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Rosebud Tue, Apr-01-03 05:08

Rozzie's Fitness Attempt
It's not often I venture into the Exercise Forums, but from now on, I shall try to venture here daily.

It has been a while since I exercised regularly, so I think it may help if I document my progress here.

My exercising goals:

- To improve my metabolism sufficiently to recommence a touch of actual weight loss.
- To improve my injured back.
- To keep my joints moving to the point where my osteoarthritis presents less of a problem.
- To tighten up my flabby upper arms.

My measurements (I'm pretty impressed with my gutsiness in doing this!) in centimetres:
[26/4 I've just found my original measurements, so shall add them in]
Bust 107 102
Waist 101 89
Hips 113 110
Upper arm 36.5 34.5
Forearm Dnm 27
Thigh 64 62
Calf 44 41

I intend to post my measurements here every month.

Today's exercise:

Rebounding: 20 mins
Pilates ball and mat ex: 10 mins (restricted by shoulder pain)
Bicep curls (2.5kg weights): 8,8,8
Triceps thingies (1.2 kg weights): 8,8,12

Steps for 2005

Rosebud Tue, Apr-01-03 21:40

Today's ex:

Rebounding: 20 mins (AM) + 25 mins (PM)
Back (Pilates/ball & mat) ex: 15 mins

Rosebud Thu, Apr-03-03 05:40

It's interesting, I reeeeally didn't feel like exercising today. I put it off until tonight and then knew I had no more excuses. After all, I have to write it down here. ;) Couldn't abandon my little log so soon.
So, I've just finished about 70 mins worth.

Rebounding: 25"
Biceps curls: 10,10,10
Pecs thingies: 10
Triceps thingies: 10,10,10
Back ex: 20:

Rosebud Fri, Apr-04-03 05:33

Rebounding: 20 mins
Back ex: 15 mins

I'd have liked to have done more, but was too tired. I guess something's better than nothing. A bit.

Rosebud Sat, Apr-05-03 07:07

Rebounding: 20 mins
Biceps: 10,10,10
Triceps: 10,10,10
Pecs: 10
Back ex: 15 mins

I also worked a full ICU shift - was on my feet for much of the 8 hours. Surely that counts for something! :)

Rosebud Sat, Apr-05-03 23:17

Rebounding: 25" (AM) plus another 25" (PM) (Rozzie gives herself a big tick for that)
Back ex: 15"

The back exercises are certainly getting easier. I had not been able to do them for 2 months and they were hard to get back to. A real Catch-22 - the back pain won't be alleviated unless I exercise, but hard to do the exercises when my back's hurting! But things are improving - I hope!

Rosebud Mon, Apr-07-03 04:46

Rebounding: 20"
Walk: 20"
Back ex: 15"
Biceps curls: 10,10,12
Triceps: 10,10,12

I wonder if I'll ever reach the point where I look forward to exercising? Ain't happening yet. :daze:

Rosebud Mon, Apr-07-03 20:42

So far today...

Rebounding: 25"
Back ex: 15"

More to come...?
Nope, that was it.

Rosebud Wed, Apr-09-03 14:58

Back feeling a bit poorly yesterday (Wed) so took it easy in the exercise dept.
No rebounding or walking.

Bicep curls: 10,10,12
Triceps: 10,10,13
Pecs: 8
Back ex: 15 mins.

Rosebud Thu, Apr-10-03 23:49

Hmm, the "taking it easy" continues.

Yesterday (Thurs) I only managed 20 mins on the rebounder. Tried for more later but my back was just too sore. Ditto on the back exercises.

And today is a total day of rest. Waking up with a foul headache, sore tum as well as the usual aches and pains will do that to you!
Feeling a bit better now, but will not push the old bod.

Tomorrow is another day!

Rosebud Tue, Apr-22-03 04:56

11 days with no exercise - and don't my joints know it! Back in (gentle) action today.

Walk (slowish) 20 mins
Bicep curls 10,10,10
Triceps 10,10,12
Back exercises - about 10 minutes.

Rosebud Tue, Apr-22-03 20:54

I'm determined to get day.

So far today, I have walked - fairly briskly - for 20 mins. More to follow...

Rosebud Thu, Apr-24-03 17:02

My head was hurting too much for any walking or rebounding, but I did manage to do about 10 minutes of very gentle back exercises and also attacked my arms.
Biceps 10,10,10
Pecs 8,8
Triceps 10,10,10

Rosebud Fri, Apr-25-03 06:34

I managed a 25 minute walk today.
And a bare 10 minutes' worth of back exercises. Every little helps...

Rosebud Fri, Apr-25-03 19:04

Doing better today.

Managed 20 minutes worth of back exercises and I plan to do another set tonight.

Arm attack:
Biceps 10,10,12
Pecs 10,10
Triceps 12,12,15 :thup: I swear my arm flab will reduce one day! And surely this will help the shoulder OA too.

It's now afternoon, and I have had a brisk 25 minute walk.

And it's now nearly 9 PM. Another 10 mins of back exercises. A pretty good day for me. Considering my back is pretty sore, I think I've done a pretty good job!

Rosebud Sat, Apr-26-03 23:13

25 minutes brisk walk.

I think it's interesting that the recommencement of my exercise programme 6 days ago has coincided with the return of a decent weight loss (5.2 lbs in 5 days). Of course commencing the Old Timers Challenge has definitely helped the weight loss (Stillman for the last 5 days) but I'm sure the exercising has also played a significant part. Keep it up, Rozzie!

10.15 PM Back pretty sore tonight, so only did around 10 mins of pretty gentle back ex.

Rosebud Mon, Apr-28-03 06:11

10 mins gentle back exercises this morning.

Then a 20 minute walk this evening, followed by another 10 minutes back attack.
Biceps 12,12,12
Pecs 10,10
Triceps 12,12,15

Rosebud Tue, Apr-29-03 20:25

Forgot to write up my humble exercising attempts yesterday.

Walk: 20 mins
Back ex: 10 mins

Rosebud Wed, Apr-30-03 07:28

Walk 35 mins.
Back ex: 20 mins - really should be doing 'em more than once. :bash:
Biceps 12,12,15
Triceps 15,15,15

Measuring day tomorrow! :rolleyes:

Rosebud Sun, Oct-19-03 15:12

Poor little gym log. It's been shoved at the very back of the cupboard for over 5 months! Well time to get it out and dust it off.

I've been walking plenty - see the pedometer challenge. And I've been doing some Pilates exercises for my back, but they've been pretty haphazard.
And my arms...ahem, until yesterday hadn't done any since I last posted here. :blush: No wonder they flap enough for me to fly away...


I took 12000 steps, or 6 Km.

Back ex - 20 mins

Biceps: 10,12
Pecs: 8,8
Triceps: 10,15

Will measure myself soon. It will be interesting to compare with my original stats.

Rosebud Mon, Oct-20-03 16:01

Had a bad day yesterday (Monday). Developed a nasty headache as the day wore on, so not much exercise.

Steps - 6600

Back exercises
20 mins

Head still horrible so not sure what I'll manage today. :rolleyes:

Rosebud Tue, Oct-21-03 14:20


The head remained horrible, accompanied by lots of nausea and upchucking.
So only 4000 steps.
No back exercises.

But somehow, I did some arm exercises. :thup:

Biceps 10,10,10
Pecs 10,10
Triceps 10,10,15

Rosebud Sat, Oct-25-03 16:33

The head took a few days to come good, but is now completely better.

No back ex, due to head. But managed 11400 steps.

9800 steps.
Back ex 30"
Biceps: 10,10,12
Pecs: 10,10
Triceps: 10,10,14

11400 steps
Back: 23"

9800 steps
Back: 15"

Rosebud Sun, Oct-26-03 17:43


Pretty good day really. Although I'm still not doing 2 lots of back exercises as I should. :rolleyes:

Steps: 9200
Back ex: 25"
Biceps: 10,10,12
Pecs: 10,10
Triceps: 10,10,15

Rosebud Sun, Dec-14-03 20:45

Yikes, I've been neglecting this again! :mad: Can't believe I haven't been here since October.

I will try harder this time.

Yesterday's steps: 12400


Back ex: 25 + 15"
Various leg ex: 15"

Rosebud Tue, Dec-16-03 15:59

Hmm, I'd like to be recording how much exercising I did yesterday, but alas, I cannae do that.
Unfortunately, I overdid the back ex on Sunday. And possibly the steps, too. (12000 on Sun). Mr Back complained loud and long yesterday. It didn't help that I was tired too. Classic Catch-22. Can't sleep because the back hurts, and the back hurts more because I'm so tired. :daze: So last night I drugged myself to the gills, tucked my HWB in behind me and went off to dreamland early. Still VERY sore this morning, but settling with my friend Mr Hottle. Maybe later today I'll be able to gently do something.
Memo to self - next time I can do no ex due to a week long bout of diverticulitis, ease back into the exercising gently and slowly. :rolleyes:

6800 steps yesterday.

Rosebud Wed, Dec-17-03 16:10

Couldn't manage any exercises yesterday. But did manage to take 11000 steps! :thup:

Rosebud Thu, Dec-18-03 14:35

Thursday (yesterday)

Another 11000 steps.

About 5 minutes of gentle back exercises, mostly stretches. Not sure what I'll manage today, as I'm all snuffly with a cold. I'll just keep moving as best I can.

Rosebud Fri, Dec-19-03 15:28


10800 steps

Still taking things slowly otherwise.

Back exercises:
AM: 5"
PM" 10"

Rosebud Sat, Dec-20-03 07:40


13600 steps

Back ex: 15"
Biceps: 12,12
Pecs: 8,8
Triceps: 12,12,15
Hand grips: 10,10
Must remember to do more hand grips!

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