talk doing this and that but you and Lori are doing it :) I ain't even truly considered starting work, well almost the bath redo a bit but heck the holiday time slowed that up.

what is your word? OPEN? didn't see that but Jazz listed it.

Jazz, your new cottage digs sound SO COOL!
Cop next door, good thing.
Hey Lori's son is a policeman so now we got 2 policemen we know, well 3, cause bestie Barb's sis, Pat, her hubby is a cop and get his nickname, COPPY! haha but he is sooner to retire now, Pat just retired from teaching so Coppy will be retiring from the force soon too. ohhh, off on a chat tangent here LOL

dead washer, HUH? wow. never simple is it.

would love pics later.

is the back fenced in any way for Ruger.....if not would the landlord allow you to put up temp fencing? many easy temp fencing you could put around her back door ya know....just thoughts.

Good word: REBOOT! well do just that :) get more good roasts for the oven :thup: ;)

------------------I boozed it up a bit last night.....oh yes I did.
rum and diet pepsi, then I got off the pepsi fast cause it just tasted nasty to using a small amt of sugar free fruit punch powder in water to flavor up the rum some.

couldn't drink alot. real fast the guts started to turn on me LOL but I got buzzed up for a second. Old days of partying are going long gone for me now HA ugh

had a fab ribeye steak. had one of those super tender and tasty to die for ones and I am always appreciative when I do get that perfect steak. I tell ya just by looking at them you can't tell sometimes if chewy or tender.....oh well, eat it and shut up right!!

Word for this year: FINISH

yup. I want that last 15 off me. I am gonna think on ways to do just this. I am basically maintaining now and eat SO ZC well but kinda scared to change it up back into 'diet mode' to 'force' off lbs. Gonna change up how I eat and see what goes down!?! gonna be careful doing this.

day 1.
eating lean.
omg! I haven't even started the darn day, I say eat lean, now all I want is fatty ribs right now :( this ain't gonna be easy I don't think but we shall see

ok into the new year we go.
lets see how we all fare thru it!
be good all

Lori_:) Mon, Jan-01-24 08:37

Good Morning & Happy 2024!!

I was in bed before 9:30 last night. I heard someone shooting off fireworks at midnight and just rolled over and went back to sleep. :yawn:

I thought my gut issues were resolved, but nope....back again. WTH? I stopped taking the Red Yeast Rice capsules thinking that was the issue, but still going on. I don't know what is causing it, but I'm tired of it! Ugh.

We invited a single friend to come for dinner tonight, so I have to get my Pork & Sauerkraut into the oven around Noon. I like to roast it for a good 5 hours.

I'm going to get some movement in today, but may need to do a video here at home since I'm having "issues" again. :mad: I have my food all planned out for today and will be staying on track for Day #1. I'm staring at 10 lbs that need to go this year. This 10 lbs of "hard lard" has been sticking to me for a few years now...time for it to go!

Have a good day everyone!

niccofive Mon, Jan-01-24 09:01

Happy New Year, friends!
Grateful for the long time that we have spent together. :)

Looks like there is a pretty strong focus on dropping the last 'whatever' this year. I'm OPEN to it (see how I did that?!) but just going to keep walking along. It will happen, or not. But definitely will root you all on along the way!

Today Dh and I do some final sorting of the upstairs, with the movers coming in the morning to move the larger pieces of furniture around. Our king bed will go down to the basement bedroom and all the rest of the upstairs furniture will go to the main level living room, and the basement bedroom furniture into the rec part of the basement. Temporary mess but it will all be worth it in the end.

I spent an hour doing a retrospective of the year 2023. It was helpful for me to see that the high stress times were/are temporary. Things pass. The good stuff rises to the surface for me, always. It's just the way my brain works and I'm grateful for that.

Wishing all of us another year together of being open, balanced, persistent and to finish each day with pride for how we showed up. :rheart:

Jaz66 Mon, Jan-01-24 10:09

2024!!!!!!!! We have "Arrived"- May we plow through and finish strong! :dazzle:

Lori- I am really wondering if indeed your "guts" could be that Red Yeast? Or something you are no longer tolerant of. YUM on the pork roast!
Love your word consistency! It fits!

I was in bed by 10:00- I also heard fireworks and rolled over and went back to sleep! LOLOLOL

Trig - Love your word. Finish! I want that too! Need to reboot first! LOLOLOL
OMG I got to tell you I made that roast yesterday in the I-Pot- it was the BEST roast I have ever made. I CHOWED on it. I shredded it with a fork- and poured some broth over it and sprinkled red pepper flakes in it. OMG melts in mouth. We are going to nail this with BEEF!!!!!!!

Any updates on Kiddo car? - Enjoy your next week!!!!!!

Nic- - Any word for the year? We always need our special word!

Sounds like it will be super busy for you with your revamp of the house! But like you said it will be worth it in the end!
I spent an hour doing a retrospective of the year 2023. It was helpful for me to see that the high stress times were/are temporary. Things pass. The good stuff rises to the surface for me, always. It's just the way my brain works and I'm grateful for that.
- Love that! Plus so true. Given enough time, it heals a lot and gives us the sunlight after a period of night! The sun does come out!

Do you know we have already hit over 100 views already? Who is lurking???????? I know we have such exciting lives!!!!! LOLOLOL :lol: :lol:

I have one more room to unbox and then I will be 98% done. I worked really hard to get the kitchen working and boxes emptied. I unboxed close to 20 boxes. Took them to a dumpster to recycle yesterday!

Doing ribs today, and unboxing! I am feeling so good about it all! New starts- clean slate!

Goal: for 2024:
1.) drop last 25 pounds
2.) Start walking X 3 times weekly
3.) Start Writing again
4.) Join one group of my interest- ie, card group, walking group, a meet up group, book club. Something to get to know people .

Off to unpack a box and get another cup of coffee!

WELCOME 2024! - WE got this! :agree: :D

Lori_:) Mon, Jan-01-24 11:39

Where do you all see the "views" etc for our thread? I don't see anything about that on my page??

Just wondering....

Nevermind.....found it! I'm just a little slow. :lol: :spin:

Lori_:) Tue, Jan-02-24 06:12

Good Morning!

Up way too early with a busy day ahead. I'll do my workout this morning around 9, and then I have to get ready to go out for lunch with my golfing ladies group. One of the girls retired at the end of the year and we're having her party today.

Dinner last night was good, though I think I overcooked the pork roast a bit as it was a little dry. Certainly edible, but could have been better. At least we had our sauerkraut for good luck for 2024! ;) The friend we invited was here for about 3 hours and I was more than ready for him to go home. He's a nice guy, but he never stops talking. :eek:


Jaz......You have been busy unpacking boxes and getting settled! I'm sure you're so happy to have your own "stuff" unpacked and ready to use. Do you have a busy week as far as work goes? Back to reality after the holidays.

Nic.....You are doing a much bigger remodel than we are! Whew! Mine doesn't involve any electrical or new plumbing or anything like that, or tearing down walls. It sounds like you have a major project happening. So great that you have your place in DE to escape to.

Trig....Hope DH can get things sorted with DD's car this week. She'll be heading back to school soon, right? I'm sure she's ready to get back in her routine with her friends etc.


I was doing well with my eating yesterday until our friend came and brought a pan of PB fudge. My freakin' good. Talk about a sugar bomb! I should throw it out, but DH loves it too, so I have to just do my best to ignore the fact that it's sitting on my kitchen table!

Have a good day!

Whirrlly Tue, Jan-02-24 12:34

Lori, a sugar bomb LOL yea I ate tons of that crap in the past :) weeee, avoid like the plague HAHA

yea the views are before ya click the thread on the into the 138K can that be? I don't know, crazy

Nicco, loved reading your post. Open balance your good rises to the top. just feel like you are finding your way in good form and also you are 'getting thru the things' that slam ya when they do. I like all that!

Jazz, YUM on your roast sounding so good.
I got big pork country ribs in oven right now. making ALOT of them for a few leftover eats. I don't mind them reheated at all. Alot of meat I won't eat leftover like steak...nope. but my pork ribs do well cause I keep ALL that juicy fat from the pan and a reheat in that fat is still mouth watering to me.


------------so the Chop is down. Yup, chills, sweats and etc. I am sure it was ER visit. kiddo is 'ok' but off a bit but I don't feel like she is gonna go down like the Chop.

Me, PERFECTLY fine and avoiding the plague in the house best I can LOL

Chops immune system is crap compared to how healthy I am vs. him. He best see the damn light soon but he won't UGH I ain't bothering either, I live with his troubles best I can and go on with just my healthy, I mean what can ya do 3when one won't change? done, over it :) just keep buying him drugs and let'er go.

I asked again. 10 days in Key west area in Feb. He said nope. I said why and he said he ain't into it.....yea cause he is 'body sick
all the time it seems, sluggy, gained more lbs, was like 30 he had to lose, now it is bordering on like 50 he has to lose and yea he is going body slug down. He works ALOT and that don't help, he feels he is 'in a real job' which yea he is at this point and they need him but he is 'now off what a job for our early retirement views' were ya know.

OK I AM gonna have to fix this sh** attitude around here sooner than later before the ol' zc gal snaps.

ok chat up later, be good all

Jaz66 Tue, Jan-02-24 16:57

Hey ladies-

Taking a break in-between charts! BACK TO REALITY and work. I got my office pretty much in order. Few things left- not much.

I ventured to Costco on my way back home from a Visit with a client. DOES anybody work anymore??!?!?!?!?- They were PACKED! Anyway- got some shredded pork (cooked) heat and eat, and some breakfast sausage, paper products for the new place. I am set for a minute!
Ok that break was short, now I am eating dinner at my desk! LOLOLOL

Trig- Ohhhhhhhh CHOP down for the count! So hope you all stay healthy! IT was Covid too he was exposed to! Fingers crossed. I know 2 people at work that had Covid and my DD all had the Flu. So much right now out there! Girl- keep staying healthy!!!! Keep some Vita D, C, Mucinex just in case in the house!

How is MIL? What did you have for dinner? We are day 2!!!

- Glad you had a good time with your friend over. I think it is a hoot when men are chatter boxes!

Have fun at your Golf gals party!
Did you do a workout video today? What did you make for dinner?

Nic- Hey there! Has the Demo started? DE tomorrow? -

Still have 3 boxes left to unpack. I need now to orginize my clothes closet and the linen closet. I basically just shoved stuff in there to make room! LOL

Bought a Welcome mat for the front door. Not sure where the last one went. Little stuff now. Big stuff done!

LOVING LOVING LOVING my streaming service. I get all my fav channels and a few perks too! I have not been a big TV watcher. But I have a BIG screen TV now and MOVIES- and my new couch back! I am in it!

Work is humming along- no drama there. I am still learning my job. So far it is not hard. It is a bunch of little rules about how to chart for attorneys. It's the language. It is not hard. You gotta be super organized too though. I might struggle a bit with that here and there. The older I get the less I care about time.

Well, off to see whats on the TUBE........

2 Days into to REBOOT and 100%. Humming along with that too!

Lori_:) Wed, Jan-03-24 07:21

Good Morning!

We had a good time at our golf gals retirement party. We all buy lottery tix for the guest of honor and she ended up winning $117! A good day for her. I ate all manner of crap and the scale is up this morning. Ridiculous. Trying to do better today.


Jaz.....Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday! OMG....Costco is always nuts! We don't have one around here, but my sister is a member and we sometimes go when I'm at her place. Crazy! I'm trying to do a Pahla B. video every day. I'm a little stiff & sore from yesterday's dumbbell workout, to be honest. I'll get a workout in at some point today.

Trig.....Oh no...sorry to hear that DH is sick. It's sad that he doesn't want to travel and go places just when you're ready to take off. You may be right in that he doesn't feel like going because he's tired from carrying extra weight and just not feeling his best. I hope he will start to follow your good example sooner rather than later. I know he loves his job too......good luck in prying him loose!

Nic.....What's up?


I need a nap. :yawn: I was awake at 1AM and tossed and turned for a bit before getting back to sleep, then Gabby got me up at 4:30. Long day ahead.

Jaz66 Wed, Jan-03-24 08:10

Good Morning ladies!

I have my office set up sweet! TV on the left, Personal laptop on the right and electric standing desk in the middle. Best buy ever that standing desk. It is electric and goes up and down. LOVE it. I found the cord to my walking pad that is also set up in the office! No excuses!

Lori- WHEEEEEE you gal pal had a party and ended up 117$ for coming to boot! Lottery tickets are fun for a party. We had a party last year (MUSC) Charleston. We all had to bring a gift and it could be swapped twice before it was "retired". I had no idea what to get. So, I bought 25 dollar Holiday lotto tickets and put them in a brown paper bag with a bow. That gift was the one everyone wanted. It was fun to watch!

You will get to your "all manners of eating" soon. After awhile you will find it just doesn't feel good. We all go through that. It is the feeling good that drives me. No worries, you are at goal.

Hard to believe you don't have a Costco! Wow! - Well I tell you it doesn't matter WHEN I go it is crazy packed. There is only one in Greenville!
Do you have a Trader Joe????????? That is going to be my next stop!

- I am thinking about you and your family? What is the Healthy status? I hate that the Chop "got it" first. I sure hope you and kiddo can duck that one!

Post when you can!

Nic- You in DE yet? Not sure where you are landing at the moment! You move around as much as me! LOLOLOL

Still waiting to here how it was with the oldies......... I know they had a great time!

I got tired and didn't do much yesterday except work, then relax. I will take this next weekend and finish out the last few boxes and tidy it all up. It is super livable now. Just need some tweaking and organizing.

On my list is to find a Vet. Poor Ruger, his little tummy just doesn't take much. He woke up puky again this morning. I just don't know what to do with this dog. I have mentioned it to two vets that have said- try a different food. I have tried a ton of different food, including making it. I think, it is just the way he is.

Jan. is shaping up to be getting busier for work appointments for me. I seem now to have something every day this month that needs done. Reports, appointments, follow ups. They are slowly adding to my census. Job security right?!?!?! LOL - Love working in PJ's.

Nothing much else going........ Humming now and the big stress of the move is now behind me. I can focus on some good goals I have for this year.
I am still up 2 pounds from my low!! - :(

WOE- I am so in the mood for breakfast sausage and eggs today! I am going to have just that! I will top with a spoonful of salsa.

Back later gators!

Whirrlly Wed, Jan-03-24 08:51

Hey Nicco check in when ya can!!!

Lori so cool they won money on that lottery tix...too funny but heck over a 100, darn good :)

you are right, good luck in me trying to change him but ya know, I WILL....when I get a good footing soon when kiddo goes back to school a few changes gonna go down here, hope he complies or might die thru it HA hmmm

yes nap thru winter, that is ALL we can do freezin' our buns off LOL ugh

Jazz, so cool ya got your office fixed up better and OMG DID I READ.....NO DRAMA is happening....wait this can't be you HA

next weeks get yourself ALL settled in and comfy and get familiar with it all, that is all a good thing.....and with NO DRAMA do far :) love it.

Ruger. Make hamburger only for him. when I put Bolt on burger only he thrived!!!! make 1/3 lb. burgers and freeze. take out a burger and hit thaw on micro, then nuke a bit to kinda cook it but for Bolt I do leave it very red and not all cooked thru. He literally became so much better on 80/20 burger I won't ever take him off this. he eats 2 burgers per day, hell he loves it.

so meat for your carnivore dog. stop everything else. bet Ruger improves tons. also when ya change him over drain the fat mostly.....but as he improves you can keep more fat in that meat.

ok my advice to make your dog you and heal together on carnivore :)

----------------NOW HEAR THIS........NOW HEAR THIS!!!!

kiddo's car got hit in the parking lot of the body repair shop.
big big gouge on right back panel. crappin' me here on this???

they are checking if they can repair or have to order a whole new right back panel!!!!!!

I SAY IT NOW------OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA

today is simple. Pork and alot of it.

so far so good, chat up later guys, off to freeze here and wait for spring mostly LOL

niccofive Wed, Jan-03-24 14:33

Hey all-

OMG Trig NO WAY on kid's car. That is insane. I had that happen to my Nissan Quest back in the day- they smashed the back end after I had left it there for service. That was waaayyy pre-pandemic though. So sorry for her!

How's Chop feeling?

Interesting about the burger for dog food. Overall Bella seems good but I wouldn't rule it out if she were having issues. Might be worth trying just to try.

Jaz your work set up sounds great. Love that for you, and that you have a space you love (your work space sounds awesome) and also a job you seem to really like as well. Those two pounds will come off no doubt.

I hope Ruger's tummy settles.

Lori- I bet your friend was excited to win some money! DS25 won over 700 dollars on a football bet a week ago and so he and DIL are going to take a quick trip somewhere on the winnings for her birthday. :)

Well I'm about to throw myself out the door to go to an appt for DD. My days have been packed- took my mom to an appt and out to breakfast this morning, then had to be here for a pest control appt, now DD's appt. BUT I am leaving at dinnertime to head to DE.

Our house is officially under construction. I will have TIME TO SPARE starting tomorrow for a full catch up. Until then, it's 3:33 - make a wish!

Jaz66 Thu, Jan-04-24 05:47

Quickie post for me- back after work. HOLD my spot. Today is a super busy work day. Tomorrow is catch up! - Back later today. All is well.

Lori_:) Thu, Jan-04-24 08:02

Good Morning!

Up prancing around the house at midnight(thanks Gabby). She went and hid, so I went back to bed. I figured she would come back to get me, but no. DH got up with her at 5 and I stayed in bed until after 7....sweet!

I may run some errands later....not sure. It is cold and windy today and I'd just as soon stay inside. I'll do my workout later and find something for DH for dinner and that will be my day. DH is back to work for a few hours this morning and I'm loving the peace and quiet. With the holidays and cold weather he's been around ALL the time. I'm glad to have him, but give me a break! :p

I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around trying to lose weight. Scale is up do to muscle soreness and it's discouraging. I think daily weighing is starting to mess with me. I'm used to being able to drop a couple pounds of gain easily and it's just not happening right now. I also don't want to log my food or count anything. I've been spoiled in my maintenance and now my body is not responding as usual. Sigh.......sick of thinking about all of it. For now I'm just going to be mindful and keep carbs low and let the scale do what it's going to do.

Sorry....just in a whiny mood today.

Onward we go!

Jaz66 Thu, Jan-04-24 16:40

Promise to be back in tomorrow. I have bubble guts and just feel icky today.
Work was rough when ya don't feel good.

Bed early-

Tomorrow another day.

Put a roaster chicken in the IPOT- OMG it was good. Hope it stays gentle on my tummy. Sighhhhhhhhh- lost those 2 pounds in a very rough way. I will leave it at that. - Plain chicken with salt and broth. Ruger LOVED IT- hahahahah
I was fighting for my food!

HOLY SMOKES TRIG- I am not surprised though at the incompetence of these body shops. Totally sucks!

Lori- I feel your frustration of the scales and body not "bouncing" the way it should. You got this- Maybe some tweaking.

Nic- You make it to DE?!?!?!?!?

Till tomorrow ladies

niccofive Thu, Jan-04-24 18:47

Hi y'all-

yup I'm in DE- got here last night. I've enjoyed a nice day - reading, grocery, cooking, music- just all around good. :)

Jaz sorry you are feeling icky. That is no fun! Hoping for a better tmrw for you.

Lori, hugs to you- you sound discouraged today. You can always consider doing a trial of changing how often you weigh and see what you think of it. No need to make it permanent and scary!

Trig - any update on DD's car?

Jaz66 Fri, Jan-05-24 07:12

Good Morning Ladies!

I slept! I feel better. I haven't eaten yet though either. It will be another light day in that area. I am switching up red meat to chicken and pork for this week. I just need a week to lighten it up before I go back to my steak! I will though. It works for me.

Nic- Glad you made it to DE! Sounds like you are enjoying your quiet time after all the hoopla of the holidays. Personally, I am glad we are in Jan. headed towards Spring!

Do you ever take winter beach walks? Are you still doing your book club?
How are the "kids" doing?

Lori- Did you sleep in today? Feels amazing doesn't it! I know you are in the cold zone right now! ICK. I am with ya on looking for some sun.
Do you ever put on a fire? So cozy that would be!

On the scale, I agree with Nic- I would just focus on the clean eating. We all know by now what we need to do. You do very well with it all for the most part. That being said, we live in the real world with activities and every now and again enjoy. If it were a daily thing that would pack on the pounds. Here and there at goal weight...... nah.....

Trig- - I am upset FOR your kiddo! I know how much she wanted her car back! Remember last year at this time I was in a rental because the TIRE STORE- backed a truck on my car and crushed the front end! I was there for a new tire. It so happens. I didn't like being in the rental either! I hear ya on wanting HER car back!

How is the Chop doing? Is he feeling better? How is MIL? Is she still in the hospital? HOW ARE YOU DOING?!?!?

It seems weird that I have only been in this Cozy Cottage for a week now. One week ago, I moved in here! This weekend I plan to do nothing planned. I will sleep, eat, and putter as I need to. I am tired. I am ready to settle for a second!

I need to put in a solid 8 hours at work today. I have 3 reports due. They each take about 90 minutes. I will be ready for 5 pm today.

EATS: my fridge is full of Chicken, Pulled pork, Salmon, Pot roast, eggs. Plenty to pick from. I indulged and bought some "smoked pulled pork" from Costco. It is actually better than I make. You get 2 pounds for 9.99. DEAL! I like it because it is just smoked pork- no sauce. You add your own. Not slathered in carbs.
I am thinking about taking those Egg Life wraps and making pork roll ups! YUM

All set for today.

Lori_:) Fri, Jan-05-24 07:37

Good Morning!

Yes, I slept in until 7. DH got up with Gabby at 5. I woke up early this morning with my left knee just throbbing. Good grief. It's not bad now, but I must have been lying on it somehow....ouch!

Today I'll do laundry...bedding etc. and just putter around. I'll get a workout in at some point. Maybe a run to the grocery store. It will be nuts at the store since they are calling for snow tomorrow afternoon into Sunday. 3-6 inches, I think. Bah! Everyone will be stocking up on milk & bread! :lol:

DH is going to work this morning so I'll have a few hours to myself. We were thinking about going to our DD's tomorrow or Sunday, but the impending snow storm has changed that plan. Oh well.....I'll be content to stay in where it's safe & warm.

Have a good day!

Whirrlly Sat, Jan-06-24 08:04

Nicco, you had the parking lot car smash too LOL wild isn't it? ugh

enjoy DE!! sounds like everything is going in good form for you right now, keep it that way :)

Jazz, bubble guts, good grief woman! glad you are on the mend tho. time to eat more bland ya know, let the guts heal and you should be fine fast.

good Ruger loved his chicken. Bolt existed on chicken for like 10 years but I found he does so much better on beef. the chicken just doesn't 'all vits/mins and good fat' that chicken does. But hey chick and beef as his only carninvore meals would be great for him.

yea I remember your massive car trouble too LOL boy we all get it at some point.

car will be ready mon. for pickup

Lori, flurries coming your way....wowza
we were told ice this morning but nope, thank heavens, jsut big rain right now. hubby was like 'fill the bathtub' with water to flush cause ICE is coming and I was like, nope. you want it you do it HAHA Power outage always come with ice issues here. he has this control freak issue with bathtub water whenever the word ICE is in the forecast. ugh

hell I got a pool outside. I got plenty of water to flush with HAHA

I SO HEAR YOU loud and clear. it is almost impossible to 'go back' into diet mode and follow that type of life anymore. I can't do it either!!! do just what you said, you eat the way you know you should be and just move more if ya can thru this lousey winter. dont push yourself or you could flip out a bit....wait that isn't you right? that is me LOL If I push too much in 'diet stage' I swear I will say screw this sh** and backslide like a yea I gotta watch me on this too.

you wrote what I think also. made me wake up a bit on how hard I wanna 'diet' anymore for sure.....good thoughts to put out there, I needed to read just that.

-----------big rain
ick day
kid sleep
dog sleep
hubby to work
me to do whatever, like vacuum :)
day will be kinda nothing. might binge watch something on tv.
just blah rain gray ick day here. not in the mood to do much.

got chuck roast to go into oven soon. yup gonna hound alot of that down.

ok over and out for now. be good all

Lori_:) Sat, Jan-06-24 08:10

Good Morning!

Quiet around here! I slept in until nearly 8 o'clock. I've been having trouble getting to sleep and then wake up at 2AM and lay there unable to sleep. It's driving me crazy. I took Melatonin last night, but that didn't seem to help at all. So it goes.

The scale is finally starting to trend in the right direction. I joined a weight loss challenge on MyFitnessPal that starts today, so I'm really trying to tighten things up. It is a 10 week challenge that wants you to lose 5% of your starting weight. That would be 8 lbs for me. I would be happy with that for sure! The 10 weeks will end just 10 days before DSis and I go on our cruise. Good timing since I know I'll be gaining 7-10 lbs in that week!

We're just sitting here waiting for the snow to start. 4-8 inches is the latest prediction. Too depressing for words. I'm not cooking for the next couple days as we have leftovers galore in the fridge. DH will just be having this and that. He's fine with it, as am I.

Have a good weekend!

Jaz66 Sat, Jan-06-24 09:27

It is 10:00 and I JUST ROLLED out of bed!
Record for me! I was EXHAUSTED.- I feel amazing now after 10 hours of sleep. I needed it.

Woke up to monster rain here and frekin cold. 40 degree rain! I will take it over your 8 inches of snow Lori!

Lori- I needed sleep so much last night I popped ONE Benadryl. 25 mg not the full 50mg does. It worked for me. But I was so sleep deprived anyway. Melatonin does nothing for me.

I bet your hubby goes out to "play" in the snow. Men say they are going to go "SHOVEL" something just so they can get out in it! That always made me laugh when I lived in Ohio and my "then husband" would say: Well time to go shovel- I would see him playing in the snow. He eventually did get the driveway clear. Then he would come in an complain how cold it was. INSERT eye roll! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do My Fitness Pal - I just landed into a blog board. I wanted the tracker portion and can't find it. I guess I need to mess it it a bit more. I want the part where you put in what you ate and it tells you calories and carbs. I know it has that feature!

YAY on no cooking. I forgot you are taking a Spring Cruise! Where? What Cruise line? I am so over winter! Fun thing to plan for!

Trig- YAY on the getting kiddo car Monday. She goes back next week?

Yea I am thinking the "bubble guts" was some virus going around. There is a ton of that here. SC is the hot spot right now!

I know you are in the rain today! I am thinking pot roast or pulled pork tomorrow. Today is finishing up my chicken.
Glad hubby doing better. How is your MIL? Thinking about her. Hoping she gets on the mend soon.

Funny on the bath water to flush! Yea.... I don't think you and I have that to worry about! Why we live in the South! I haven't seen snow in almost 5/6 years now. I knew that I had to leave VA before the first flurry!!!!! NO THANKS

Nic- - You got the winter mix coming your way too! Time to hunker in! Sometimes I love those days. Stay in days.

What is on your agenda this weekend? Nesting? You make a big pot of chili and watch football?????

It is now 10:30 and I am on my 2nd cup of coffee. I so have on my flannel pj bottoms. Going nowhere today. I do wish though I have the forethought to have picked up some "granny" logs for the fireplace. MEH- I need to putter anyway and not babysit a fireplace. I also need to get a fireplace set. Been a minute since I needed one of those.

Putter day here. Staying 100% on track today. I am also think a Spring "get away". I might browse and see what I can find!

Later Gators-

From rainy SC

Lori_:) Sat, Jan-06-24 10:50

Jaz.....MyFitnessPal....on my Chromebook, the food diary is just called Food. On the phone, it is called My Diary or something like that. I've been logging food on Carb Manager and just using MFP for the Community.

Trig...Hope you don't get ice that takes out your electricity. No good.
Nic....Are you getting ice in DE?


I'll be glad when it snows and DH can go out and play in it. He's driving me crazy. Asked me what the date is today and I told him and then he's doubting that I'm right. Now he's calling people and he talks so loudly on the phone I could scream. Thank God for my Bose headphone to blunt it a bit. Between the TV volume and him on the phone.....Good Grief! :eek:

Lori_:) Sun, Jan-07-24 05:33

Good Morning!

Gabby was ready to get up at 5AM, so an early start to my day. She had breakfast and wanted to go outside and investigate the snow from last night. We only got a bit over 4 inches and then some rain. A mess! DH will be going to the Rec Authority this morning to do a bit of plowing, so I'll have some peace & quiet! I haven't been out of the house for a few days and won't be venturing anywhere today either. I'm happily in hibernation mode! I'll probably get out tomorrow and go to the grocery store and meat market.

I slept a bit better last night, though it did take me a bit to get to sleep. I took an AdvilPM, but it didn't seem to help me drift off quickly as I'd hoped. At least I didn't lay awake for hours in the middle of the night! :yawn:

No plans for today other than my PB workout and a hot shower. We're still working thru leftovers in the fridge, so I'll just warm something up for DH for dinner.

Have a good Sunday!

Jaz66 Sun, Jan-07-24 07:33

Sunday Morning!

I still wonder who all those "lurkers" are..... at 910 and counting. I know our lives are SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITING! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lori- Urghhhhh 4 inches of snow? Yea..... your hubby off to "play" in the snow.
Have you tried Pilates? I am thinking of doing a beginners version of that. I was reading this article about this lady 60 years old that does weight training (light) and Pilates and she looks fabulous. I know I need to begin SOMETHING!

Still eating your way through leftover?!?!?!?!- wow. If I don't eat something within 2 days, it gets pitched. I am squeamish with "old" food.

I would be nesting in that weather too!!!!!!
Tell me about your cruise! I have forgotten already! LOL

Trig- I see you escaped the ice up there! Just cool now and sunny!
What are you and the kiddo doing this week? You have the flu up there as bad as it is here?
I am not a masking type of person but it is crossing my mind these days when I go to the store.

Nic- Hey there lady of leisure! Reading any good books lately? You going to put on a pot of soup and watch the game today?

That shiny orb in the sky is presenting itself today it its full glory! Cool out but still enough for me to think with a heavy jacket a walk might be in order. Super wet still here. Mud/grass. My pup loves the mud, so I won't be taking him unless I go the paved route.

I made so super headway on organizing my bedroom and office. But still have maybe one more day on it to make it the way I need it.

Got a pot roast to slap in my IPOT today. I love using the IPOT. SO easy to use and clean up. It leaves meat so fork tender. You just can't get that in an oven.

Well I have drained my coffee cup..............

Have a good one!

Jaz66 Mon, Jan-08-24 06:17

Good Monday Morning-

Full week- no more holidays! Back to the grind. Well..... Last poster and first poster! Double duty here! LOLOL

Got my last box unpacked and everything now has a place! I feel so much better about it all. Clutter gets to me! I don't mind a bit of dust here and there; clutter drives me batty. I like open spaces.

I was strongly asked to help a co-worker do a visit today. She had an emergency and can't make it so I was asked to step in. The appointment is 1.5 hr each way drive! That will be my day. Oh well I will get caught up tomorrow, on MY work! LOL At least it will be a nice travel day. Got big rains slated for tomorrow!

I got a picture from my friend up in Mass. Talk about SNOW dump! WOW! No thanks. I loved her picture. PICTURE! :)

I have nothing else huge shaking right now. Just trying to get my work done, and have energy after work! Work life balance is a real thing. I just don't feel 30 anymore! LOL or 50 for that matter. I am pushing 58 next week and feel every bit of it.

Speaking of age.......I was thinking how cool it would be to celebrate my 60th (2 years) In Italy. I'm serious. If I started to plan something now it could be doable. I know money goes a bit further there. I have never been out of the country. It is on my bucket list. Just something I am kicking around. My biggest obstacle is me. I am not a fan of flying. Flying over an ocean is scary with a big SCARY to me. I know once I would get there it would be fine. It is the "getting there". Anyway...... Something I am truly thinking about.
I would be about to save enough to go- and I would take 2 weeks off. I would have someone stay here with Ruger. So..... Been thinking about it all.

Time to look at that "bucket list"- while still "young and able". LOLOLOL

EATS: My pot roast was ....LOLOL a hockey puck yesterday. I had to go to plan B. Luckey I had a beautiful piece of Salmon. I like my salmon just cooked. Juicy and slightly pink. Fish has that find line too over being over cooked. Thankfully I nailed it with the fish!

Well time to finish off this coffee and jump in the shower. I need to be on the road in an hour! It will be a pretty drive- all country. It is in the middle of NOWHERE SC. - countryside drive!

Have a good one.

Whirrlly Mon, Jan-08-24 07:01

Lori, darn ya got 4 in. and we know PA the winter is only gonna get tougher :) hang in there.

Without your Bose headphones I don't think you could survive your home HAHA Love reading you need those to combat your DH times LOL

winter time and new routines to adjust and we freeze and only want to slug out under blankets in the recliner :) you know when seasons flip I feel like everything has to reset for me. Down here we rarely have spring, it is like we vault fast into high heat and darn, we never have a real fall, we hold that higher heat til BAM it drops to the 30s in one night telling us here that any summer/fall is way over. at least up North I felt we had like a real 4 season life. down here I got a 2 season life kinda. oh well I am rambling lol

Jazz, glad your home is settling in so fine for ya.
yea take time to relax and just 'do the work grind' a bit, find some good new routine and chill out.

Italy...darn go for it but you sound like me. I flew a few times and hated every time on that plan LOL but darn if that wouldn't be a fab bucketlist trip for you!!

hockey puck ya do that? :) ugh

Hey Nicco....what's doing in DE?

-------------temp dropped big again. 22 this morning. come on, what southern crap is that right? I die in the low 50s....this 20s is making me bonkers, lol. I go out to the freezer in the garage in shorts and a T barefoot of course and by the time I get back in I am a popsicle....yea I have like no winter clothes but time to break out the darn thicker sweat pants for survival here. time to search out the fluffy ol' robe in my closet now too....brrrr

hubby wears like 3-4 layers outside. I am in shorts and T....too funny. he says lets go into the camper to chat cause we are gonna get new recliners and change up some placement inside it for better travel since kiddo is basically not in these trips anymore....I go out barefoot, shorts/T and am like damn BRRR and like 15 mins later, come on ya know, he comes out in 3 layers of clothes. I said lets hurry this up I am cold and he is like, well hell dress for it then! I am like, hell no, I don't wear winter clothes, I just struggle thru til the weather suits my summer stuff again LOL I must be nuts in some ways. but then he dumps all those clothes on the hamper pile. come on, I put them back into the closet cause I ain't washing that stuff he wore for a darn 30 mins. With him working this job outside mostly for the car place I end up with like 3 layers each day of stuff he wears and omg the pile gets big real fast. I gotta find a way to get rid of the hubby HAHAHA nah, I will keep him. I just gotta move his butt way further South so he doesnt require all the darn clothes to stay warm :) yea that is a plan.

omgosh I am rambling off

ok sirloin steak today with pork chops later.
not as big of a fan of the taste of sirloin steak anymore. hmnm. will eat it, on good sale :)

over and out and be good all

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