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FMN Mon, Oct-11-10 17:03

A Primal Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer
I am on my 4th day of being dairy free thanks to a post by Margot that led me to make this non-dairy creamer:

1 Can Coconut Milk
1 large egg
2 Tablespoons Coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla

I just dumped everything into the food processor and blended until a bit frothy. And it turned out to be the perfect replacement for HWC. Not that there is anything wrong with HWC for most people...I am just trying to see how my body responds.

More pics here:

doreen T Mon, Oct-11-10 17:16

Mmmmmmmm ... kewl :cool:

How long does it last? Can it be frozen?

How much do you use per serving?

What's the nutrient breakdown?

Doreen :rose:

Rosebud Mon, Oct-11-10 17:25

And how big is the can of coconut milk? It comes in varying sizes here. ;)

FMN Mon, Oct-11-10 17:44

Thanks Doreen! I made it Thursday, and it was still good today, so at least 5 days. And I used about 2 tablespoons in a 10 ounce cup of coffee. The calories are about the same as HWC (106 vs 103), and 1.1 carbs! There's a chart on the blog with some more detail about the mineral content, which is pretty good!

Rosebud, thanks for making me clarify that! I used a 403ml can, 13.66 fluid ounces. I wish we could get smaller cans here, because my husband will open one and use a few spoonfuls and the rest will spoil. But if I keeping doing this, maybe that will not happen anymore!

Rosebud Mon, Oct-11-10 17:55

Thanks Patty. :)

doreen T Tue, Oct-12-10 11:33

Thank you! Will definitely give this a whirl (pun intended :D)

Now if only someone could come up with a tasty aged coconut cheese ... keyword: *tasty* :spin:


bike2work Tue, Oct-12-10 14:08

Hey -- this is pretty good! It definitely works better than either coconut oil or coconut milk alone. It has a different flavor than cream, but it gives that softness to the coffee that cream does. I omitted the vanilla because I don't like flavored coffee.

When I first read this thread I dismissed it because I knew that I could never use up a batch before the egg becomes questionable. Then I decided that I can also use it in protein shakes. (I make them with Now brand eggwhite protein, which tastes better than whey protein and is certain not to have casein in it.) Made without the vanilla, the creamer can also go in sauces, soups, other dishes.

Thanks Margot and Patty. :yum:

ETA: I wondered if I would get a little wad of scrambled egg at the bottom of my coffee cup. I just finished my coffee and there's nothing there but the usual bit of coffee bean silt.

FMN Mon, Oct-18-10 09:13

Someone just left a comment on my blog that she couldn't use the egg right now (on a 30 day plan that doesn't include eggs) but she was going to try another option....put the can of coconut milk in the fridge for a bit, drain off the watery part and then whip the coconut cream. That sounds pretty good too, and a good option if you are out of eggs.

Buttoni Sat, Feb-12-11 21:02

What a clever idea FMN! I look forward to trying this!

LadyBelle Fri, Jun-10-11 10:11

You can also buy coconut cream instead of having to separate the canned milk. I can't buy it locally, but I used to order it online. My favorite site is http://www.wildernessfamilynaturals...oconut-milk.php not sure what would be a good site for UK or Aussie friends.

LadyBelle Tue, Jan-22-13 08:49

Just now finally gave this recipe a try. Huge thumbs up from me. I haven't been having heavy whipping cream in my coffee, and barely standing it. Almond milk or strait coconut milk is way to thin and actually makes the coffee taste worse to me. I gave this a go, and am amazed, it is rich and creamy just like half and half. I used some right out of the blender, and put rest in fridge, so it hasn't had time to thicken or to separate.

Nancy LC Tue, Jan-22-13 08:55

Okay, I really do need to try this. :D

Liz53 Tue, Jan-22-13 10:13

Originally Posted by LadyBelle
Just now finally gave this recipe a try. Huge thumbs up from me. I haven't been having heavy whipping cream in my coffee, and barely standing it. Almond milk or strait coconut milk is way to thin and actually makes the coffee taste worse to me. I gave this a go, and am amazed, it is rich and creamy just like half and half. I used some right out of the blender, and put rest in fridge, so it hasn't had time to thicken or to separate.

I wonder if you could mix up just enough each day to use each day with an immersion blender? Or use an immersion blender to rehabilitate it if it separates in the fridge?

This looks like the first credible sub I've seen for HWC. In fact, I find almond milk so thin that I add 1 T. HWC to each cup. Must get some coconut milk today.

JEY100 Tue, Jan-22-13 11:45

The coconut milk sold in the dairy case to drink is a different product than coconut milk sold in a can.
Trader Joe's started carrying coconut cream in a can. It separates, so I just take all the contents and whip it together a bit. Put that into the fridge, and it stays solid but scoopable, like the texture of a mousse.

Liz53 Tue, Jan-22-13 12:16

Thanks, Janet for another great option. I'll have the chance to run into TJ's either today or Saturday. This is a good reason to do it.

Nancy LC Tue, Jan-22-13 15:55

Hopefully the lethicin in the egg yolk would keep it from separating.

LadyBelle Fri, Feb-01-13 18:29

It did start to separate for me, but it wasn't what I expected. It separated like the canned coconut milk with the creamier part on top and thin liquid below. I am going to make some more though because I found myself liking it more then cream, and without the stomach issues.

Liz53 Fri, Feb-01-13 18:47

LadyBelle, has giving up dairy products affected your weight loss?

LadyBelle Wed, Feb-06-13 08:58

Disclaimer, I haven't given up dairy completely. However, having said that, when I do cut dairy out of my diet, then yes, my weight loss does go a ton better. I also don't get a torn up stomach and bathroom visits from the lactose intolerance issues.

I have cut back, but my main issues are still cheese on my morning eggs, and cream cheese in minute muffins. I need to figure out more ways to make my morning eggs moist and tasty. Yes, there are other breakfasts then eggs, but I really like my eggs in the morning and feel weird if I don't have an egg based dish.

I feel like I should stand up in the room and say "I'm LadyBelle and I'm a dairy addict."

Liz53 Wed, Feb-06-13 09:24

Thanks for reporting back on the dairy question, LadyBelle. Yeah, I love my morning eggs and I love my 20-22 grams of cheese in them.

I've been thinking about giving up dairy for a long time. I am now firmly back on plan and losing at a decent clip, but if/when I stall, which I'm guessing is inevitable this close to goal, dairy foods will be the first to go. And then I too can learn how they affect me.

LadyBelle Mon, Mar-11-13 16:05

Ok, what I have found is that the brand of coconut milk used makes a huge difference.

Thai brand coconut milk has the first ingredient as coconut, and the second as water. It tends to separate in the can, and the creamer made from this separates in the fridge, but whitens the coffee better and more smoothly.

The "light" Thai coconut milk is made with water as the first ingredient and coconut milk as the second. There are less carbs, and also less seperation in the can. The less carbs are prob mostly just to the product being watered down. I haven't tried making the primal creamer from this yet, so can't attest to how is turns out.

Chaokoh coconut milk is made from coconut extract. I have found no separation in the can, and no separation in the primal creamer recipe. The whitening is much less in the coffee, and it seems more creamer is needed to achieve the same result as the Thai brand. However, the Chaokoh is cheaper and slightly lower in carbs.

I am interested in trying the coconut cream or milk from Wilderness Family Naturals, as they are my favorite company for coconut products, but they have a huge issue with being out of stock constantly so have been unable to buy any recently. There also is a Trader Joe's coconut cream that could be promising, but since we don't have the store locally, I would have to purchase online.

mfish Mon, Mar-11-13 16:40

Good timing, I will be trying this, I've been thinking I will never be able to let go of the half-n-half in my coffee.

When I was heavily using canned coconut cream, the KATI brand I got at an Asian market was my favorite. I could keep the can in the fridge and there would be next to no water separate out, just heavy coconut cream I had to shovel out. It's like getting just the cream part of the Thai kitchen brand, I like that too but there is an awful lot of water that separates from it.

Liz53 Tue, Mar-12-13 07:51

I bought the TJ's coconut cream and while there was a fair amount of water at the bottom, I threw both cream (solid as a rock) and water in the cuisinart and blended it. I ended up with something very much like whipped cream. It worked well in my coffee, but when I looked at the net calories, it was way more than my HWC. I am satisfied with 1 tsp. of HWC in each cup of tea and needed closer to 1 T. of the coconut cream to get similar whitening and satisfaction.

I gave up all dairy foods for several days and it was easier than I imagined it would be. I dropped some calories which I did not replace, but I did not drop any weight. After 3 days, I reintroduced dairy products and again had no reaction, no gain. Though to be fair I probably should have continued the experiment for 30 days (who makes these rules?), I concluded that for me, dairy is not really an issue.

Nancy LC Tue, Mar-12-13 10:21

Though to be fair I probably should have continued the experiment for 30 days (who makes these rules?), I concluded that for me, dairy is not really an issue.

If you have intolerance symptoms, which you may or may not be aware of, you're not likely to notice them improving in 3 days. I'd say a couple of weeks would be a fair trial. 3 days isn't much of a trial.

For me some of my gluten issues cleared up in a week, other symptoms took a lot longer.

Nancy LC Sat, Mar-23-13 09:18

I finally made this today! I had coconut cream on hand and I poured off the water that was on top and used the harder cream. I used 2 eggs, a little bit of sweetener, and the nearly solid coconut cream, and vanilla. Came out great! This is a keeper.

Nancy LC Sun, Mar-24-13 10:56

I saw something at 7/11 that inspired me. Salted Caramel coffee. So I made coffee, added this creamer, added a touch of butter and some caramel SF syrup. Oh wow!

Nancy LC Wed, Mar-27-13 13:13

A Primal Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer (Repost)
I can never find that darn thread. I always look for it here. So I'm posting this link to it!

A Primal Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer Original post

I've been making it using:

1 can of coconut cream (Trader Joe's)
2 raw eggs
Flavorings (vanilla, sweetener (sometimes), cocoa once)

It is awesome!

This last time I added 2 heaping Tbl. of cocoa and sweetener and it is like chocolate mousse.

LadyBelle Wed, May-01-13 07:17

I'm still struggling to give up dairy. It's not so much a weight loss issue, as much as when I have HWC in my coffee, about an hour later I'm stuck in the bathroom for a good chunk of time. Would be helpful if constipated from the diet, but not on every work day.

Ceecee1018 Sat, May-18-13 18:49

Just dug out the immersion blender & put on a small pot of coffee: yes, it's 845pm, but I finally got the kitchen cleaned up & I need to try this. Picked up SF caramel syrup last nite ~ Target & I'm ready ~~ HWC doesn't bother me, but flavored creamer is the most difficult thing I have to give up.

Nancy LC Sat, May-18-13 19:24

I hope you have coconut cream instead of coconut milk. It's so much better with that. :) Hope you enjoy it. A touch of salt, or butter really makes it amazing too.

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